Looking for Some Input

Hey all, new member here.

I’m 18 years old, about 205lbs.
Not sure about the bodyfat %.

I work out 4/5 times of a school week (Intensive Cardio/Weight training mix… with one rest day) Don’t work out on the weekends, but since my abs and arms are starting to get stronger I’m going to start with pushups and situps when I get bored at home…

I weighed 212 in September, did an on/off workout thing (2 to 3 days a week no diets) and didn’t get any results. Last year I did a lot of weight training but zero cardio which caused my shoulders to bulk up, as well as forearms…

Now, I’ve moved onto a more realistic workout plan.
Every day its about the same but I switch up the weight training…

Here’s my daily schedule.

Morning: Protein shake or slimfast (whatever my mom buys for me, for the vitamins etc.)

Go to school, have plenty of energy through the first half

Lunch: Ham/Turkey sandwich with some milk and sunchips… totals about 860 calories which is a lot… but hey, school sub line…

rest of school, get very tired very quickly (possible carb deficient lunch!?)

end school… tired… unmotivated, sometimes stressed… not too bad

change into workout clothes

go to the track
Run a CONSTANT pace full mile…
take a short break, head to the weightroom.

Do arms first, then when muscle fatigue sets in… as many situps as I can do before it becomes time consuming and worthless, and then some squats or random leg workouts (maybe lunges or something)

then more cardio, 25 minutes of biking at a medium heart rate for maximum fat burn… sometimes I do more arms or something if I am feeling recovered.

end of workout (lasts from about 2:50 to 4:30)

go to track again… Do sprints until I am dead tired and or numb…

dinner: whatever is cookin… sometimes really good for me, sometimes really bad.

Fairly good workout, feel good afterwards

I’ve been keeping that routine for abouttttt 6 weeks… maybe more. I see very little loss. I do not have a belly, I have side fat, as well as chest and neck fat. My legs are far more tone than the rest of my body which is strange for me.

I am somewhat sore the day after a workout but by the time my next day workout rolls around I’m good to go.

I am looking to lose the fat on my sides and chest mostly (as I can pull off looking lean without those areas) UNFORTUNATELY [yet fortunately] you cannot spot lose… but I have not been seeing results like I want them.

I went from 208 or so… to 205 in about 6 weeks, something is missing and I am not sure what it is…

My metabolism is also very slow… I am lucky if I get to the john once a day, I hope that isnt a huge problem… but I think that is what caused me to gain the weight in the first place…

This is me as of now… sorry about your eyes :stuck_out_tongue:

These are more personal, self-reference pictures…
but to give you an idea what I look like now, and what I can do with weight training to ‘buff out’ to improve the cosmetic look (I am already in pretty good shape for my size…)

First off, you shouldn’t depend on slimfast or a protein shake for your vitamins. You need to eat REAL food! Where are the veggies? From the looks of it you MIGHT be eating some for dinner. That’s why you’re not shitting…you have no fiber in your diet.

You really need to get your diet in order. There’s a ton of articles on clean eating and I strongly suggest you read them. Also, start eating fruits & veggies. You might not be crazy about them at first, but they’ll grow on you.

The first time I went all out on clean eating I ate a ton of healthy food like veggies and oatmeal. I ate 3000+ calories of clean food. Heck, I probably over did it for my size. I will tell you this, I had the most impressive shit you’ve ever seen. I wish I could have taken a picture of it…it was legendary!

[quote]Digity wrote:
I will tell you this, I had the most impressive shit you’ve ever seen. I wish I could have taken a picture of it…it was legendary![/quote]

hahahaha legendary shit!

The shit ROSE above the water!! It was piled so high it rose ABOVE THE FUCKING WATER!!! Fuck, if I did it at home I would have taken a picture, but I was at work!

Went to GNC today, looked at my options.
I think maybe Velocity diet would be best for me, having 1 solid meal during lunch at school.

I am thinking about buying some non-isolated Whey Protein and mixing it for breakfast, after workout and around dinner time… and having rice or cereal some days… So its like a modified v-diet… what does that sound like to you guys?

My current calorie intake is well below 2500. I drink only the occasional soda (maybe 1 a day, normally 1 a week)… I don’t eat any junkfood, except a cookie. I drink plenty of water after workouts… I just got a bunch of veggies today and will probably end up having a salad and a banana/grapes/apple every day, maybe get a metabolism booster… who knows.

I am seeing results now, the pictures I posted… particularly the front view, I used to have some big rolls underneath my arms and my chest was way bigger… Its all starting to work the right way.

Food. Seriously. If your stagnating then you’re not eating enough.

See, you’re not eating enough.

I don’t think how regular you are has anything to do with metabolism or weight gain. Eating large amounts of unhealthy food and inactivity probably was the culprit.

I punched in the numbers, here are the results based on your age, weight, desired weight (I put 185) and height (I guessed 5’10"):

[quote]These results will help you to know how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, and the number of calories needed per day to achieve your goal weight in a healthy, steady manner.

You need 2922.9 calories per day to maintain your current weight without exercise.

You need 2778.2 calories per day to reach your goal weight slowly and maintain that weight without exercise.

If you reduce your current caloric intake to 2422.9 calories per day you will lose one pound per week without exercise.

If you increase your current caloric intake to 3422.9 calories per day, you will gain one pound per week.

Exercise and Calorie Needs

If you exercise for 30 minutes each day, you may increase your caloric intake to 3191.5 calories per day and still maintain your current weight.

If you exercise for 60 minutes each day, you may increase your caloric intake to 3533.3 calories per day to maintain your current weight.

If you exercise for 30 minutes each day, you will be able to reach your goal weight with 3030.9 calories per day.

If you exercise for 60 minutes each day, you will be able to reach your goal weight with 3352.5 calories per day.[/quote]

This isn’t an exact science, but it CAN point you in the right direction. Choose a calorie range and monitor it for two weeks. Gain weight? Reduce daily caloric intake by 300 calories.

Your welcome :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks man… I have been cutting calories hardcore and it looks like my body goes into starvation mode…

I work out for over an hour and take in

180 calories every morning
840~ calories at lunch
700-800 calories at dinner…

typically 0 fruits or vegetables
2.5L or more of water after workouts…

I found my problem, thanks guys!

Day 1 of diet…

7am: Protein Shake, 160 calories. Handful of grapes.

11am: Sub Sandwich, Sunchips… about 800calories. P&J Sandwich, 320 calories (bit of protein)

5:30 pm: More grapes, a bowl of white rice with soy sauce.

In a few hours…

8pm: Small, small serving of meat and a bunch of cauliflower, grapes, oranges… etc.

How is this looking so far?

[quote]HangerBaby wrote:
Went to GNC today, looked at my options.
I think maybe Velocity Diet would be best for me, having 1 solid meal during lunch at school.

I am thinking about buying some non-isolated Whey Protein and mixing it for breakfast, after workout and around dinner time… and having rice or cereal some days… So its like a modified V-Diet… what does that sound like to you guys?

My current calorie intake is well below 2500. I drink only the occasional soda (maybe 1 a day, normally 1 a week)… I don’t eat any junkfood, except a cookie. I drink plenty of water after workouts… I just got a bunch of veggies today and will probably end up having a salad and a banana/grapes/apple every day, maybe get a metabolism booster… who knows.

I am seeing results now, the pictures I posted… particularly the front view, I used to have some big rolls underneath my arms and my chest was way bigger… Its all starting to work the right way.[/quote]

I wouldn’t resort to the V-Diet right now. I think you need a more broadened base of general nutritional and lifting knowledge. Learn to eat right first, and lift hard for a year then when you’ve built a good solid base, use the V-diet to lean down, transition back into healthy eating, and build back up off that leaness. Don’t just use the V-Diet as a quick way out.

[quote]HangerBaby wrote:
Day 1 of diet…

7am: Protein Shake, 160 calories. Handful of grapes.

11am: Sub Sandwich, Sunchips… about 800calories. P&J Sandwich, 320 calories (bit of protein)

5:30 pm: More grapes, a bowl of white rice with soy sauce.

In a few hours…

8pm: Small, small serving of meat and a bunch of cauliflower, grapes, oranges… etc.

How is this looking so far?[/quote]

Not good. Not enough. Sunchips are garbage. Eat an apple instead.
4 hours between meals is too long. I do 2-3, which is about average since you should have 6 small meals. How small of a meat serving? I wouldn’t eat anything less than 4 oz. Try to eat 4-6 oz of whatever meat several times a day. No eggs where you live? Oatmeal also does wonders. Low cal and fills you up. I would have another protein shake, even two if you can afford it, throughout the day. Use http://www.fitday.com to record what you eat. You’ll be surprised at how little calories you’re actually consuming.

Above all, eat a proper breakfast.

Drop all rice, potatoes, bread, cereals except oatmeal for breakfast, sugar except what’s in fruit, and dairy except for some milk on your oatmeal.

Eat copious amounts of vegetables, every meal.

Eat meat, eggs, poultry or fish every meal.

Get adequate good fats. Olive oil and fish oil are required.


[quote]HangerBaby wrote:
Day 1 of diet…

7am: Protein Shake, 160 calories. Handful of grapes.

11am: Sub Sandwich, Sunchips… about 800calories. P&J Sandwich, 320 calories (bit of protein)

5:30 pm: More grapes, a bowl of white rice with soy sauce.

In a few hours…

8pm: Small, small serving of meat and a bunch of cauliflower, grapes, oranges… etc.

How is this looking so far?[/quote]

Perfect if you don’t want to get stronger/bigger/faster/leaner.

TESTOSTERONE NATION - 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs

Read that, apply. Read again to make sure you know what you are doing. Apply for years. Life heavy weights.

Guys, I go to school… you can’t EAT in school, besides lunch… theres no 6 meals a day for me, thats not a possibility.

Sunchips are not garbage in a small serving, and they come with the meal… the fruit at my school is so rank that I do not and will not ever eat it… it is literally rotten every time. Kiwi is an exception.

Also, my metabolism is STILL severely lacking.
I ate ALL FIBER things today.

I had a lot of celery, grapes, oranges, broccoli, cauliflower, oranges, peanut butter etc…

I still couldnt manage to get a worthy shit.

I ate mostly vegetables with a few servings of turkey today… drank a lot of water and still can’t get the “legendary” shit.

and I ate A LOT OF GREEN.

My weight is officially 8lbs lighter, 4 weeks into my workout plan.

My pullups have gone from about 2 to 7+(was already tired when I did them today)

My current lifting plan:
3x30 on a heavy weight for chest, bicep, back and abs

3x15 for chest/tricep mix…

3x10 for my heaviest weights of a high difficulty…

my lifting is perfect right now, it is comfortable and obviously rewarding me.

My metabolism is my weight loss killer… HOW can I fix it? Your special greens did absolutely nothing for me… they just made me gassy as hell… what the hell, man, I never over-ate to gain this shit, it all came from a stressful youth… now its harder than anything else to lose

[quote]HangerBaby wrote:
Guys, I go to school… you can’t EAT in school, besides lunch… theres no 6 meals a day for me, thats not a possibility.

Sunchips are not garbage in a small serving, and they come with the meal… the fruit at my school is so rank that I do not and will not ever eat it… it is literally rotten every time. Kiwi is an exception.

My current lifting plan:
3x30 on a heavy weight for chest, bicep, back and abs

3x15 for chest/tricep mix…

3x10 for my heaviest weights of a high difficulty…

my lifting is perfect right now, it is comfortable and obviously rewarding me.
My metabolism is my weight loss killer… HOW can I fix it? Your special greens did absolutely nothing for me… they just made me gassy as hell… what the hell, man, I never over-ate to gain this shit, it all came from a stressful youth… now its harder than anything else to lose[/quote]

First off…you come in here looking for advice and when someone tells you that sun chips are shit…then you dispute it. Take in the advice and read some articles. These things take time and you need to devote at least 6-8 weeks of good eating and lifting to start seeing some solid results.

Secondly, pack some turkey or ham in two separate Ziploc bags and take them to school in you backpack. When you are walking in between classes, scarf that food down so that you can keep your metabolism up during the “school day”.

Your lifting is VERY far from perfect…believe me. You need to look into a upper/lower split or a full body with some scheduled rest in there. You need to read A LOT more and heed the advice of the people that know a lot more than you.

[quote]WicKeD_BiG wrote:
First off…you come in here looking for advice and when someone tells you that sun chips are shit…then you dispute it. Take in the advice and read some articles. These things take time and you need to devote at least 6-8 weeks of good eating and lifting to start seeing some solid results.


OP, this is important stuff.

Once your body is the way you want you can have the occasional bag of sun chips or whatever. While you are getting started it’s important to get rid of all the things that your body has become addicted to. For some people it’s salty snacks, for others it’s sweet snacks.

It’s not a crime to not eat something just because it’s on your plate. Give them away. Someone will appreciate them.


Shit is shit. Whether it is a 5gal. bucket of shit, or a 100 calorie pack of shit. it’s shit.

[quote]WicKeD_BiG wrote:
First off…you come in here looking for advice and when someone tells you that sun chips are shit…then you dispute it. Take in the advice and read some articles. These things take time and you need to devote at least 6-8 weeks of good eating and lifting to start seeing some solid results.

Secondly, pack some turkey or ham in two separate Ziploc bags and take them to school in you backpack. When you are walking in between classes, scarf that food down so that you can keep your metabolism up during the “school day”.

Your lifting is VERY far from perfect…believe me. You need to look into a upper/lower split or a full body with some scheduled rest in there. You need to read A LOT more and heed the advice of the people that know a lot more than you.

Okay dude… I appreciate help… I do NOT appreciate outright misinformation. I have done plenty of research as far as what I’m already eating goes, the only thing I have been missing is fiber (something sunchips has)…
I’ve also been missing fruits & vegetables

2nd… Sunchips are bad? I hope you have a suggestion for ham/turkey cause that processed food, unless from a deli, is probably the worst stuff you can get in a supermarket. (its a good idea but man, the stuff around here is not ideal for just eating.)

My lifting is not perfect? Is it ever going to be? Unlikely…
I have not seen results like this, ever… My strength is rising quickly. I went from 0 pullups, 30 situps etc… to like 10 pullups and 90+ sit ups… in the last few weeks. I know its not perfect but everything you just said in that paragraph is covered. Its hard for me to pinpoint my exact routine every day as I have to change it and learn new things. Some of the stuff I do, I don’t even know the names for, so I can’t list.

Right now, my back, sides, chest, abs and legs are sore…

Unfortunately, I missed a workout today. I don’t know if I should have or not since I didn’t lift Monday…

I went Tuesday and Wednesday hard lifting… today none and tomorrow hard lifting…

Is missing a day alright?