Is your new book gonna be released soon? Looking forward to it
This is my best work so far… Until next book comes out 2017… So who cares.
I don’t have release date. What I thought was “done” became a bit bigger. I always try to give my best and not put something out “just to do it.” i believe this will help a lot of people learn how to easily program their training and stop self-sabotaging their training under the guise of “hard work” or trends.
[quote]metal70 wrote:
This is my best work so far… Until next book comes out 2017… So who cares.[/quote]
lol obviously you cared enough to comment on the thread!
[quote]metal70 wrote:
This is my best work so far… Until next book comes out 2017… So who cares.[/quote]
wouldn’t you hope that authors you read are trying to grow and expand their ideas with each successive book? so if they’re aiming to get better each time, wouldn’t each new release hopefully be their best work so far? I’m surprised you could log in and post by yourself, that took more brain activity than your comment.
You are absolutely right. My comment was stupid and totally unnecessary. When I am wrong, I have no problem to admit that. Sometimes it just feels, that there is too much of a good thing. Christian Thibaudeau, Dan John and Jim have so many great programs, that I have a fucking hard time to decide, who should I listen to, and what program should I try. If that makes any sense.
[quote]dez6485 wrote:
[quote]metal70 wrote:
This is my best work so far… Until next book comes out 2017… So who cares.[/quote]
wouldn’t you hope that authors you read are trying to grow and expand their ideas with each successive book? so if they’re aiming to get better each time, wouldn’t each new release hopefully be their best work so far? I’m surprised you could log in and post by yourself, that took more brain activity than your comment.[/quote]
Evolution is stupid.
[quote]metal70 wrote:
You are absolutely right. My comment was stupid and totally unnecessary. When I am wrong, I have no problem to admit that. Sometimes it just feels, that there is too much of a good thing. Christian Thibaudeau, Dan John and Jim have so many great programs, that I have a fucking hard time to decide, who should I listen to, and what program should I try. If that makes any sense.[/quote]
yea, I get what you’re saying about they’ve put out so much awesome stuff that it’s hard to decide…but for that to lead to bashing? or to imply that they’re just slapping a fresh face on the same crap and calling it their best- which is what I got from your comment- but as you already said, you were wrong so we’ll say “ok” and move on, but if I were you I’d keep an eye on this style of thought formation in the future. you don’t hate Ferrari because they’ve put out so many awesome cars…I hope. The end.
As I said, I was wrong and my comment was stupid. I have nothing else than respect for everyone, who is stronger than me, and even more so for those, who are able to lift almost twice as much as I am able to, and willing to share their knowledge. So my apologies for Jim.
[quote]metal70 wrote:
You are absolutely right. My comment was stupid and totally unnecessary. When I am wrong, I have no problem to admit that. Sometimes it just feels, that there is too much of a good thing. Christian Thibaudeau, Dan John and Jim have so many great programs, that I have a fucking hard time to decide, who should I listen to, and what program should I try. If that makes any sense.[/quote]
A good point, very badly made, I think.
There is a lot of information out there, however I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to try a few styles of training or a few programs as written, find what works for you, and do it.
I for one, would much rather a shittier program be released so it’s not so hard for me to decide which one to do…