[quote]Cron391 wrote:
Here is the link lol
This is my profile and all the info is correct! Like I said I have noted my ignorance and will pay more attention to detail next time!
[quote]Cron391 wrote:
Here is the link lol
This is my profile and all the info is correct! Like I said I have noted my ignorance and will pay more attention to detail next time!
All those pics on bodybuilding and no legs, c’mon there’s like 30 shots over there.
Good job man, your doing great for only a year and a half of work.Try and follow the forum rules. For some reason people just love to jump on new people that dont follow the rules. Try and post your front and some legs. Also a diet and workout plan should be included. Great work so far
[quote]Backfl1p wrote:
Good job man, your doing great for only a year and a half of work.Try and follow the forum rules. For some reason people just love to jump on new people that dont follow the rules. Try and post your front and some legs. Also a diet and workout plan should be included. Great work so far[/quote]
thx man…I WAS unaware of the rules…the haters can look at the link above and check my stat’s…
I don’t need to lie…this is me…it is my body and I am really pleased with what I have achieved so far…it seems the time frame i have done it in is a major suprise to people which makes me even happier because I am living proof it can be done…
I will explain how and what I did in due course just wanted some opinion on the results…thats all!
sweet beard.
[quote]mafzal4 wrote:
sick physique, whether it is the OP’s or not.
who says it isnt the same guy who’s profile you linked to, and he just decided to open up an account on T-Nation?[/quote]
well this picture isn’t on that profile…so I wonder where I ‘stole’ this one from!!!
[quote]Cron391 wrote:
LOL trool your stole these pic from a guy on bodyspace lol. The guy you stole these pics from has been working out wayyyy longer than 1.4 years LOL.
You must really want your ego stroked from people on the internet to steal someones else’s photos and use them for yourself. GET A LIFE. I will post the link to the guys profile when I get a chance…[/quote]
check my stats …also see if you can find this pic on there seeing as I am stealing them (what’s the sense in that???)!!!
Very aesthetic shape S.O.L and bf% is also impressive. If this is seriously just 1 year of training you’ve won the lottery with genetics. I’m guessing you were in pretty good shape before this. Before pics and leg pics are needed obviously but no matter what your a solid 8 in my book.
Good work!
[quote]matsm21 wrote:
well then why don’t you explain a little more about stats, lifts, program, diet ,etc. instead of posting one pic that looks like its spent a week in a photo editor.[/quote]
have no idea how to use photoshop!
This is another picture…my back and a doorway in front of me without any light enhancement which is all the earlier pictures contain!
[quote]Intersweat wrote:
Very aesthetic shape S.O.L and bf% is also impressive. If this is seriously just 1 year of training you’ve won the lottery with genetics. I’m guessing you were in pretty good shape before this. Before pics and leg pics are needed obviously but no matter what your a solid 8 in my book.
Good work![/quote]
Thx man…I have always played football at a very competitive level but had never lifted until just over a year ago. I started lifting because I wanted to be faster, improve my strength and ultimately if I am being honest appear in one of the magazines that I used to spend so much of my money on.
I am incredibly competitive so training became a BIG BIG part of my life because I wanted to get a physique that would make people look twice!
I don’t really train my legs that often as I play a lot of football which affects me all over but mainly my legs!
[quote]Intersweat wrote:
Very aesthetic shape S.O.L and bf% is also impressive. If this is seriously just 1 year of training you’ve won the lottery with genetics. I’m guessing you were in pretty good shape before this. Before pics and leg pics are needed obviously but no matter what your a solid 8 in my book.
Good work![/quote]
Not a great pic but an idea of what I looked like before…fairly slim due to the amount of football i playe…very little muscularity in my upper body!
Well, I don’t think those legs quite match that upper body in terms of development, but thanks for posting them, and they aren’t too bad anyways.
Got any before pics?
EDIT: ok, ya beat me to it
[quote]PF_88 wrote:
Well, I don’t think those legs quite match that upper body in terms of development, but thanks for posting them, and they aren’t too bad anyways.
Got any before pics?
EDIT: ok, ya beat me to it[/quote]
Like I say I don’t train legs as intensely as it is really important for me to be really functional with the muscle I carry around due to my love of football and I have real trouble recovering in time after leg sessions…as a result my legs have been somewhat neglected…but I will put that right.
Please bear in mind that I am more interested in strength, aesthetics and conditioning rather than size. I want to be extremely strong and look really good.
Credit has to go to my old personal trainer who was quite prominent in the powerlifting world…without him I’m sure my progress would have been much much slower.
[quote]S.O.L wrote:
I don’t really train my legs that often as I play a lot of football which affects me all over but mainly my legs![/quote]
Legs aren’t bad and I can understand the desire to play football (use to play a lot myself). Just had to ask for the pics cause this is a rate my physique not “rate my back” thread.
Again… good work!!
[quote]Intersweat wrote:
S.O.L wrote:
I don’t really train my legs that often as I play a lot of football which affects me all over but mainly my legs!
Legs aren’t bad and I can understand the desire to play football (use to play a lot myself). Just had to ask for the pics cause this is a rate my physique not “rate my back” thread.
Again… good work!!
Clarification, please: Football as in soccer or as in American football? (My guess is the former.)
[quote]Feist wrote:
Clarification, please: Football as in soccer or as in American football? (My guess is the former.)
you guessed right!
People on here can be such sheep(and haters).
S.O.L great job man.
[quote]S.O.L wrote:
Feist wrote:
Clarification, please: Football as in soccer or as in American football? (My guess is the former.)
you guessed right![/quote]
Yeah, I thought you had something of the look of a soccer player – and lest I be misunderstood, I don’t mean that in a negative way.
I used to play soccer myself (though not at a particularly high level) and enjoy the game. Every now and then I still kick a ball around with (and get smoked by) my younger brother.
Anyway, OP, you look solid and athletic. I gave you a “6,” which I think is good (I would give myself a 2, 3 on a good day), but leaves room for improvement.
Did I read right, that you’re still playing football competetively? If you do add mass to your legs, I’d be curious as to how it impacts how you feel on the field.
How often do you play football? I would guess that leg training makes your performance on the field suffer if you are still very sore or stiff, which can happen after a leg workout for days. If that’s what you meant by your last sentence there fiest.
Although I haven’t seen the dude in a few years, first thing that came to mind was kimbo slice, although a bit smaller then him.