I’m looking at getting some bands, but I’m not sure which kind to get. I’ve checked out the websites for both these products and I’ve read the review in the “stuff we like” column
I was just trying to get some extra feedback from those who’ve tried one or preferably both products. I’m expecting many of you who train Westside to be partial to the Jumpstrech bands and I’m wondering what, if anything, makes them better.
I am leaning towards the BNS bands, simply because they will probably be used by groups with a large variation in strength levels.
I got the BNS ones and I really like them. Set up is pretty easy they seem to be pretty strong. Here is some info. I can full squat (highbar shouldwidth stance) 405 lbs. I do speed squats with 135 lbs and 4 blue bands on each side (about 30 lbs of pressure per band or 240 lbs total when stretched)and I have done 315 lbs with 2 bands on each side (120 lbs when stretched). I’ve only had the bands for two weeks and I can already set them up in less than 10 minutes (probably closer to 5). I have never used the jump stretch bands but I must say that the BNS ones seem really good and they have very good customer service.
You can use the Jumpstretch bands to do other exercises such as pushdowns, face pulls,etc. I don’t think you can do these with the BNS ones as they are more like bungee cords.
I was mainly just thinking about the bands as added variable resistance for bench and squat, but everything else being equal it does make sense for the more versatile product.
Landon: How does set up time and ease of use for multiple users with different strength levels compare between the two?