Kettlebell Training

Hey guys,

I’m looking to get in better conditioning using a Kettlebell.
I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice on exercises, maybe hazards of using a kettlebell and such?

I am a BJJ/MMA competitor so I would like to direct my exercises to be functional for those kinds of matches.

Let me know your ideas :slight_smile:

Thnx in advance!

I’ve trained with kettlebells and practiced BJJ.

KB swings can help your hip bump. Windmill’s are good for stretching you out and making your obliques more durable. I suggest a hip rotation oblique drill as well though – e.g. full-contact twist.

Increasing mat endurance can be done simply by training and rolling more frequently, this is almost always rejected by internet martial artists due to various excuses: generally due to lack of time

Kettlebells are a tool for strength and conditioning, just like dumbbells or barbells. Nothing more, nothing less. Just as DBs can add spice to a BB-only routine that may be stagnating, KBs can do the same. The design of the bell makes for some different exercises which wouldn’t really translate as well with a DB or BB.

That being said, I use KBs periodically for a few exercises now, but didn’t have access to them back when I was training and fighting.

KB swings are great for endurance as well as really learning to use your hips(you can learn that with other tools as well, but KBs seemed to work best for me), you can do them as a power exercise, or higher-rep for more of a ‘cardio’ effect. Tabata protocol just kills with these.

I like the windmills (and double windmills - same exercise with two bells) not only for the stretch and oblique, but it makes for a great scap stabilization/mobilization move as well.

I recently started doing the Viking routine(x number of snatches in 15 seconds, rest 15 seconds, same number of snatches on other side in 15 seconds, etc. for time). Liked it, and plan to do it some more once I get my right ham healed up(unrelated to lifting, happened sprinting on the range without warming up).

ok Thnx for these replies.
It’s not that I get burned out during rolling, I roll a lot to be honest.
I got enough time to do so since I just went back to school after 2 years of work, so now I am able to spend some more time to practice and such.

I’ll look up that tabata protocol like you mentioned :slight_smile: