Lifting Shoes

So, I destroyed my shoes… don’t ask me how, doesn’t matter though because they were like 4 years old and I needed a new pair anyways. But I’m wondering, what are the best kind of shoes for the gym? I see a lot of pros wear HiTops and such. So yeah, what kind of shoes are best for squats, deadlifts ect…


You have your choices - a few sugggestions:

Nike Frees (any version will do although some will say the lower the model# the better) - best bet is ebay, kijiji, craiglist, etc since Nike for some stupid reason has discontinued making this model

Nike Dynamic TRs - another version of the above, a little more available

Vibram Five Fingers - since I know we are both from Toronto this is available @ MEC downtown ( for like $80+ tax - numerous posts about this shoe -try them to find out for yourself- like gloves for your feet with individual articulated toe pockets

Chuck Taylors - gotta go with what a lot of the PLs on this site swear by - these probably won’t last as long as the above three but hey, for $35-50 online it’s worth it.

Aquasocks - don’t laugh I’ve rocked a pair to the gym to do my DLs & squats in the them & the ground feel is awesome

Other options I’ve seen are low profile Pumas, soccer shoes <?>, workboots, etc. If you’ve got the money a dedicated pair of squatting/DL shoes would be a great investment (no brand names pop up right now but I’m sure other lifters on this site can direct you to some good companies)

See what works for you in your lifts & good luck. If you can go barefoot, go for it :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]miroku333 wrote:

Those are currently on my feet right now :slight_smile:

I love them

I also wear Puma soccer shoes to lift.

I had a thread kinda on this topic earlier this month, just remember to pick your shoes based on the type of lift you perform. Mainly squat style, I for one cannot squat for crap in chucks or barefoot.

Wrestling shoes aren’t bad either. The raise in the heel is very small, and there is very little difference between the toes and heel.

I second the wrestling shoes and right now most places have them on sale. looking at about $30-$60.

Indoor soccer shoes are decent, if you have an old pair laying around

Vibram Five Fingers are the best lifting shoes I’ve ever had. And they’ve cured my shin splints.

Man, I grabbed a pair of those Nike Dynamic TRs.
I can’t explain how comfortable they are. It’s like a foot orgasm.

[quote]Hog Ear wrote:
Vibram Five Fingers are the best lifting shoes I’ve ever had. And they’ve cured my shin splints. [/quote]

I’d love to try these, but it looks like the USAPL will not approve them for competition - so no real use for me. :frowning:

dude i just went to my usual online sneaker store and these fucks are practically sold out in every style and color of Chucks.

fucking emos buying everything out, even the ugliest ones.

heres a fun fact, Converse was invented in my home city; Malden, MA.

Please read this before buying any shoes.

[quote]Hog Ear wrote:
Please read this before buying any shoes. [/quote]

Too late.
I’m not even gonna click it, cuz I don’t wanna have any doubts!

what ever happened to otomix, those were the days

[quote]slimthugger wrote:
what ever happened to otomix, those were the days[/quote]

haha yeah and those genie balloon tapered pants!

Anyway I second the indoor soccer shoes…no heel at all and allow the ankle to have freedom of movement.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
dude i just went to my usual online sneaker store and these fucks are practically sold out in every style and color of Chucks.

fucking emos buying everything out, even the ugliest ones.

heres a fun fact, Converse was invented in my home city; Malden, MA.

Haha, yeah. I actually feel kinda uncomfortable wearing them around the gym sometimes because its trademark emo now. I really want a pair of white hi-tops with the red and blue stripes on the bottom. Old school. Not as emo either.

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Hog Ear wrote:
Vibram Five Fingers are the best lifting shoes I’ve ever had. And they’ve cured my shin splints.

I’d love to try these, but it looks like the USAPL will not approve them for competition - so no real use for me. :-([/quote]

Thats what you get.

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Hog Ear wrote:
Vibram Five Fingers are the best lifting shoes I’ve ever had. And they’ve cured my shin splints.

I’d love to try these, but it looks like the USAPL will not approve them for competition - so no real use for me. :-([/quote]

That’s to be expected, with the toe pockets a lifter would be able to grip the floor and put up bigger weights. Anyone not wearing a pair of VFF would get their ass handed to them.