Limited Schedule

My wife and I recently had our first child and it immediately became clear that our financial resources were not sufficient. So I had to get a second job. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I will be working 14-16 hours a day. That leaves no time for training, I will be working eating and sleeping. So I have Wednesday afternoons, Saturdays and Sundays to train. Right now I am starting my Highland games season. So I am hoping to throw on Wednesday and Saturday. That leaves Sunday for the weight room. I need a good full body routine that will keep my strength up. I know I won’t be making many gains with this schedule, but I want to stay as strong and powerful as possible. I was thinking of something like this…

Clean or High Pulls
Push Press
Bent Rows
Bench Press
Squats or Deads

Will this be overkill? Should I break it up into two workouts? Am I totally fucked?

In my opinion, the exercise selections are good, but a caveat: alternate the order in which you do the drills from week to week. Maybe make two groups of three drills each, and one week do group a first, the next week group b.

And congratulations on the new addition!!!

What intensity do you plan to use? If you do high intensity for all these, then that is WAY too much work for one workout. If all these exercises are to be used, I would do it as follows:
Anaerobic threshold(An1, <9sec)
Cleans/high pulls
Push press

Anaerobic reserve(An2, 9-25sec)

Aerobic threshold(A1, 25-40sec)
Bench Press

This is an example of incorporating all these exercises in 1 workout. You should switch the exercises for each capacity often(every workout is possible) except for possibly the cleans/high pulls(these should only be used in the An1 range). For example, your second workout(above being first) could be:

Cleans/high pulls

Bench Press

Push press

Hang Snatch
Sumo Dead
Jump Squat
Barbell Bench

You may also want to check out CT’s Part-Time Beast article, it should give you some ideas for infrequent workouts…