Hey all, so about 6 months ago my knee started to hurt. im not sure what caused it but yeah it just started to hurt. i thought it would go away so i gave it about a month or two and decided to get it checked out. i got an x-ray and an mri and they said they couldnt find anything wrong with it. they told me itd be a good idea not to do any leg training. so i didnt. however my knee isnt getting better. not only is not gettig better but because of lack of trianing my legs have shrunk in size and strength.
I am wondering if anyone has had knee problems like this and what they did to help it out. the pain is above the knee cap toward the midline of the body. so the upper right part of my left knee. i have started to do high reps with leg press to jsut get some blood flowing in there. i am very tempted to just say fuck it and start training legs with the pain. Any advice would be appreciated!