Keto, SKD and TKD with Powerlifting

I can’t understand why you would want to use a keto diet while adding mass. Why not eat carbs while bulking and then return to keto to cut or maintain?

Saying that it doesn’t negatively effect performance goes against all logic. Low glycogen levels automatically reduce energy and strength. Sure, you could get used to having no carbs/minimal carbs and you would theoretically see some gains, but progress will certainly be slower than the conventional approach.

Personally, I tried a low carb diet for 6 or 8 weeks once, before I got into powerlifting. I was bulking for a while and got a bit flabby, I spoke to a couple of bodybuilders at the gym about how they would go about cutting weight. They recommended carbs only before and after training, none on off days, and high volume/high reps. I lost about 15lbs. (probably some muscle included) but I was weak as hell. Before starting that I had benched 225x12, towards the end I was doing 225x4-5. Sure, I got lean but I felt like crap (partly psychological because I also cook for a living and I couldn’t eat anything) and I was weak as shit. That’s actually what led me to get into powerlifting.