I’ve been doing a full-body workout 3x a week, using bodyweight (chins, dips, push-ups) and kettlebell stuff (swings, goblet squats), plus some core work (been doing this since mid-Jamuary). I do a Loaded Carry day 2-3x a week, usually 2x. I’ve also been working hard to restore my ROM, strengthen my shoulders (had an injury a few years ago), fix my ankle/hip mobility and work on general flexibility in preperation for starting a lifting program in the near future.
My goals are strength and size and possibly competing in a Strongman competition. I’ll be starting a new job with a long commute and am hoping to find a program I can do in 30-45 minutes 4 days a week (more is ok) so I can either get it in before work or as soon as I get home and still have time with the kids. I lifted all through high school but that was 10 years ago so I’m not a stranger to the weightroom but I’m definitely going to be paying a lot more attention to form this go-round. Not sure if it’s relevant but I’m 5’7, 160lbs.
Thanks for the help!
edit to add: when I used to workout I didn’t hit my shoulders or legs as well as I should have so I wouldn’t mind a program with more squatting. I think my best OHP was 110-120 for working sets. Which is pretty bad because at that point I was flat benching 280 for working sets of 8-10. So I really want to build my legs and hit much higher numbers on the OHP, both of which I’ll need anyway for a Strongman comp.