When Will Strength Gains Slow Down and Squat Go Up?

My bench went up 5lbs each workout. From 65 lbs for 12 reps to 70 lbs then 75 lbs for 12 reps.
My squat went up 7.5 lbs each workout. From 55 lbs for 10 reps to 62.5 lbs then 70 lbs for 10 reps.
My rack pull went up from 65 lbs to 75 lbs for 10 reps.
Thanks guys for the focused strength programming tips. How can I get my squat to catch up?


Are you even serious with this question? Yes you will slow down.

Keep training. It will happen.


Just give it time and the focus it needs. It will catch up on its own.


Okay cool. I have equal frequency on both lower body and upper body. From what I gather, no need to increase volume on legs and decrease on upper body??

cool. Just dont know how long it will take

Does it matter really? It’s outside your control.


Yeah I guess so.

Slammin work and great progress. Thanks for checking in.

Keep milking it till you stagnate. You’re making progress, so I wouldn’t worry about that yet. If you’re not getting weight PRs, chase rep PRs. If your rep ranges are already manageable, chase volume PRs (total weight x sets x reps).

^I chased volume PRs (and was hitting a volume PR every session) and my numbers JUMPED! Squat went 335-365, Bench went 235-260, and Deadlift went from 345-405 all in a matter of 3 MONTHS

Out of curiosity, what program are you doing that has you doing rack pulls? I think you got way more than that in you depending on how high/ow the pins are.

No set program. I have been learning from Jim Wendler and the big guy at my gym. He is being a great friend and giving good advice.

I am backing down on weight to prevent ego lifting. I am trying to nail down my form.

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If you’re learning from Jim Wendler, you should follow 5/3/1. You can keep doing what you’re doing with these rep ranges if you do the BBB variation. I don’t think it’ll be the end of the world if you do 5x10 Rack Pulls instead of Deadlift on BBB.

Good call on not wanting to ego lift, but it might be worth your time to push some sets into the 5’s range and get used to higher weight that way.

Are you a time traveler? What year is it? Jk

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this is not a good idea for a beginner.

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