Kirk Karwoski On Booting Dweebs Out of His Squat Racks

[quote]Antares wrote:

I know you are joking but,

Do two ‘wrongs make a right?’


You wouldn’t go after some fuck who THREW A PLATE at you? Sorry, but when plates start flying, all bets are off.

Yes, when someone THROWS A PLATE AT YOU, any retaliation is right.

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

[quote]Antares wrote:

I know you are joking but,

Do two ‘wrongs make a right?’


You wouldn’t go after some fuck who THREW A PLATE at you? Sorry, but when plates start flying, all bets are off.

Yes, when someone THROWS A PLATE AT YOU, any retaliation is right.[/quote]

Hey, I believe in standing up for oneself, but to WAIT for a moment of total weakness and then strike and run, is NOT the way to get even.

There is a BIG difference between dodging a 45# plate, thrown kinda-half-assed-like, as a warning shot, and hitting a guy in the knee when he’s focusing on 500# Full Squat.

All bets are off? Would you pull a knife, or a gun from around the corner as the guy was getting to his truck? That occurred to both of my bigger influence more than once.

I guess I was wrong and you were not joking.

[quote]Antares wrote:

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

[quote]Antares wrote:

I know you are joking but,

Do two ‘wrongs make a right?’


You wouldn’t go after some fuck who THREW A PLATE at you? Sorry, but when plates start flying, all bets are off.

Yes, when someone THROWS A PLATE AT YOU, any retaliation is right.[/quote]

Hey, I believe in standing up for oneself, but to WAIT for a moment of total weakness and then strike and run, is NOT the way to get even.

There is a BIG difference between dodging a 45# plate, thrown kinda-half-assed-like, as a warning shot, and hitting a guy in the knee when he’s focusing on 500# Full Squat.

All bets are off? Would you pull a knife, or a gun from around the corner as the guy was getting to his truck? That occurred to both of my bigger influence more than once.

I guess I was wrong and you were not joking.

Don’t pull the gun out unless you are ready to die.

Don’t start none, won’t be none!

[quote]KBCThird wrote:
Sounds like nobody’s actually watched the entire documentary, but the footage at the end while the credits are rolling suggests that Karwoski was exaggerating a bit. Nothing directly states that, but their playing outtakes from different points in the movie and they show Karwoski getting fired up and at one point in his rant he curses and a voice from off-camera says something to teh effect of “whoa, whoa, you cant say” Kirk immediately calms down and says “Now hold on, YOU told me to - YOU said” and then somethign to the effect that the filmmaker had encouraged Kirk to have a “ham it up” a bit on camera. On the other hand, I can totally see it happening as described

[quote]Amiright wrote:
if someone came to use my rack when I’m using it with aggression like that… even if i’m taking an extended rest between sets etc… I’d put a 45lb plate through their head.

In a public gym… you wait your turn or ask if you can use it in a decent manner. [/quote]

Hahaha, ok, NOW who’s the one being a tough guy? I’d be willing to bet that even if Karwoski DID come at you like that, nothing of the sort would happen[/quote]

Thats not being a tough guy… thats defending yourself when someone is trying to cause you harm. Telling a person over an internet forum that they wouldn’t do something is a little misguided… you don’t know me…

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

[quote]Antares wrote:

I know you are joking but,

Do two ‘wrongs make a right?’


You wouldn’t go after some fuck who THREW A PLATE at you? Sorry, but when plates start flying, all bets are off.

Yes, when someone THROWS A PLATE AT YOU, any retaliation is right.[/quote]


The type of retaliation varies according to the size of the plate thrown.

2.5 lbs - A bitch slap.

5 lbs - A punch in the face.

10 lbs - A kick in the nuts.

25 lbs - A punch in the throat.

35 lbs - Shanked.

45 lbs - Knees knocked out while squatting their max. and pissed on while they writhe on the floor in pain.

100 lbs - Death.

Of course if the plate thrown connects and takes me out for a period of time, then everything is pending while I recover… if possible.

[quote]Antares wrote:
There is a BIG difference between dodging a 45# plate, thrown kinda-half-assed-like, as a waring shot, and hitting a guy in the knee when he’s focusing on 500# Full Squat.

Sorry, I don’t agree with ‘bully-apologists’. Do you apologize for muggers and rapists, too?

The guy said he was throwing plates. Again, sorry, but you don’t just “casually” dodge a plate coming at you. I’ve dropped plates before–they’re fucking heavy and can crush bones dropped from just a few inches.

Even ‘casual warning plate throwing’, you’re talking about potential broken bones and serious injury.

If someone is lobbing objects at me that are going to injure me and break bones, then, yes, I’m going defend myself. I don’t give a rat-fuck if you or anyone else think it’s right or wrong.

Sounds like your mentor had it coming to him. There is no “Manning Up” needed. Your guy chased someone from the squat rack. Sounds like a Queen Douchebag that deserved to get his knees kicked out. You stick your fist into a hornets nest and you’re guaranteed to get stung in the back as you’re running away defenseless.

If you’re throwing plates at people, you can expect to get your knees kicked out or have plates thrown back.

Joking or not, Karwoski is the epitome of why big dudes in the gym get a bad rap. He does serious weightlifters no favors.

I got no love for douchebags of that magnitude.

[quote]anonym wrote:
What editing or context are you people referring to that makes it seem as though he is speaking strictly in regards to douches clogging the squat rack?

His quote is one long, uninterrupted spiel. Yeah, he mentions “those types” later on, but not in regards to booting people out of the rack. He is talking about anyone using “his” rack on Monday at 5:30.

I don’t give a shit WHAT someone happens to be doing in the squat rack - if you can’t be bothered to act like a human being and ask if they wouldn’t mind letting you hop in at some point (or whatever), you are a twat. Grabbing their bar and tossing it away just reinforces the meathead, roid-raged stereotype.[/quote]

are you serious? it was absolutely edited. that much is clear. you don’t even have a question or context.

anyway, color me a twat b/c I can’t see the day where I walk in and say, “excuse me chap, would you mind doing your curls over there where everyone else does their curls and allow me to actually squat in the rack that was intended, among other things, for squatting”?

I suppose he might have been kidding. I have a hard time believing he would act like that for real. Either way, I emit no love to the general direction of the comments.

I don’t believe he literally meant throwing plates at someone. I really wish the guy that trains at his gym were here. He’s from MD and he’s a PL. Nice guy.

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]KBCThird wrote:
Sounds like nobody’s actually watched the entire documentary, but the footage at the end while the credits are rolling suggests that Karwoski was exaggerating a bit. Nothing directly states that, but their playing outtakes from different points in the movie and they show Karwoski getting fired up and at one point in his rant he curses and a voice from off-camera says something to teh effect of “whoa, whoa, you cant say” Kirk immediately calms down and says “Now hold on, YOU told me to - YOU said” and then somethign to the effect that the filmmaker had encouraged Kirk to have a “ham it up” a bit on camera. On the other hand, I can totally see it happening as described

[quote]Amiright wrote:
if someone came to use my rack when I’m using it with aggression like that… even if i’m taking an extended rest between sets etc… I’d put a 45lb plate through their head.

In a public gym… you wait your turn or ask if you can use it in a decent manner. [/quote]

Hahaha, ok, NOW who’s the one being a tough guy? I’d be willing to bet that even if Karwoski DID come at you like that, nothing of the sort would happen[/quote]

Thats not being a tough guy… thats defending yourself when someone is trying to cause you harm. Telling a person over an internet forum that they wouldn’t do something is a little misguided… you don’t know me… [/quote]

I don’t know you, which is why I didnt say that I know what you would or wouldnt do - but i would BET that you wouldnt “put a 45 lb plate through their head.”

What you described isn’t self-defense and wouldnt be viewed as such by anyone with common sense. If he ‘came at you with aggression’ you could stand your ground and yell back. If you waited til he threw the 45 and THEN threw a 45 yourself, now that’s self-defense.

What you wrote IS being a tough guy, because you’re just talking - that’s all it is, a lot of hot air. Not ‘this is what i did when a similar situation occurred’ but ’ well, i WOULD [insert verbal swagger].’ Which, ok, you’re well within your rights, but it’s precisely because, as you say, I (and I’m willing to bet 90-100% of the people on this thread) dont know you that it’s totally meaningless. Yeah, you could be a real tough guy yourself, or you could be some high school schmuck. Beats me.

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
I don’t believe he literally meant throwing plates at someone.[/quote]

Agreed. He’s just being hyperbolic. You know that. I know that. But still, some a-hole watching that vid might not catch the nuance and take it as license to act as such.

Look at all the little dweebs who db-press the 35’s then throw them down like they just conquered fucking gravity. They see that on videos and take it as a cue that’s how you’re supposed to act in a gym (if you’re a douchebag).

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

[quote]Antares wrote:
There is a BIG difference between dodging a 45# plate, thrown kinda-half-assed-like, as a waring shot, and hitting a guy in the knee when he’s focusing on 500# Full Squat.

Sorry, I don’t agree with ‘bully-apologists’. Do you apologize for muggers and rapists, too?

The guy said he was throwing plates. Again, sorry, but you don’t just “casually” dodge a plate coming at you. I’ve dropped plates before–they’re fucking heavy and can crush bones dropped from just a few inches.

Even ‘casual warning plate throwing’, you’re talking about potential broken bones and serious injury.

If someone is lobbing objects at me that are going to injure me and break bones, then, yes, I’m going defend myself. I don’t give a rat-fuck if you or anyone else think it’s right or wrong.

Sounds like your mentor had it coming to him. There is no “Manning Up” needed. Your guy chased someone from the squat rack. Sounds like a Queen Douchebag that deserved to get his knees kicked out. You stick your fist into a hornets nest and you’re guaranteed to get stung in the back as you’re running away defenseless.

If you’re throwing plates at people, you can expect to get your knees kicked out or have plates thrown back.

Joking or not, Karwoski is the epitome of why big dudes in the gym get a bad rap. He does serious weightlifters no favors.

I got no love for douchebags of that magnitude.[/quote]

One this was not my Mentor, it was the closest thing that came to a training partner for him.

This guy was a big influence on me too.

Second, you are going to silly extremes. Rape, and throwing plates to scare a guy off of a rack, is not a good parallel.

Third, where does it stop?

I mean, you kick him out while he’s Full Squating 500, you fucking wait just for the right moment of weakness and run, and then what if he comes to you some time and sends you to the hospital it’s cool right?

You think he ‘deserves that’ and he thinks you ‘deserves this.’

I mean you could have sent him to the hospital with the knee-kick, so he goes and sees you face to face and says ‘lets do this it.’

That’s fine right?

Or is he supposed to take the knee-kick, all be it he had no real odds of avoiding it, as ‘justice?’

You took it to the next level, he took it even further, lets do this 'till one or the other dies?

Spy Vs Spy?

I don’t fully agree with EITHER one of you…actually…

Just 'cause this guy was big influence on my Weight Training, doesn’t mean I liked EVERYTHING he did, or had POTENTIAL to do, and call it ‘good’.

I don’t like A LOT of your potential either…

They didn’t care if you think they are proper Gentlemen-Weight-Lifters, whom are/were doing ‘wrong’, any more than you care if I/they think you are ‘wrong.’

I am just glad you never encountered them in a ‘public’ gym…Would get nutz, in no time…

[quote]KBCThird wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]KBCThird wrote:
Sounds like nobody’s actually watched the entire documentary, but the footage at the end while the credits are rolling suggests that Karwoski was exaggerating a bit. Nothing directly states that, but their playing outtakes from different points in the movie and they show Karwoski getting fired up and at one point in his rant he curses and a voice from off-camera says something to teh effect of “whoa, whoa, you cant say” Kirk immediately calms down and says “Now hold on, YOU told me to - YOU said” and then somethign to the effect that the filmmaker had encouraged Kirk to have a “ham it up” a bit on camera. On the other hand, I can totally see it happening as described

[quote]Amiright wrote:
if someone came to use my rack when I’m using it with aggression like that… even if i’m taking an extended rest between sets etc… I’d put a 45lb plate through their head.

In a public gym… you wait your turn or ask if you can use it in a decent manner. [/quote]

Hahaha, ok, NOW who’s the one being a tough guy? I’d be willing to bet that even if Karwoski DID come at you like that, nothing of the sort would happen[/quote]

Thats not being a tough guy… thats defending yourself when someone is trying to cause you harm. Telling a person over an internet forum that they wouldn’t do something is a little misguided… you don’t know me… [/quote]

I don’t know you, which is why I didnt say that I know what you would or wouldnt do - but i would BET that you wouldnt “put a 45 lb plate through their head.”

What you described isn’t self-defense and wouldnt be viewed as such by anyone with common sense. If he ‘came at you with aggression’ you could stand your ground and yell back. If you waited til he threw the 45 and THEN threw a 45 yourself, now that’s self-defense.

What you wrote IS being a tough guy, because you’re just talking - that’s all it is, a lot of hot air. Not ‘this is what i did when a similar situation occurred’ but ’ well, i WOULD [insert verbal swagger].’ Which, ok, you’re well within your rights, but it’s precisely because, as you say, I (and I’m willing to bet 90-100% of the people on this thread) dont know you that it’s totally meaningless. Yeah, you could be a real tough guy yourself, or you could be some high school schmuck. Beats me.[/quote]

When I say “aggression like that”… its referencing him throwing shit like he said… and telling long winded stories over the internet is pointless. If someone was to sit here and say they’ve done this or that… do you always believe them?!?

And I don’t consider anyone a “tough guy” there are just guys that weren’t loved as children and feel the need to demand respect when its not warranted

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]KBCThird wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]KBCThird wrote:
Sounds like nobody’s actually watched the entire documentary, but the footage at the end while the credits are rolling suggests that Karwoski was exaggerating a bit. Nothing directly states that, but their playing outtakes from different points in the movie and they show Karwoski getting fired up and at one point in his rant he curses and a voice from off-camera says something to teh effect of “whoa, whoa, you cant say” Kirk immediately calms down and says “Now hold on, YOU told me to - YOU said” and then somethign to the effect that the filmmaker had encouraged Kirk to have a “ham it up” a bit on camera. On the other hand, I can totally see it happening as described

[quote]Amiright wrote:
if someone came to use my rack when I’m using it with aggression like that… even if i’m taking an extended rest between sets etc… I’d put a 45lb plate through their head.

In a public gym… you wait your turn or ask if you can use it in a decent manner. [/quote]

Hahaha, ok, NOW who’s the one being a tough guy? I’d be willing to bet that even if Karwoski DID come at you like that, nothing of the sort would happen[/quote]

Thats not being a tough guy… thats defending yourself when someone is trying to cause you harm. Telling a person over an internet forum that they wouldn’t do something is a little misguided… you don’t know me… [/quote]

I don’t know you, which is why I didnt say that I know what you would or wouldnt do - but i would BET that you wouldnt “put a 45 lb plate through their head.”

What you described isn’t self-defense and wouldnt be viewed as such by anyone with common sense. If he ‘came at you with aggression’ you could stand your ground and yell back. If you waited til he threw the 45 and THEN threw a 45 yourself, now that’s self-defense.

What you wrote IS being a tough guy, because you’re just talking - that’s all it is, a lot of hot air. Not ‘this is what i did when a similar situation occurred’ but ’ well, i WOULD [insert verbal swagger].’ Which, ok, you’re well within your rights, but it’s precisely because, as you say, I (and I’m willing to bet 90-100% of the people on this thread) dont know you that it’s totally meaningless. Yeah, you could be a real tough guy yourself, or you could be some high school schmuck. Beats me.[/quote]

When I say “aggression like that”… its referencing him throwing shit like he said… and telling long winded stories over the internet is pointless. If someone was to sit here and say they’ve done this or that… do you always believe them?!?

And I don’t consider anyone a “tough guy” there are just guys that weren’t loved as children and feel the need to demand respect when its not warranted [/quote]

ok, i woulda just said “threw a plate at me,” since “aggression” is much more vague and ambiguous, and can entail pretty much any point in his rant. but that’s fine

Your last sentence touches on my point. You’re looking for respect amongst a group of faceless, anonymous internet posters by telling a story about what you WOULD do (put a plate thru his head,) and it can be believed or disbelieved. I choose to disbelieve it. But whatever, it’s cool, just seems like a lot of the actions you criticize are present in your post.

This thread is so full of bullshit it’s ridiculous. One guy’s claiming he has kicked people out of the rack and another claims his “heroes” have had guns pulled on them and one had his knee kicked out while squatting for being a complete douche. BULLSHIT. No one here has kicked someone out of the rack and certainly no one has had their knee kicked out for being a douche. So much shit would’ve gone down from either of those incidents that the offenders would’ve been banned from commercial gyms for life. And, yes, I read that the heroes have their own gyms. Ahhh the internet, where every man is Bill Brasky.

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

Look at all the little dweebs who db-press the 35’s then throw them down like they just conquered fucking gravity. They see that on videos and take it as a cue that’s how you’re supposed to act in a gym (if you’re a douchebag).

This shit cracks me up…

I felt so meek and out of place when the 35’s were a challenge, but I have seen kids tossing them around on the regular.

Shit, I’m lol’ing at my desk thinking about it now.

[quote]Antares wrote:

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]Bricknyce wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:
if someone came to use my rack when I’m using it with aggression like that… even if i’m taking an extended rest between sets etc… I’d put a 45lb plate through their head.


Might not work with Capt Kirk. [/quote]

Maybe not, but there’s also no way in hell someone is going to forcibly remove me from my rack.[/quote]

If some fucker threw any plate at me, I’d let him use the squat rack for sure… Then I’d kick his fucking knees out when he had 500 lbs on his back.[/quote]

I know you are joking but, this very thing happened to one my biggest influences.

According to legend any ways…

I laughed.

LOL @ Ed Coan.

[quote]KBCThird wrote:
ok, i woulda just said “threw a plate at me,” since “aggression” is much more vague and ambiguous, and can entail pretty much any point in his rant. but that’s fine

Your last sentence touches on my point. You’re looking for respect amongst a group of faceless, anonymous internet posters by telling a story about what you WOULD do (put a plate thru his head,) and it can be believed or disbelieved. I choose to disbelieve it. But whatever, it’s cool, just seems like a lot of the actions you criticize are present in your post.[/quote]

I didn’t realize that it looked like I was searching for validation… I was just making a comment on how what he “does” is absurd etc… I wouldn’t call that a story though. I do see how my posts could/appear hypocritical and for that I apologize. I shall improve :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
are you serious? it was absolutely edited. that much is clear. you don’t even have a question or context.[/quote]

It was edited such that it may have started up mid-sentence, but when he starts talking about walking to the squat rack and seeing someone using it, there is no cut.

“…I’d walk back to the squat racks, I’d throw my gym bag on the floor, it’s 5:30 on Monday - or it’s within a few minutes of 5:30 on Monday. And if somebody was STUPID enough to be on those racks, they would get a ‘five minutes’…”

…then he talks about throwing their shit off the rack if they didn’t follow his orders.

Are we assuming that he mentioned pussies and douche bags just prior to that, but then switched to a generalizing ‘somebody’ (anybody) being on the rack?