Looking for Some Input

Hey all, new member here.

I’m 18 years old, about 205lbs.
Not sure about the bodyfat %.

I work out 4/5 times of a school week (Intensive Cardio/Weight training mix… with one rest day) Don’t work out on the weekends, but since my abs and arms are starting to get stronger I’m going to start with pushups and situps when I get bored at home…

I weighed 212 in September, did an on/off workout thing (2 to 3 days a week no diets) and didn’t get any results. Last year I did a lot of weight training but zero cardio which caused my shoulders to bulk up, as well as forearms…

Now, I’ve moved onto a more realistic workout plan.
Every day its about the same but I switch up the weight training…

Here’s my daily schedule.

Morning: Protein shake or slimfast (whatever my mom buys for me, for the vitamins etc.)

Go to school, have plenty of energy through the first half

Lunch: Ham/Turkey sandwich with some milk and sunchips… totals about 860 calories which is a lot… but hey, school sub line…

rest of school, get very tired very quickly (possible carb deficient lunch!?)

end school… tired… unmotivated, sometimes stressed… not too bad

change into workout clothes

go to the track
Run a CONSTANT pace full mile…
take a short break, head to the weightroom.

Do arms first, then when muscle fatigue sets in… as many situps as I can do before it becomes time consuming and worthless, and then some squats or random leg workouts (maybe lunges or something)

then more cardio, 25 minutes of biking at a medium heart rate for maximum fat burn… sometimes I do more arms or something if I am feeling recovered.

end of workout (lasts from about 2:50 to 4:30)

go to track again… Do sprints until I am dead tired and or numb…

dinner: whatever is cookin… sometimes really good for me, sometimes really bad.

Fairly good workout, feel good afterwards

I’ve been keeping that routine for abouttttt 6 weeks… maybe more. I see very little loss. I do not have a belly, I have side fat, as well as chest and neck fat. My legs are far more tone than the rest of my body which is strange for me.

I am somewhat sore the day after a workout but by the time my next day workout rolls around I’m good to go.

I am looking to lose the fat on my sides and chest mostly (as I can pull off looking lean without those areas) UNFORTUNATELY [yet fortunately] you cannot spot lose… but I have not been seeing results like I want them.

I went from 208 or so… to 205 in about 6 weeks, something is missing and I am not sure what it is…

My metabolism is also very slow… I am lucky if I get to the john once a day, I hope that isnt a huge problem… but I think that is what caused me to gain the weight in the first place…

[quote]HangerBaby wrote:

I went from 208 or so… to 205 in about 6 weeks, something is missing and I am not sure what it is…

A good diet and weight training program. Seriously.

Haha… I came to the thread thinking I could help someone out, but it’s you again… This was better formulated than the last, though you keep trying to prove that you know something (although failing).

Seriously, don’t need to know how you’re feeling throughout the day. You can’t spot lose, that’s the one true point of your post. However, let me say this, if you have fat in your chest and neck, it’s very unlikely that you don’t have a belly.

Arms until fatigue sets in huh? I can understand since your arms are the biggest and most important muscles…

I recommend reading comprehension since you apparently read all the stickies already.

Interval running would be better, also better if you did it POST workout.

–WHY are you isolating your arms, unless this in connection to the push ups. Then move to something where you can’t do a bunch of them.

At your stage situps is worthless altogether, or any type of ab isolation work.

Random training plan = Random results

Technically this would be maximum calorie burn. Too much damn cardio.

Arms again? You serious?

Do you want to be a good runner, or lose weight. Your workout plan is in opposition to either goal.

Too much information.

[quote]yasser wrote:

Run a CONSTANT pace full mile…

Interval running would be better, also better if you did it POST workout.

Do arms first, then when muscle fatigue sets in…

–WHY are you isolating your arms, unless this in connection to the push ups. Then move to something where you can’t do a bunch of them.

as many situps as I can do before it becomes time consuming and worthless

At your stage situps is worthless altogether, or any type of ab isolation work.

, and then some squats or random leg workouts (maybe lunges or something)

Random training plan = Random results

then more cardio, 25 minutes of biking at a medium heart rate for maximum fat burn…

Technically this would be maximum calorie burn. Too much damn cardio.

sometimes I do more arms or something if I am feeling recovered.

Arms again? You serious?

go to track again… Do sprints until I am dead tired and or numb

Do you want to be a good runner, or lose weight. Your workout plan is in opposition to either goal.

My metabolism is also very slow… I am lucky if I get to the john once a day

Too much information.[/quote]

Old thread bro, my workout plan is much different now.

Cool. That works.