[quote]Eric 2.0 wrote:
[quote]anonym wrote:
What editing or context are you people referring to that makes it seem as though he is speaking strictly in regards to douches clogging the squat rack?
His quote is one long, uninterrupted spiel. Yeah, he mentions “those types” later on, but not in regards to booting people out of the rack. He is talking about anyone using “his” rack on Monday at 5:30.
I don’t give a shit WHAT someone happens to be doing in the squat rack - if you can’t be bothered to act like a human being and ask if they wouldn’t mind letting you hop in at some point (or whatever), you are a twat. Grabbing their bar and tossing it away just reinforces the meathead, roid-raged stereotype.[/quote]
Yes…my comment that IF he was reffering specifically to squat rack curlers, then throwing them out is heroic, means that he is doing what we’d all love to do, what we’ve all daydreamed about doing. But, there is a definite reason that we don’t actually do these things (we live in a civilized society and are not animals simply driven by impulse). So its sort of a catch 22.
And I really wonder how these people reacted. Like Lanky said, I don’t care how big or accomplished anyone is, you’re not throwing me off a piece of equipment that I am using. [/quote]
This is one reason why some people ultimately must train in ‘private.’
I COULD handle a ‘public’ gym, but my biggest influence COULD NOT.
They wouldn’t give a shit if you don’t think they are the proper Gentleman-Weight-Lifter any more than I do…
‘Fitting in’ was never their thing…They took that to the gym too…It’s seems they cared so little to ‘fit in’ that they where ‘kept out,’ eventually
So went where they would stay out of trouble…
I don’t condone some of the lengths these men went to ( they went further than me or Kar ) but I accept their personalities…