[quote]dankid wrote:
mr popular wrote:
dankid wrote:
You seem to be under the impression that all the people disagreeing with you think everyone should be doing “sets of 20 on curls and hitting 5 different exercises to hit the bicep at every angle”, and that there are only two options here: (1) focus on a handful of “compound” exercises, and (2) do a million isolation exercises
The best way to train is to do a moderate amount of compound and isolation exercises, without neglecting any muscle groups, and without doing more than you can recover from.
And “heavy” is always relative. Just because a person may be using 30lbs for dumbbell curls, that may be “heavy” for them if they are a beginner and can only get 6 reps with it. But you think it’s useless because it’s not heavy, compared to WHAT?
Surely you understand that your full squat isn’t going to be as heavy as your deadlift, and your bench isn’t going to be as heavy as your squat, and your military press isn’t going to be as heavy as your bench press, so why don’t you understand that your barbell curl isn’t going to be as heavy as your military press - but its still an essential exercise?
I see what you are saying, and I tend to agree. IF someone can get it all done without having to do a ton of exercises then I think its definately doable. But from what I see in the gym, people tend to “over-isolate” and get to where they are “working the muscle” and not lifting weights to get stronger/bigger. And its almost ALWAYS a bunch of exercises for arms/shoulders and just a few for legs.
I first started getting interested in lifting when I read beyond brawn, which took a very minimalistic approach to things. And I think, up to a certain level, people will actually get better results with JUST:
Clean (optional)
I think this can take them very far, and most people I see in the gym never take the time to learn to do any of these properly let alone get strong at them.
Then, after you have built up your strength a bit, start adding stuff like:
Tricep pushdowns
Shoulder raises
Direct Trap work
Pullups and pulldowns
Direct calf work
Leg ext
Leg curls
And I still feel you should add the minimal amount of exercises to get the results you want. But I see many people that will hit up a machine press, or a bench with horrible form and no ROM. Then they’ll head over to the DB’s and do what seems to be 10-20+ sets of bicep curls and shoulder raises with weights that are way heavier than they can actually lift, but they fling them around (This is pretty much their only lower body work) And then they head over to the pulleys and do some “pump” sets on tricep pushdowns and flys. And you know what some of them are pretty big, and some of them are even strong. But I dont think this way works for everybody, and that is why im stating my opinion, and that is that the less exercises you do, the more weight you can lift, and likely the faster you will progress to a level where you might need isolation exercises.
I know that my generalization based on what i see in my gym is a huge generalization, so dont flame me stating that all bodybuilders dont train this way. I know that all dont. Im just offering my opinions based on experience and what ive read and agree with for people to make the decision as to what might work for them, if the “traditional” methods dont work.
***And I never said isolation is useless and bodypart splits were crap. I said that for athlete it pretty much is so, and that taking a movement based approach is a good idea. (Or if I did speak otherwise, I was wrong and didn’t think about what I was saying)
The reason why your advice is horrible is because you think that when you see someone doing something wrong you lump everyone who does a similar movement into that category. It shows that you don’t have the experience necessary to give out advice to anyone but yourself. It’s also the reason why you make your opinion known then get laughed at and then have to backtrack and admit that your ‘advice’ isn’t actually suitable for more than just a small handful of individuals.
You’ve made a habit of spewing misinformation and it’s the reason why this isn’t the first thread that you’ve been completely corrected in. But someone like you won’t get it and you’ll continue to give out shit advice and contiue to be corrected by people who actually use their brains before hitting a few keys and pressing submit.