Lifting Shoes????

Hello- Quick question- What do most of the experienced lifters wear for shoes?

I have been lifting in my normal running shoes and I find that a) they absorb a lot of my power off the floor in lifts like the squat and deadlift and b) that I reck running shoes quite quickly with heavy lifting.

Thanks in advance for any replies…


If you search you’ll find several similar threads.

I personally use Chuck Taylors for squatting and deadlifting. Occasionally I’ll go barefoot on both.

[quote]roofus_5 wrote:
If you search you’ll find several similar threads.

I personally use Chuck Taylors for squatting and deadlifting. Occasionally I’ll go barefoot on both.[/quote]

Yup bare foot or I have Chuck taylor LIKE shoes that ive ripped the insoles out of to unmake even thinner and harder soled. Then depends on what im doing many of the events work etc will call for different foot ware but for most gym work I use those

Got em at ye ole walmart for like $10


I started wearing Vibram 5-fingers. They are totally awesome. It’s nearly barefoot lifting (my gym doesn’t allow shoeless lifting).

My squats and deads improved instantly by nearly 20 lbs, and I feel so much more stable.

As an aside, they are also awesome for sprint work.

I use Adidas Sambas. Low and flat. I was never a big High Top fan.

Onitsuka Tigers.

Theyre all low top and flat as hell.

I use Nike Frees and love em for both deadlifting and squatting…definitely feel great improvement in stability and strength in my ankles…also, my speeds have increased on the field…i use them on turf for training such as sled dragging and other strongman stuff…definitely love em

GOt me a pair of Power Firms and I love them. I oly squat and oly lift recreationally, and the difference in stability in particular is night and day.

Otherwise for PLs, many use Chucks, as others have alluded to, though I’v heard of some PLers lifting with oly shoes as well depending on how wide the squat.

Moccasins - real ones - not the made in china plastic soled crap sold at roadside “trading posts”.

I like Chuck Taylors.

Recommendation for Puma H-Streets, if you can get your hands on them. Basically barefoot as well.