Jim Boy Hoffa Davis Alt Azerbaijan
What program have you been doing? What’s your max? and what weight have you been training at?
Normally … you dont need to use % on secondary movements. Not being a dick but its not a good program.
These 5RMs and %ages on these secondary movements are kinda weird… maybe you’re not overtraining, but definitely overshooting what you’re doing.
I’d do more straight sets of a weight for these.
Ditch all the accessory and try this:
You should probably use an existing program given your experience level. You can mix it up once you’ve spent a few years training.
You are not overtrained. It’s virtually impossible for someone your training age to overtrain.
agreed. one day on, 2 days off is not going to overtrain you.
What CAN happen is that you can suffer an injury from repeatedly using bad form. So if something hurts and it’s not feeling like general muscle soreness, that is something to be addressed. Most kids your age suck at lifting. I would advise you to watch a lot of youtube videos from really good coaches on form for your primary lifts like squat bench and deadlift.
You’re going to have bad days in the gym. It happens. You’ll miss lifts that you’ve gotten before. It happens to me all the time. You cannot progress perfectly on all lifts all the time. Don’t worry about having a bad gym session. By the time you’re my age, you’ll have literally thousands of gym sessions under your belt. I would imagine I’ve had hundreds of days in the gym when I’ve missed lifts I thought I should have gotten.