Squat Psych Up WTF??

This may have already went around but I hadn’t seen it. WTF??

I want to point out that that video is 2:41 long and he didn’t squat.

[quote]Otep wrote:
I want to point out that that video is 2:41 long and he didn’t squat.[/quote]

Sorry should have mentioned that. I mean 135lb squat needs some serious motivation.

it’s been posted before. but it’s still just as hilarious as the first time i saw it.

I call shenanigans, he is obviously playing it up to the camera.

So has anyone seen people dancing at their gym between sets ?

I pray to God he’s playing it up to the camera- the idea of that being serious is too ludicrous to consider.

Unless, of course, it was real…

reminds me of these guys

[quote]Otep wrote:
I pray to God he’s playing it up to the camera- the idea of that being serious is too ludicrous to consider.

Unless, of course, it was real…[/quote]

That looks more like crack than playing it up for the camera.

[quote]Otep wrote:
I want to point out that that video is 2:41 long and he didn’t squat.[/quote]

i wish i was rick rolled so that i wouldn’t have wasted my time watching that video.

either he’s playing it up or he has a legit mental disorder. If it is the second props to him for trying to lift, if it is the first he’s a fucktard.

His shoes were untied.

There is a guy that does something similar to that in my gym, but he honestly does have a mental illness.

The guy in the clip seems like he’s just being a dipshit.

Is that supposed to be a Wai Kru or what?

That would have been histerical if at the end when he did a couple of spins, he jumped right under the bar and lost his balance.

I’m not terribly surprised that he’s wearing a tank top, either.

i’m going to say he probably has some form of ocd cause this does look retarded

Alright, stop.

Hammer time.

[quote]MsM wrote:
Alright, stop.

Hammer time.[/quote]

I giggled, but in a manly sort of way.