After reading the article, “Advice you don’t want to hear”, I felt that some pre-hab type of stuff she be applied to my overall training. Tell me what you guys think pls
I applied some of these exercises from the “shoulder savers” articles and the “hips don’t lie” article (my hips are in a posterior tilt)
After warming up and basic static stretching
These are for upper body
Sleeper stretch
Thoracic foam rolling
band stretches for shoulders
wall slides
scat push ups
DB one arm Push presses (if you’ve read the shoulder savers series, you’d understand why I implement this)
Now, more geared towards lower body
myofacial release w/ tennis ball
psoas activation
glute bridge
lying side clam
body weighted single leg Romanian Deadlifts
knee hugs
pull-back butt kicks
I only do a set or 2 of each one b/c it’s a long list and perform them 3X’s per week spread out throughout the week…just trying to keep myself away from injury.