- Extreme folly or stupidity.
- A foolish or stupid utterance or deed.
I have noticed a pretty current flow of migrants which seem to be trolls. I don’t know if it is trolls, but usually trolls are synonymous with that definition of “idiocy”. Let me take you further with examples.
Examples of people lacking common sense are found in “Counting the Bar”
, “Is This A Realistic Goal?”, “Fractional Strength” (Due to possibly allowing newbies to try to avoid lifting heavy), “T-Bomb and Alcohol”, etc. They aren’t hard to find.
That’s one thing I’ve noticed is growing uncontrollably-You have to spell out letter by letter to people here because they have [u]NO COMMON SENSE[/u]. Is it just me seeing this shit? Hell, go look at my “I KO’ed Functional Training” thread. It’s present there.
The next example is easier to see, and it’s been this way for a while now; however, it’s just getting worse. More and more people are posting mediocre physiques*-sometimes without any comments, or without asking any advice.
Examples of this can be found in Physique and Performance Photos, and Rate My Physique. Specifically such forms of trolling are found in these threads:
“After 1.5 Years of Training”, “Two Years of Lifting”, “Skinny Fat-What Should I Do?”, “29 Year Old In The Making”, “My Lame & Unimpressive Physique”, “Iffy Physique Picture”, and several more in the Rate My Physique.
In summary, I must say I am getting very dissapointed with the type of people coming to this site. I’ve even juggled leaving this site due to downright stupidity of some people. The best thing that a newbie can do is not post their picture, read,learn, and post only where he can help.
Hell, it wouldn’t even hurt them to get out in the world and learn about some important subjects such as COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Half of the stupid shit on here would dissapear then.
For the beginners-eat whatever is available (burgers aren’t bad for you, Mr. 135), and lift continuously. The greatest gains I have ever had came when I ignored macro-,micronutrients, calories, etc, and just lifted hard and ate whatever was available. I gained so much from being so simplistic, and I wish all beginners would do that.
Any comments? Do you agree or disagree with me? Do you even notice this shit on T-Nation? Tell me your opinion!
*Do not ask me to post my picture, because I believe I have a mediocre physique. I will post a picture once I get to 185 lbs; until then get over it.