Johnnie Jackson - FIBO 2012 Winner

Congrats to JJ ! one of my fav bodybuilders. good to see him get the respect he deserves.


It would be fair to say he’s not a fan of strict form, lol.

His physique looks awesome in the pic you posted though, his upper shelf and traps in particular are out of this world.

[quote]jake_j_m wrote:
It would be fair to say he’s not a fan of strict form, lol.



His traps and back are just justs. Traps look like they are up past his ears.

About time.

See, you don’t need great calves to win.

[quote]hanban wrote:

Awsome stuff right there!!

Dude was looking great in the off season.

And yeah, fuck form. I’ve seen some of this guy’s vids and the way he trains legs would have my knees lying on the floor next to me.

You do what works, not what looks prettiest.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Dude was looking great in the off season.

And yeah, fuck form. I’ve seen some of this guy’s vids and the way he trains legs would have my knees lying on the floor next to me.

You do what works, not what looks prettiest.[/quote]

considering the amount of weight he’s throwing around for what looks like high reps, I think he gets a pass on his form

Your body adapts to resist injuries from shit form.

he is purposely lifting heavyy shit explosively AND for high reps
such a beast

another one from yesterday

also you can see Johnnie is wearing his horseshoe flight pillow in this pic, here’s what he said about it right before the competition:

“Buy these for international travel. You will thank me when you are trying to fly on a red eye flight. You could get the cheap ones (which may work fine), or you could get the one I have, which is made out of foam, silver, and kryptonite. It works well I highly recommend it. That said, you really only need it on coach flights longer than 2 hours”.

Hmmm, It is funny that just a couple of threads from this one, people are agreeing left and right how deadlifts are not great muscle builder, and yet here we have Johnnie J, IFBB Pro and elite powerlifter who deadlifts routinely and…wait for it…does this, all the while winning BBing shows and looking thick as an ox:

So, next time you start whining about this and that exercise remember what PX said: Do what works!

Johnnie is one of my favs. Strong like bull, big like tank!

Does he always train like that or is it just for the cameras?

With the crazy form I mean.

(not criticising)

Does he always train like that or is it just for the cameras?

With the crazy form I mean.

(not criticising)

[quote]Vir wrote:
Does he always train like that or is it just for the cameras?

With the crazy form I mean.

(not criticising)[/quote]

His form isn’t that crazy considering the amount of weight he is throwing around.

glad johnny one a show!!! just finished training chest, watching that vid above makes me want to go lift something heavy all over again…

         .....that or go cut off someone's fucking head w/ a broad sword....

same emotion.

He finally found a way to bring up his legs, his physique looks nearly complete now.

I expect him to win more shows now.

Dude looks fantastic now.

Saw him at the aus grand prix 2011, his body is crazy thick.