My legs are extremely large and strong because I started training them (plyometric jump training for volleyball, mostly) at a young age. Because I already have trouble finding pants that fit, I don’t train legs very often. I’d like to get a little leaner right now, but I don’t like cardio and I don’t want to cut my calories too much because I like to eat. I’m wondering what would happen if I started training my legs intensely on a regular basis and kept all other factors constant. Since legs comprise such a large amount of muscle mass, my theory is that maybe the recovery demands will raise my metabolism enough to make a difference in bodyfat level. I realize that cutting calories a bit and using JB’s meal combos along with adding cardio would probably be more effective, but my idea is just a theory and I’m wondering if anyone’s ever tried something like this or has any input? Thanks.
This would be a nice little experiment for you to try. I imagine you would find yourself leaning up a little. Most people notice a tremendous difference in their overall appearance once they start to train legs with some intensity.
All other factors being constant, yes it will work. Although, in my opinion, cardio whether HIIT or moderate intensity cardio (25-35 min) will prove to more effective. Why? Simply put, you can’t train legs 3-6 times per week whereas with cardio, you can, which will result in more calories being expended when calculated over say a week.