Left Side Working Harder Than Right

Hi all,

Probably been working out seriously for about 2-3 years. My problem is that my secondary muscles work harder on my left side (i am a rightey)

One particular example is my chest. During dumbell presses, my right pec feels VERY pumped, and my left not so much. I’ve noticed that my left tricep is now bigger than my right tricep So that leads me to believe my left is indeed working harder.

I’ve tried doing unilateral work (having my right arm holding up a dumbell with my left side doing reps) but I feel my tricep doing the brunt of the work. Any tips on how to get better mind-muscle for ONE side? My right side does very well with mind-muscle.

Thanks in advance and much appreciated

this actually just came to me from reading through the older threads

I’m probably going to try doing pec dec first, and then move onto pressing. That should probably help with my left chest.

Still goign to have the problem of my left tricep being bigger/stronger than my right though. My gym buddy actually only spots me on one side, thats how apparent the strength difference is lol

I have this same problem except its the opposite. My left chest is bigger and my right tricep is bigger than the left. I’m thinking about ditching chest presses and workout my triceps until they are the same strength. I also have a problem with flies as well. Left pec still gets a better workout which is confusing because it is more of a isolation movement. My left front deltoid is weaker than my right so maybe thats why.

i have the same problem in chest training.

after dumbbell presses, my left pec is always more sore than right.

what i do is, i start my chest workout with dumbbell squeeze presses which gives brutal contraction and pre-exhausts the chest.

then i do high incline dumbbell presses in various incline levels. optionally, i do neutral grip flat or very low incline dumbbell presses to finish the workout.

when i follow that order, uneven soreness is no longer an issue and i actually dont know why. just trial & error.