School has started again and because of it my sleep schedule has taken a punch in the gut. I am going full time to college and also working full time, usually about 45 hours a week, loans are not an option in case you’re wondering. In addition, I am trying to lose weight so I am trying to figure out how I should schedule my training routine but since i work late into the night, usually 2am on the week days and 4 am on the weekends, I would like some imput. heres my schedule.
Mon-sleep about 5 hours, class at 9am-1pm, work 5pm-2am
Tue-sleep about 4 hours, class at 8am-1pm then again at 6:30pm- 9:30, no work
Wed-sleep about 5 hours, class at 9am-10:30am, work 5pm-2am
Thu-sleep about 4 hours, class at 8am-1pm then again at 6:30pm- 9:30, no work
Fri-sleep 6-8 hour, work 5pm-4am
Sat-sleep 6-8 hour, work 5pm-4am
Sun-sleep 6-8 hour, work 5pm-2am
I plan on keeping the routine simple with either one of these
A) Whole body x3/week- push exercise 5x5, pull exercise 5x5, squat or deadlift 5x5
B) Push- OHP 5x5, Bench press 5x5, aux. 3x8
Pull- Barbell row 5x5, Deadlift 5x5, aux 3x8
Legs- Squat 5x5, core exercise 3x10
As far as food goes I will be doing 2250cals on training days and 1700 on off days.
The dilemma is whether I should train on a day after getting adequate rest with none afterwards or vice versa. How can I get the best out of my training with this schedule?