Please note I did not say CT VERSUS Professor X before that gets started. I almost did this anyway as it’s worth pursuing in my view:
There’s a flip side to this whole exchange between Professor X and CT that has been buggin me for months. There was an interview several months back with Justin Harris who is a very smart and VERRRY large guy with unmistakable expertise in all areas of bodybuilding. He’s also a heck of a gentleman and overall nice guy. He PM’d me and we had a short exchange.
The thing that got me though was during the interview he was asked questions obviously designed to muffle the ideas of people who believed in the merit of gaining significant muscle before worrying too much about being lean. It even got as specific as “what do you say to someone who thinks that once they have a lot more muscle it will enable them to more easily lose the fat” to paraphrase, something like that.
Using himself as an example his answers were clearly designed to leave the impression that this whole way of thinking was flawed as he was able to make gains without much fat gain and even while losing fat on occasion.
In the debate that followed I pointed out, respectfully, that what can be accomplished by an unmistakably enhanced, advanced lifter has no bearing on the less gifted naturals that this controversy was swirling around on this site. In fact it wouldn’t make any difference who was being interviewed, enhanced or not. The existence of individual specimens with exceptional abilities will not help the average kid who wants to be as big as he can, however big that ends up being.
I’ve accepted the fact that T-Nation is actively welcoming a broader audience. I even practically said that I would do the same thing in their shoes and made a conscious attempt to go easier on the “wretched newbies”, but is it so outrageous to hope that the few guys who still have ultimate personal size as their goal not be led to believe that they’ll get there with a set of calipers in one hand and a fork full of closely trimmed chicken breast in the other?