Get on the soft tissue work, too. . . It really can help out. Trust me, try it for a two weeks and do it every DAY for an honest effort. You’ll notice a difference.
[quote]Mateus wrote:
Clevelands23 wrote:
I have had that same Problem!! and i dident do anything about it till a couple weeks ago… what i did was do
single arm shoulder press to see that left shoulder was way weaker than my right [ my left pec is bigger than
my right] and do single arm tricep pushdowns [ again my left tricep was weaker] hope this helps
I too have the exact same issue! Left side is bigger and stronger than my right. I have been doing the single arm presses as well as the single tricep exercises and it seems to be helping some. It’s pretty weird, almost like the right side is built differently. I know it is not but the mechanics seem so different in order to feel the same contraction as the left side.[/quote]
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that i played baseball for 8 years, and
basketball for a few years seeing as i am right hand dominate which makes my right arm and
shoulder stronger than my left.
I tried prone internal rotations today and they were incredibly hard to do, even without a weight.
I got like 3 sloppy reps.
My girlfriend can do them easily!
I got her to hold me in the contracted position for the movement for 30s each arm x4… need to work on this
A few questions…
Have you only noticed after the injury happened? Or has it always felt that way? I’m assuming only after the injury.
Does it feel any different with open kinetic chain exercises versus closed?
Is it at all possible that this has more to do with with your muscle awareness throughout the movement?
It might be the latter and thus proper warm-up and muscle stimulation prior to exercise might be the answer your looking for.
If it is indeed related to what sounds like a pinched nerve then seeing an athletic therapist would be your answer…
[quote]Crusher Jr. wrote:
If it is indeed related to what sounds like a pinched nerve then seeing an athletic therapist would be your answer… [/quote]
X 9,999,999
If you have any thoughts of this being even a partly nerve-oriented injury, go get this checked out by a professional in person.
BTW, the prone internal rotations being that difficult is a huge red flag that subscap was contributing to the problem in pressing.
When you do prone internal rotations:
-Neutral neck and chin position
-Shoulder blades BACK AND DOWN
-Slow tempo
–3 seconds to full contraction, 1 second pause, 3 seconds lowering = 1 rep
-Think high reps, not so much weight
2-3 sets of 12-25 with a slow tempo is great for any rotator cuff exercise.
Flow knows his stuff it seems like. I dont understand everything lol but it sounds like things that have helped me.
I have the same issue as you and do less horizontal pressing now because of it, and doing less frequency when I feel I can execute good form has been good, since when I am at all fatigued my form goes to hell. I have gotten better results from working on posture issues with soft tissue work and things like external rotations (where I had a significant difference in strength between left and right), face pulls, prone cobras and static holds on the pulldown machine focusing on scapular retraction and depression.
And for some reason I can get better form on decline bench, so I favor that. I often like using a narrow grip or reverse grip and sometimes a shorter range of motion.
Oh and focusing on the path of the elbow joint and not locking out during the movement has helped as well.
I know that a lot of random shit, but its helped me and hopefully something will click for you.