Killing T-Nation


  1. Extreme folly or stupidity.
  2. A foolish or stupid utterance or deed.

I have noticed a pretty current flow of migrants which seem to be trolls. I don’t know if it is trolls, but usually trolls are synonymous with that definition of “idiocy”. Let me take you further with examples.

Examples of people lacking common sense are found in “Counting the Bar”
, “Is This A Realistic Goal?”, “Fractional Strength” (Due to possibly allowing newbies to try to avoid lifting heavy), “T-Bomb and Alcohol”, etc. They aren’t hard to find.

That’s one thing I’ve noticed is growing uncontrollably-You have to spell out letter by letter to people here because they have [u]NO COMMON SENSE[/u]. Is it just me seeing this shit? Hell, go look at my “I KO’ed Functional Training” thread. It’s present there.

The next example is easier to see, and it’s been this way for a while now; however, it’s just getting worse. More and more people are posting mediocre physiques*-sometimes without any comments, or without asking any advice.

Examples of this can be found in Physique and Performance Photos, and Rate My Physique. Specifically such forms of trolling are found in these threads:
“After 1.5 Years of Training”, “Two Years of Lifting”, “Skinny Fat-What Should I Do?”, “29 Year Old In The Making”, “My Lame & Unimpressive Physique”, “Iffy Physique Picture”, and several more in the Rate My Physique.

In summary, I must say I am getting very dissapointed with the type of people coming to this site. I’ve even juggled leaving this site due to downright stupidity of some people. The best thing that a newbie can do is not post their picture, read,learn, and post only where he can help.

Hell, it wouldn’t even hurt them to get out in the world and learn about some important subjects such as COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Half of the stupid shit on here would dissapear then.

For the beginners-eat whatever is available (burgers aren’t bad for you, Mr. 135), and lift continuously. The greatest gains I have ever had came when I ignored macro-,micronutrients, calories, etc, and just lifted hard and ate whatever was available. I gained so much from being so simplistic, and I wish all beginners would do that.

Any comments? Do you agree or disagree with me? Do you even notice this shit on T-Nation? Tell me your opinion!

*Do not ask me to post my picture, because I believe I have a mediocre physique. I will post a picture once I get to 185 lbs; until then get over it.

Mostly white noise from what I see.

You get too caught up in it. Why do you even bother?

You cannot fight stupidity with reasoning.

Just focus on your goals and achieve them. Use blinders. Most of the forum is a joke anyway. Don’t care so much. What’s done is done.

I agree with you on some of the topics you mentioned. I myself have abused T-Nation forum a bit now that I think about it.

As for the trolling I called this one.
It was really disapointing how people were responding to such b.s (in my opinion).
I remember one article from about a week ago that I can’t find.

Something about progressing extremly rapidly on the deadlift. With the way the math worked he would have been deadlifting as much as Franco Columbo in only a year. The only thing I could think was, “wow, I had no idea being Franco was that easy.”

[quote]unbending wrote:

You get too caught up in it. Why do you even bother?[/quote]

Because for a while I really cared about this site. I may still care about it; I just don’t know anymore.

Fulmen, a wise man once told me,

[quote]I can’t believe you wasted your time.

Kiddin’ with ya, good post.[/quote]

I agree with alot of the things you have said in this post. While I consider myself intermediate at the moment, I still don’t feel the need to post my picture or ask for critiquing. I’m not currently happy with my physique, so I’m going to change it. I don’t need someone to tell me that.

You’re right in that the best way to learn about it is doing. I’ve been lifting weights for a long time, but from a younger age, and have progressed so much. You can’t beat the experience like that and how much I have learnt, and I’m still learning.

I’ve noticed the trolling much more lately that ever.

you are a perfect example of the individual you described in your opening post. i stupidly read through the complete tripe that is your ‘ko’ed functional training’ and YOU are ‘that guy,’ it can be summed up by your arrogance, your sense of self-entitlement (mocking an individual for a 400 squat goal, when you cant do the lift yourself, since you want to score big, bad t-points, with your hardcore i-stats)and the fact that you even started this thread since you obviously have made such an impact in positively shaping this site over what time you’ve been here.

So maybe you should take some time from critiquing the ‘quality’ of the posts on this site and start watching your own, and question WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER every time you hit submit. Do you honestly think this will make T-Nation a better place?


This reminds me of one of my first posts
“29 y/o, 5foot 3 , 125Lbs, skinny fat…and I’m an hard gainer…”

Oh…and I just want to look nice in the beach…

It’s not about stupidity. It’s just about goals, different goals. That’s it.
So relax.

[quote]keysersozae wrote:
you are a perfect example of the individual you described in your opening post. i stupidly read through the complete tripe that is your ‘ko’ed functional training’ and YOU are ‘that guy,’ it can be summed up by your arrogance, your sense of self-entitlement (mocking an individual for a 400 squat goal, when you cant do the lift yourself, since you want to score big, bad t-points, with your hardcore i-stats)and the fact that you even started this thread since you obviously have made such an impact in positively shaping this site over what time you’ve been here.

So maybe you should take some time from critiquing the ‘quality’ of the posts on this site and start watching your own, and question WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER every time you hit submit. Do you honestly think this will make T-Nation a better place?


Can I assume that this post of yours is what you consider to be “quality”? What have you, oh judgmental one, done to make this a better place?

I really do think that this a symptom of the public nature of the internet. It’s like a public park in a big city. Anybody can go there and all kinds do. However just like city parks when enough of the good citizens run the riff raff takes over and the intended patrons have lost their home.

All these bullshit threads and posts are a combination of calculated trolling and plain ol ignorance and mediocrity. Don’t hasten to conclude which is which though. Some that you would bet a weeks a pay have just got to be a troll job are guys who, yes, really are that clueless.

There are also some, I guarantee you, who are sharp enough to compose a world class trolling expedition that may be tough to spot.

The Solution?

Paid registration for posting rights. I think I may have said that once or twice somewhere already. That would, in one fell swoop, filter out 98% of real trolls and push the clueless noobs into quite a bit more searching before deciding to drop some modest coin for the privilege of being heard.

Why focus on the negatives?

I love this forum. Anyone with an intelligent question is likely to get lots of intelligent feedback.

Will you get stupid answers and trolls? Sure. Just like the rest of the real world. Ignore them. That’s what scrolling is for.

[quote]Irish Muscle wrote:
Tiribulus wrote:
I really do think that this a symptom of the public nature of the internet. It’s like a public park in a big city. Anybody can go there and all kinds do. However just like city parks when enough of the good citizens run the riff raff takes over and the intended patrons have lost their home.

All these bullshit threads and posts are a combination of calculated trolling and plain ol ignorance and mediocrity. Don’t hasten to conclude which is which though. Some that you would bet a weeks a pay have just got to be a troll job are guys who, yes, really are that clueless.

There are also some, I guarantee you, who are sharp enough to compose a world class trolling expedition that may be tough to spot.

The Solution?

Paid registration for posting rights. I think I may have said that once or twice somewhere already. That would, in one fell swoop, filter out 98% of real trolls and push the clueless noobs into quite a bit more searching before deciding to drop some modest coin for the privilege of being heard.

if people had to pay to post you would have the majority of T-Nation as middle aged men.

Most young teens couldnt be bothered entering a credit card number to a web site when they can do the same thing on another site for free.

If this was to be introduced, there would be a shit load less people on this site which would result in less profit for Biotest supplements.

The trolls are important to T-Nation imo. Any time a stupid pic comes out or some idiot makes a stupid ass comment he gets shot down buy the regulars.
I think that on its own constantly reminds every one of what this site is about. Otherwise the site would gradually evolve into another version of where the people are TOO damn friendly.

If the trolls were to go, then there would be no reason to have an attitude here and it would turn into a perfect website where every one would be too repectfull to each other and overly happy and complementive.

I think it would end up like photo gallary. There are some big cuntes on that site, and every one says stuff like “omg, you are so big, wow!”

When theres too much respect and manners, the atmosphere of the site turns gay.

So we ned trolls to keep every one semi pissed off, and full of testosterone.

Gosh darnit[/quote]

[/thread] Good post Irish.

[quote]BigRagoo wrote:

[/thread] Good post Irish.[/quote]

Nor really considering the over-ruling attitude seems to be that we stop pointing out trolls or retarded posts and allow them to fill up the forum in majority. Remember the whole “gutted” issue? It seems quite a few want mediocrity to be the prevailing mood. I don’t think full understanding of how useless these forums are going to become will set in until most of the regular posters…quit posting.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
BigRagoo wrote:

[/thread] Good post Irish.

Nor really considering the over-ruling attitude seems to be that we stop pointing out trolls or retarded posts and allow them to fill up the forum in majority. Remember the whole “gutted” issue? It seems quite a few want mediocrity to be the prevailing mood. I don’t think full understanding of how useless these forums are going to become will set in until most of the regular posters…quit posting.[/quote]

That’s why we won’t stop, right?

I am not sure about the trolls, but the pictures of undeveloped persons serve some purpose- downward social comparison.

[quote]keysersozae wrote:
you are a perfect example of the individual you described in your opening post. i stupidly read through the complete tripe that is your ‘ko’ed functional training’ and YOU are ‘that guy,’ it can be summed up by your arrogance, your sense of self-entitlement (mocking an individual for a 400 squat goal, when you cant do the lift yourself, since you want to score big, bad t-points, with your hardcore i-stats)and the fact that you even started this thread since you obviously have made such an impact in positively shaping this site over what time you’ve been here.

So maybe you should take some time from critiquing the ‘quality’ of the posts on this site and start watching your own, and question WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER every time you hit submit. Do you honestly think this will make T-Nation a better place?


Good post. teh OP could just as easily be mocked for having a goal of posting pics once he reaches 185# Somehow, everyone has seen fit to be civil about him, but he wants everyone to bash the newbs. get over it.

As far as people posting every idiotic thing that comes to mind, attention-whoring with pictures of physiques that aren’t exactly awe-inspiring … get used to it. This is the internet age, and for whatever reason, people have reacted to this by renouncing many notions of privacy - blogs and the like.

there was a very interesting piece on public radio in nyc yesterday about media artist who uses his website to track EVERY DETAIL of his private life. Now, his reasons are different from the reasons of many people. this is from the radio website

“Meet Hasan Elahi. He’s an American artist with a focus on new media. After someone reported him as a terrorist, he began using the power of the internet to clear his name: he posts every last detail of his private life, from cell phone records to lunches to urinals. He told Brooke Darrah Shuman how he’s made his website an art project called Tracking Transience.”

now whether you think that’s profound or
ridiculous, it is, in my opinion, a
symptom of the times. So my only advice
would be to get used to it, and keep
it in perspective.

[quote]Irish Muscle wrote:
Tiribulus wrote:
I really do think that this a symptom of the public nature of the internet. It’s like a public park in a big city. Anybody can go there and all kinds do. However just like city parks when enough of the good citizens run the riff raff takes over and the intended patrons have lost their home.

All these bullshit threads and posts are a combination of calculated trolling and plain ol ignorance and mediocrity. Don’t hasten to conclude which is which though. Some that you would bet a weeks a pay have just got to be a troll job are guys who, yes, really are that clueless.

There are also some, I guarantee you, who are sharp enough to compose a world class trolling expedition that may be tough to spot.

The Solution?

Paid registration for posting rights. I think I may have said that once or twice somewhere already. That would, in one fell swoop, filter out 98% of real trolls and push the clueless noobs into quite a bit more searching before deciding to drop some modest coin for the privilege of being heard.

if people had to pay to post you would have the majority of T-Nation as middle aged men.

Most young teens couldnt be bothered entering a credit card number to a web site when they can do the same thing on another site for free.

If this was to be introduced, there would be a shit load less people on this site which would result in less profit for Biotest supplements.

The trolls are important to T-Nation imo. Any time a stupid pic comes out or some idiot makes a stupid ass comment he gets shot down buy the regulars.
I think that on its own constantly reminds every one of what this site is about. Otherwise the site would gradually evolve into another version of where the people are TOO damn friendly.

If the trolls were to go, then there would be no reason to have an attitude here and it would turn into a perfect website where every one would be too repectfull to each other and overly happy and complementive.

I think it would end up like photo gallary. There are some big cuntes on that site, and every one says stuff like “omg, you are so big, wow!”

When theres too much respect and manners, the atmosphere of the site turns gay.

So we ned trolls to keep every one semi pissed off, and full of testosterone.

Gosh darnit[/quote]

Irish…I poised my fingers, ready to type out an argument, but it turns out I completely agree with you. LOL.

[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
Professor X wrote:
BigRagoo wrote:

[/thread] Good post Irish.

Nor really considering the over-ruling attitude seems to be that we stop pointing out trolls or retarded posts and allow them to fill up the forum in majority. Remember the whole “gutted” issue? It seems quite a few want mediocrity to be the prevailing mood. I don’t think full understanding of how useless these forums are going to become will set in until most of the regular posters…quit posting.

That’s why we won’t stop, right?[/quote]

Bravo. It’s good to know that some of the regulars have this attitude.

Plus, I think that the veteran whiners should spend less time in the Get a Life or Physique and Performance Photos sections. For example, the Beginners and Strength Sports sections are full of great posts by mostly anonymous (i.e. less prolific) members.

[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
That’s why we won’t stop, right?[/quote]

Sorry BR… but I think he meant useful and/or valuable posters :wink:

[quote]4est wrote:
BigRagoo wrote:
That’s why we won’t stop, right?

Sorry BR… but I think he meant useful and/or valuable posters ;)[/quote]

Oh. That hurt, 4est :frowning: