Lack of Discipline!

Given the subject line, I think I know the answer… but does anybody else have problems getting good rest and/or going to bed at a decent time?

I’m an IT guy, so most of my day is spent working on computers and has very little physical movement. I’ll hit a lull and go for a walk around the office or go up and down the stairs a few times, and that will help a little. From about noon to 3, I’m getting pumped to get to the gym, then 3 to 5 I’m struggling not to become Narcoleptic. I’ll go workout, get a recovery drink, have tons of energy and stay up till damn near 2 AM.

I’ve tried going to bed and playing some soft music… nothing. I just lay there and think about random stuff.

Anybody else had this problem?


I was a fulltime computer programmer for years (CS major). I never had a problem crashing when I got home after a session. How long have you been lifting? Are your workouts intense or intensive? Do you train hard or just work out for funs sake?

What do you drink for a recovery drink, red bull? It is true you need high GI carbs after a workout for best recovery, but I don’t see how that would keep you up for 6 more hours.

Have you tried reading a book? I find that when I settle down to read either my Sports Science and Medicine book on rowing or my Strength Periodisation textbook I usually fall asleep after about a chapter.

Try taking Z-12 although I have had no first had experience with it.

Can you workout in the mornings before work? It works great for me and perhaps it’ll keep you awake all day and help you sleep at night!

:)no go on the red bull…

my recovery drink is a powder made by Cytosport. Only been working out for just over 2 months. Workouts are usually one, maybe two muscle groups a day and some light cardio in the beginning. I usually lift till I can’t lift anymore (lift to failure?), so it seems intense to me but I’m sure it’s nothing to most people on T-Nation.

echelon101, thanks, that’s a great idea! Lately if I am reading it is internet article on T-Nation (I’m loving this place!) or some kind of tech manual.

[quote]Just Tel wrote:
Can you workout in the mornings before work? It works great for me and perhaps it’ll keep you awake all day and help you sleep at night![/quote]

I had tried it last year when I had a gym membership and I was getting to sleep earlier but I wasn’t able to lift as heavy.

Now when I say I tried it… I think I tried it for about 2 weeks realistically. I think one of the writers or coaches on here has mentioned it taking 21 days to build a habit, and I know that I didn’t give it that long. Mostly because my lifts seemed to go down.

Exercising too close to bed is known to cause trouble sleeping in some people. I don’t get as good workouts in the morning either. But it might be a worthwhile tradeoff. Particularly if you are doing a split routine, you could train midday on Saturday and Sunday and do what you need to first thing in the morning during the week. It’s not optimal, but it might be the best option.

I often get a bad case of “movie brain” which keeps me from getting needed (and desired) sleep. It almost seems like I begin to dream before I fall fully asleep. It’s rather entertaining but also frustrating. What helps me:

Avoiding stimulation like watching zombie movies or playing DOOM 3 before bedtime.

Keeping my bedroom dark and cool with a fan to provide white noise.

Light reading or meditation (sex is a better option if available).

Chemically speaking: A mix of ZMA, melatonin, fish oil (Flameout), and all the ingredients of Z-12 which I mix myself so I can add various nootropic blends.

BTW, the ingredients of Z-12 alone make me noticeably drowsy all by themselves. It’s definitely worth trying.

[quote]Fletchlives wrote:
Given the subject line, I think I know the answer… but does anybody else have problems getting good rest and/or going to bed at a decent time?

I’m an IT guy, so most of my day is spent working on computers and has very little physical movement. I’ll hit a lull and go for a walk around the office or go up and down the stairs a few times, and that will help a little. From about noon to 3, I’m getting pumped to get to the gym, then 3 to 5 I’m struggling not to become Narcoleptic. I’ll go workout, get a recovery drink, have tons of energy and stay up till damn near 2 AM.

I’ve tried going to bed and playing some soft music… nothing. I just lay there and think about random stuff.

Anybody else had this problem?


Yep. Lay off the caffeine until lifting, then have less than usual. Drink it BEFORE you get to the gym so that it’ll wear off about an hour after getting home.

After you get home, before you go to bed - masturbate, then read some non-fiction.

I have the same problem. The thing is I just don’t want to go to bed! I mean, I have been working all day (sometimes night) and I want a little recreation more than I want sleep. Like a little kid…

So I end up going to bed around 12am-2am and waking up between 7:30-8:00. This means I get between 5.5-7.5 hours of sleep a night. I then end up sleeping 9 hours a night on the weekends. I love to sleep I just don’t like going to sleep.

As already said, ZMA (A.K.A. Z-12) has helped A LOT of people. I’ve tried it, it works.

Thanks everybody! I’ll try just reading something for the next couple of weeks and see how that goes. If that doesn’t work I’ll try the Z12.

I also think I will give working out in the morning another shot. At least for a whole month to see if I can get used to it and maintain my workouts.