[quote]Antares wrote:
[quote]SteelyD wrote:
[quote]Antares wrote:
There is a BIG difference between dodging a 45# plate, thrown kinda-half-assed-like, as a waring shot, and hitting a guy in the knee when he’s focusing on 500# Full Squat.
Sorry, I don’t agree with ‘bully-apologists’. Do you apologize for muggers and rapists, too?
The guy said he was throwing plates. Again, sorry, but you don’t just “casually” dodge a plate coming at you. I’ve dropped plates before–they’re fucking heavy and can crush bones dropped from just a few inches.
Even ‘casual warning plate throwing’, you’re talking about potential broken bones and serious injury.
If someone is lobbing objects at me that are going to injure me and break bones, then, yes, I’m going defend myself. I don’t give a rat-fuck if you or anyone else think it’s right or wrong.
Sounds like your mentor had it coming to him. There is no “Manning Up” needed. Your guy chased someone from the squat rack. Sounds like a Queen Douchebag that deserved to get his knees kicked out. You stick your fist into a hornets nest and you’re guaranteed to get stung in the back as you’re running away defenseless.
If you’re throwing plates at people, you can expect to get your knees kicked out or have plates thrown back.
Joking or not, Karwoski is the epitome of why big dudes in the gym get a bad rap. He does serious weightlifters no favors.
I got no love for douchebags of that magnitude.[/quote]
One this was not my Mentor, it was the closest thing that came to a training partner for him.
This guy was a big influence on me too.
Second, you are going to silly extremes. Rape, and throwing plates to scare a guy off of a rack, is not a good parallel.
Third, where does it stop?
I mean, you kick him out while he’s Full Squating 500, you fucking wait just for the right moment of weakness and run, and then what if he comes to you some time and sends you to the hospital it’s cool right?
You think he ‘deserves that’ and he thinks you ‘deserves this.’
I mean you could have sent him to the hospital with the knee-kick, so he goes and sees you face to face and says ‘lets do this it.’
That’s fine right?
Or is he supposed to take the knee-kick, all be it he had no real odds of avoiding it, as ‘justice?’
You took it to the next level, he took it even further, lets do this 'till one or the other dies?
Spy Vs Spy?
I don’t fully agree with EITHER one of you…actually…
Just 'cause this guy was big influence on my Weight Training, doesn’t mean I liked EVERYTHING he did, or had POTENTIAL to do, and call it ‘good’.
I don’t like A LOT of your potential either…
They didn’t care if you think they are proper Gentlemen-Weight-Lifters, whom are/were doing ‘wrong’, any more than you care if I/they think you are ‘wrong.’
I am just glad you never encountered them in a ‘public’ gym…Would get nutz, in no time…[/quote]
This is usually the way it works, which is why you shouldn’t be a dick to begin with, because you just don’t know how the other person will react.
Nothing like this has ever happened to me, but if some guy came over to me and told me I had 5 minutes to get off “his” squat rack, I would probably tell him where I am in my squat work and how long I thought it would take. If he escalated it, I would probably just say, “ok, I’ll just go finish up on leg press”, then go piss in his gym bag. Passive-aggressive is the best way to handle these types.