From Weak to Not as Weak

i figure i may as well keep a log on T-Nation seeing as how i keep one on my computer anyways. atleast this way i may be able to get some imput and a little advice if im doing anything horribly wrong.

i will just post starting from sunday… i just came off of a week long break and i didnt eat proper for the week so it was a pretty crappy two days, sunday and monday were. …
well here it goes:

sunday december 6,2009
Box squat - 2x255,2x255,1x255,2x250,2x250,1x250,2x245,2x245
stiff leg deadlift - 8x225,8x225,8x225
assisted GHR - 8,8,8
reverse hypers- 20,20,20

monday december 7,2009
bb flat bench - 2x185,2x185,2x185… was 5x185 10 days ago but i had a crappy week
bent row - 10x145,10x145,10x145,10x145 … first time on these in a while… decent form
db incline bench- 6x60,6x60,6x60,6x60 … first time in a while on these too
rear delt fly - 12x105,12x105,12x105
close grip bench - 8x135,8x135,7x135
bb curl - 8x80,8x80,8x75

so it begins… lol

december 9th, 2009
had a great day today, missed school because of the snow so what the hell, might as well walk an hour in the snow to the gym lol. my ipod is out of battery so it gave me plenty of time to think about what i was gonna do today.

deadlift - 5x290 *new personal record!!!
front squat - 8x135,8x150 kinda crappy but still killer after deadlifting
superset assisted glute ham raise 8,8,8
with reverse hyperextension 20,20,20 may have to find a way to add resistance to these sometime
calves - standing calf presses with long rests, dont remember the weight. mixed with calf presses on the leg press with 4 plates each side and isometric holds and stretches.

thursday december 10

good workout today, walked over after school. its cold now.
flat bench press 18x135,11x135,10x135 - *new personal rep record
Chinup with a jump assist - 8,8,8,8
Trap bar shrugs with 2 second hold at the top - 12x185,12x185,12x185
Dumbbell curl - 8x35,8x35,8x35
lying tricep extension - 10x75,10x75,10x75

did some abs and cardio today.

sunday december 13, 2009
Backsquat - 8x135,5x185,3x205,3x225,2x225 * personal best on the squats today
stiff leg deadlift - 8x235,8x235,8x235
assisted glute ham raise - 8,8,8
reverse hyper - 20,20
back squat - 8x135,15x135 just wanted to get a little more volume and finish the legs off
calves - just a few raises with iso holds and stuff

good workout, tried out wider stance on squats, i liked it

So, what kind of routine do you follow?

What are your starting maxes for squat/bench/deadlift?

What are your stats? (age, weight, height)

im on WS4SB with a deadlift-light leg day instead of a DE leg day. i havent found my maxes in a while but soo far my best squat is 3x225, best bench 5x185, best dead 1x315.
im 16 and i have been working out proper for about 4-5 months. i weigh about 215lbs and im 6 foot 1. im carrying around a fair amount of fat though. i want to bulk slowly until around march and just get strong as crap and then maybe try a lean up a touch for summer. my goals for new years are bench 3x200,squat 3x235, deadlift 3x315.

tuesday december 15, 2009

upper body max effort
flat bench - 5x180,3x185,2x190* new PR
bent row - 10x150,10x150,10x150,10x150
incline dumbbell bench - 6x65,6x65,6x65,6x60
rear delt fly - 12x110,12x110,12x105
close grip bench - 8x140,8x140,6x140
barbell curl - 8x90,8x85,8x80
hammer strength inclne bench-20x90,20x90
did some cardio and abs while finishing off arms

good workout, ate a lot of food today.

wednesday december 16 ,2009

deadlift day!
deadlifts - 5x300
front squats - 8x145,8x145
ghr - 8,8,8
leg press - 20x360,20x410
abs and cardio

good workout, leg press was killer at the end

saturday december 19, 2009

upper body high rep
flat bench - 19x135,11x135,11x135
lat pulldown - 8x140,8x140,8x140
trap bar shrugs - 12x190,12x190,12x190
db curls - 8x40,8x35,8x35
lying tricep extension - 10x80,10x75,10x75

pretty good workout after only 5 hours of sleep

monday december 21 ,2009
leg day
back squat - 5x220,3x225,2x230*new pr pretty good form but backs a little sore now
stiff leg deadlift - 8x240,8x240,8x240
glute ham raise - 8,8,8
hyper extension - 20,20
leg press - 20x450,20x450
skipped calves today, i will probably just throw them in at the end of my workout tomorow. pretty happy that for the first time in what seems like forever my squat has actually increased. stiff leg deads still increasing pretty consistently every week. im thinking i may need another exercise to hit the quads… let me know if you have any suggestions or critiques on my current leg routine! thanks

by the way i am probably switching to a body builder five day split starting after new years. i can post it if anyone would like to take a look at what im thinking of doing.

tuesday december 22, 2009
bench press - 5x185,3x190,2x195 needed spot on last reps of each set, only for about 3 inches off the chest though and i managed the rest of the lift and lockout on my own
bent row - 10x160,10x160,10x160,10x160 felt pretty easy
incline db press - 6x60,6x60,6x65,6x65
rear delt fly - 12x110,12x110,12x110
close grip bench - 8x145,8x145,6x145
bb curl - 8x90,8x85,8x85
machine chest press - 8x120,7x90 * couldnt even lock it out anymore, triceps were dead, cool machine though, i might include it in my training for when i switch to a bodybuilder split

overall good day, my sleep patterns are still messed, and i have to eat more now

This was one crazy week because of work, Christmas and boxing day…
So i decided instead of playing catch up on my workouts I would go for all my New Year’s goals today. im going to be starting my new routine/bulking phase tomorow. Im going to follow that routine for atleast six weeks and see how it goes.

Here are today’s lifts:
squat 3x235 - hit my goal
bench 3x200 - hit my goal - My spotter may have helped a little. It was some random guy who later told me that I shouldnt go down to my chest on bench because it lets your arms rest when the bar touches your chest. lol
deadlift 2x315 - Sooo close to my goal. I couldnt get the bar off the ground on my third lift, my legs were fried.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with all of my results and I can’t wait to see what the New Year has in store for me !

Started my new workout today.
Rack pull - 5x275,5x275
Lat pulldown with close grip parallel attachment - 6x150,6x150,6x150
rear delt fly - 12x110,12x110,12x110
shrugs - 12x205,12x205,12x205
barbell curl - 8x90,8x95,8x80

flat bench - 5x175,3x185,2x195
seated db shoulder press - 10x40,10x40,10x40
decline db bench - 6x60,6x60,6x60 *almost killed myself trying to set up for these bad boys. lol
db lateral raise - 10x20,10x20,10x20
cable flies - 15x15,15x15
lying overhead extension -10x80,10x75,10x75

squat - 5x225,3x235,2x245 *some forward lean/goodmorning crap happening on the last few reps.
stiff leg dead - 8x225,8x225,8x225 * I forgot my straps, my grip sucks so I couldn’t go heavier.
hacksquat - 10x270,10x270,10x270 * what sick person invented this
S1. ghr - 8,8,8
S2. calves - failure,failure,failure *today i just chose to do some calf presses on the leg press
leg press - 15x350,15x350

This was the first leg session where i had to lie down for a bit. I think i may switch to front squats in two weeks. After doing this workout for six weeks I will evaluate again. I may change to 5/3/1. We’ll see…

bent row - 10x165,10x165,10x165,10x165
shrugs - 6x225,6x225,6x225
S1. HS high row - 10x115,10x115
S2. HS low row - 10x90,10x90
rope face pull - 12x120,12x120,12x120
db preacher curl - 7x25,7x25,7x25
wide grip lat pulldown - 15x70,15x70

overhead press - 5x95,3x105,2x115
incline bench - 10x135,10x135,10(3,7)x135…on the last set I didn’t have a spotter so I played it safe and did two mini sets.
S1. DB front raise - 10x20,10x20,10x20
S2. DB lateral raise - 10x25,10x25,10x25
machine bench - 12x110,12x110,12x110
close grip bench - 3x155/3x135,6x135,6x135
tricep pushdown - 15x60,15x60

rackpull(just above the knee)- 5x335,5x365
lat pulldown (close grip parallel grip) - 6x160,6x170,6x170
rear delt fly - 12x110,12x110,12x110
shrugs - 12x225,12x225,12x225
barbell curl - 8(6,2)x95,8x90,8x85

flat bench - 5x180,3x190,2x200(needed spot through the sticking point on second rep)
seated DB press - 10x45,10x45,10x45
decline DB press - 6x65,6x65,6x65
DB lateral raise - 10x25,10x25,10x25
cable flies - 15x20,15x15
lying overhead extension(skullcrushers) - 10x80,10x80,10x75

good couple of workouts. feeling hungry all the time now. are there any exercises anyone would reccomend for medial delt?
also next week on flat bench should i go up to 205 or should i just aim for more reps at 200? or should i just play it by feel and see how it goes?

squat-5x230,3x240,2x250*personal record
stiff leg dead-8x235,8x235,8x235
S1.GHR - 8,8,8
S2.calf raise - failure,failure,failure

way better squat form today. little to no back pain!
i soo badly want to start 5/3/1 instead. but i will stick to this for the next 4.5 weeks
and then i will start 5/3/1 and buckle down and train on it for a while… a long while perhaps!