I don’t think no-carb is ideal, but what I’d advocate most people would consider to be low-carb, as there are very few days out there with a kind of workload that ever requires more than 100g a day unless you’re really trying to grow in size.
i agree with the above advice…since MMA is largley anaerobic, not having the primary fuel source is counterproductive. (however, cutting weight would be a good time to use a low/no0carb diet and rehyrdrate/carb-up prior to the fight…)
i recently went back on Atkins for a few weeks…lost a ton of fat and scale weight (about 25 in 3 weeks), but was playing basketball with some guys, and would gas constantly. i’d go from dunking to barely being able to run half-court… another issue is staying hydrated. i aways drink about 1 1 1/2 gallons of H2O a day, and on Atkins i could not stay hydrated (due to not having the carbs in my body). this could be a serious issue when rolling, etc…
i love the low carb diet for losing fat, but i don’t think most people can use it for a real sport.
Do not do it dood. it will not work for mma. Keto is more for bodybuilding. like split body parts 4 sets of 10 reps is ideal. stuff like that. carbs pre work out. carbs post workout. minimum carbs 1st meal after workout. rest should be veggies. i once weighed 260lbs killed myself doing no carb shit like an idiot. carbs for mma. creatine, glutamine help me recover pretty good too. if you do no carbs and kill yourself all the weight will come back!! unless your a robot youll give in. its not worth the mental mind fuck. 20-30g carb preworkout. post at least 35g-70g carbs. and the rest veggies. watch the fat melt. im eating a piece of lean steak every night before bed. you wake up wanting to EAT like an animal.
For full training i see what you mean. In my case i am still dropping weight to get into my training weight. Not sure on % but i am prolly 30% BF. I am training Muay Thai so i need to be pretty thin. If i cycled Keto to get down to a training weight would i be okay? My current training consists of running and elipitcal work 1.5 hours a day and some heavy bag work with body weight calistinics(ie: pushups situps and crunches etc)
I’ve tried the keto diet when getting ready for my 3rd fight…def felt like CRAP! Keto diet is only useful the week of the weigh ins IMO, since I take it easy and only hit pads the week of.
What’s worked best for me is to carb up during my workouts (dextrose/protein/AA’s shake that I sip on in between rounds), and post workout (preferrably within 30 min to an hour). I follow a keto diet at all other times.
You should read “The Grapplers Guide to Sports Nutrition” by John Berardi, and “The Samurai Diet” by Nate Miyaki. Both of those were very useful for me, and I’ve had the best weight cuts and training camps when following the guidelines they give. Hope this helps!