At the gym I go to there is only 2 squat racks and nobody knows what the hell they are. So its not uncommon to see someone doing something really stupid in them. Take for instance last wednesday at around 5pm. I fully intended on deadlifting at the beginning of my workout, but there were tons of people in my way. One guy was using a squat rack semi-correctly doing a shoulder press. Whatever. The other squat rack, this pea-4-brains put the bar all the way to the top and had his arm pads hooked on. He was doing HANGING KNEE RAISES in the SQUAT RACK. So I went up to him and atleast the guy was nice and left immediately before i could unleash my fury upon him.
So anyways, this squat rack is in the crappiest of positions: hidden right between a smith machine and some goddam cable crossover machine. Can you believe that?! A whole machine just for CABLE CROSSOVERS! It has these arms that extend like 30 feet outward and gets in the way of everything. If you have followed thus far you are probably getting the picture. Perfect deadlifting environment.
So I put the bar on the bottom hooks of the squat rack to start loading it(easier on my back), and there were these 2 clowns getting in my way. One guy was using the cable albatross doo-hicky, and the other guy was leaning on the back of it bullshitting with him. He was right in the middle of the cable machine and the squat rack. So i say “Excuse me”. Nothing. Then i clear my through uurrgghchmm! The guy looks over his shoulder and gives me this pissy look as if i am disturbing him. FINE! whatever, f#@K u I’ll start anyways.
I just loaded 135 for a warmup. My best ever is 275x3. I have recently had some hard times and am getting back in, so my best now is 245x3. So i am not really all that tough, but atleast i am trying.
Anyways I start my warmup set and am doing them fairly fast and the 2 dudes at the cable machine decide to leave. The one hanging on the back turns around and begins to walk off right as I am pushing my hips forward and pulling my back…back…heh. I essentially hooked the guy square in the nuts! I am lucky i only had my warm up weight on there so i didn’t jack my back up.
So I gave a mean ass look at the injured guy while he was grabbing his nuts in pain and then i turned to his buddy and said quite matter-of-factly, “Get the F#@K out of the way or yer next!”
Now I am not the biggest of guys. In fact I am a tall skinny guy. 6"1" 180. Both of those chumps were bigger than me by a good 10-15 lbs. But the funny part was that the hurt guy muttered “sorry” and they walked off. I was afraid that they were goign to get the front desk jockeys to banish me. But he took it like a man. And to that, mad props.