Left Side Bigger/Stronger Than Right

This is a issue I have had for awhile. I tried to fix the issue on my own but recently for the last 2 months I have started seeking professional help. Have not been seeing too much improvements so I am posting here hoping anybody can help. I can’t get my right chest to engage when doing chest presses. My Left is way bigger than my right to the point where you can tell even when I have a shirt on.

My right trap is bigger than my left and I cannot get my left to engage when doing shrugs. My left tricep is smaller than my right and different in shape. It is not genetics because when I was younger I didn’t have this problem. I usually workout my triceps after my chest presses and I can lift more with the left which is smaller but when I workout my triceps on another day by itself my right is stronger than my left.

I’m starting to think I can’t feel my right chest engage because my tricep is doing all the work and on the left side my chest is doing the work and not the tricep. When I first started going to my physical therapist he said a bunch of muscles were turned off. Hes been doing deep tissue work and he says its alot better now but I am still having issues. He says as long as my muscles are turned on I should be able to workout evenly on both sides using dumbells but its not working. Should I ditch chest presses until my triceps even out?

Also regarding my traps. I think I have a slight winging of my right scapula causing my shoulder to roll forward making the right trap look bigger than the left. Could this be why I feel my right trap getting a better workout than my left?

Pics? A lot of people are paranoid about this and some size difference to an extent are pretty common, which most likely only you will notice

yeah. I agree. I’ve seen some pics of people complaining and I can’t even notice what they’re talking about but I assure you it is significant. My physical therapist can definitely see a difference as well.

Nerve impingement.

nerve impingement of what? How should I go about correcting this issue?

Hey bro,

I would recommend keep smashing the deep tissue massage because that will help loosen the muscle and the more relaxed the muscle the less likely nerves will impinge.

Also I would stay away from barbell movements just for a few weeks and focus a lot on dumbbells. Also any other exercises you do try single arm, you might find it easier on one side but that?s fine, it gives the other side time to catch up.

I’m seeing similar things with myself. My right delt seems to engage more than my left. My left trap seems to engage more than my right. However, they’re all still growing, so I’m not that concerned at this point.

I may give deep tissue massage a chance though.

How do you go about selecting a therapist who could help with this?

Yeah. I still see my physical therapist once a week. As far as my workouts I stopped using the barbell a long time ago. Nothing but unilateral workouts. I was thinking I have problems with flies as well because there is a difference in strength between my front deltoids which I believe are the secondary muscles being used in flies?

Trap workouts are a issue as well. When I do lateral raises I feel my left shoulder engaging more. I’ve had x rays done because of shoulder pain. Theres no tear in my left shoulder thats has the most pain and makes grinding noises. My right is not as flexible as the left when I reach back. I could touch my right scapula with my left hand and I can’t with my right. The orthopedic said my ligaments were stretched out on the right. I had prp injections about a month and a half ago. Haven’t noticed much of a difference. Sometimes it takes up to 3 sessions to get the desired results but its a very expensive procedure that insurance doesn’t cover and I don’t even know if its going to help my imbalance issues.

I was thinking about getting a mri done on my shoulders, scapula, and back to see if theres any underlining problems but my pt is referring me to his mentor to get checked out before that to possibly diagnose the issue and save me money.

At least your muscles you are targeting are growing. The wrong muscles are growing for me. You should try getting deep tissue work regardless. I believe I have more issues than just my muscles being tight but I feel like its helped. Selecting a therapist is tough. Its hit or miss. I had to go to 3 other therapists before I found mine. Alot of them seem like they don’t give a damn or they do just enough to keep you coming back. I read all their reviews too to see what others think about them. I found mine after being frustrated with searching for a caring pt I sent out emails to a bunch or pt’s in my area detailing what my issues were and told them not to reply if they didn’t feel they could honestly help.

When I go and get a deep tissue, the therapist always comments on my right side being bigger and more dense, when I look in the mirror I can see a slight difference, but I’ve asked others and they can’t see it. I think for me it’s most noticeable in my traps. I would just keep using dumb bells.

I’ve been using dumbells for a long time. The difference in size gets worse. The next day after a workout my stronger muscles are more sore.

i have almost the same exact problem as you, excpet on different arms for me.

For me, I think i know what started it. I had a rotator cuff injury from basketball about a year back. Ever since then, my right arm has not been the same. It used to be always bigger than my left. now my left is bigger.

My right arm has seemingly stopped growing (triceps biceps). My right chest however is bigger than my left due to it picking up more slack since my right tricep is weak. Haveyou ever had any shoulder injuries?

I’m trying to figure out a solution to this as well

I used to workout pretty crazy when I was younger and I’m pretty sure I damaged my shoulders from benchpressing too much. Can’t think of anything else. I messed up my right arm pretty good when I was wrestling with my friend and he put me in a armbar. Maybe thats why the ligaments are stretched in the right but either way I had these issues before that so I can’t attribute it to that.

Its pretty annoying. This has been haunting me forever. Hopefully my new pt could give me a proper diagnosis as to whats going on. I will keep you updated.

Make the foamroller (or preferably rumbleroller) and mobility work your best friends. Use mostly db’s and bodyweight and focus on three range of motion that allows you to target what you’re trying to hit. Seriously, can’t emphasize the soft tissue work enough. The rumbleroller has been a godsend for me.

Lower the weight and really focus on ‘feeling’ the muscle you’re working. Don’t worry about how much you’re lifting, but focus on how you’re lifting. If dumbbells aren’t working out, use machines if possible. Machines are great for helping you isolate a particular muscle.

Work on building the mind-muscle connection. Once you start activating your right side musculature, then start adding weight.

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Make the foamroller (or preferably rumbleroller) and mobility work your best friends. Use mostly db’s and bodyweight and focus on three range of motion that allows you to target what you’re trying to hit. Seriously, can’t emphasize the soft tissue work enough. The rumbleroller has been a godsend for me.[/quote]

Yeah. I was using a foamroller for awhile than my physical therapist gave me a little ball to roll on. I can be more precise with it. I will checkout the rumbleroller you’re talking about though. Thanks for the input.

With chest exercises I do cable flies and nothing but machines for presses. Helps me concentrate more on the muscle than form. unilaterally of course. I use hammerstrength machines. Its better than using dumbells but I’m still having issues. What do you think about me evening out my triceps before continuing with chest presses?

Just to add something that hasn’t been brought up yet. This won’t cure your issue in itself, but will help. When you are doing everyday activities try to use only your weaker/smaller side. When grocery shopping use a hand basket instead of the cart and load that fucker up with groceries and carry it with only your weaker/smaller side. Brush your teeth with the weaker/smaller side. Anything and everything you can think of that you can use your weaker/smaller side, do so. Like I said this isn’t a cure for your issue, but other posters have given you some good advise, I just want to throw something out there that you might not have thought of doing to help even more. Remember a muscle doesn’t ‘know’ why it needs to adapt, it just adapts when it needs to.

Right on man. Appreciate it.