Jake's Pre-Cycle Log

Those squat numbers do not reflect a “foundation” by any means.

I’m gonna shut up after this post, but seriously re-think doing this cycle (or any cycle for that matter) for your own good.

I might sound like a dick, but you can ask any of the other guys here, I’m just trying to do my part and help you out.

I did speed squats in my workout. With the bands, it added close to 200lbs at the top. But, the purpose of these is to be able to explode. If it is too much weight, obviously, you can not explode. Therefore, they are meant for only one purpose, and weight is not a priority over speed.

[quote]World1187 wrote:
Those squat numbers do not reflect a “foundation” by any means.

I’m gonna shut up after this post, but seriously re-think doing this cycle (or any cycle for that matter) for your own good.

I might sound like a dick, but you can ask any of the other guys here, I’m just trying to do my part and help you out.[/quote]

Here is my diet today (I will edit this as the day progresses):

Not going to be able to get all my meals in today. Didn’t get up this morning because our heater is broken and I just decided to go back to bed (it was freezing balls in my apartment literally). BAD DECISION, I know. If I want to be successful, I am going to need to get a certain amount of calories daily. If I don’t it is likely I will just stay at my current status which is obviously something I don’t want, of course.

If this is ging to work, I need to get my head on streight and keep it there (please don’t make any smart ass comments regarding this).

Meal 1:
3 eggs sunny side up (cooked in coconut oil)
3 pieces Ezekiel bread
Smart balance butter on bread
Ton of cayenne pepper on eggs
Sea salt
3/4 cup frozen fruit (blue berries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries)
1 cup egg white beaters
4 raw eggs

Meal 2 (training)
Pre-workout shake:
60g waxy maize, 30g egg white protein powder, 10g instantized BCAA’s
During workout shake
40g waxy maize, 8g hydrolyzed whey, 10g instantized BCAA’s
Post workout shake:
75g waxy maize, 45g egg white, 10g instantized BCAA’s

Meal 3:
8oz raw turkey breast
6oz russet potato
6oz green beans
30g EV olive oil
Spices (granulated garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper)

Meal 4:
8 oz raw turkey breast
1+1/2 cup brown rice
6oz green beans
30g EV olive oil
Spices (granulated garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper)

Meal 5:
3oz raw turkey breast
5oz raw buffalo top sirlion
1+1/2 cup brown rice
6oz green beans
20g olive oil
1 swig cod liver oil (probably 6-8 grams)
5 fish oil caps
Spices (granulated garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper)

Meal 6:
8oz raw buffalo top round
2oz buffalo blood
1+1/2 cup brown rice
6oz green beans
23g EV olive oil
7 fish oil caps
Spices (granulated garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper)

So you have just let us know that at this point in time you dont know enough about nutrition to put on and lean mass without getting fat.

At least make it a point to figure this out prior to AAS use.

I wont make any smart ass comments regarding your diet. What I will suggest is www.fitday.com Put all your info and there and figure out what your nutrient breakdown is for the day.

One thing I definately would do is take meal one and divide it in two. Something like that anyways. Instead of 5 meals a day, take alot of what you have and change it to 8.

Rethink your pre, during and post work out nutrition. Why all that waxy maize pre and during training? Why the egg white post work out instead of something much faster absorbing? If your wanting to lean out then why not drop or much lower the 3 cups of rice and potatoes and bread per day?

Thats more input than I definately planned to put into this thread for someone that doesnt want to listen.

Interested in your comments regarding this.

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
So you have just let us know that at this point in time you dont know enough about nutrition to put on and lean mass without getting fat.

At least make it a point to figure this out prior to AAS use.

I wont make any smart ass comments regarding your diet. What I will suggest is www.fitday.com Put all your info and there and figure out what your nutrient breakdown is for the day.

One thing I definately would do is take meal one and divide it in two. Something like that anyways. Instead of 5 meals a day, take alot of what you have and change it to 8.

Rethink your pre, during and post work out nutrition. Why all that waxy maize pre and during training? Why the egg white post work out instead of something much faster absorbing? If your wanting to lean out then why not drop or much lower the 3 cups of rice and potatoes and bread per day?

Thats more input than I definately planned to put into this thread for someone that doesnt want to listen.

Interested in your comments regarding this.[/quote]

Good advice. Everybody has different metabolisms, but there are definitely certain things that “work” and “don’t work” in any diet, and if you’ll do those things that work, you will get better results than if you try something different.

Thanks for your post I appreciate it. My objective isn’t really to lean out as much as it is to gain lean muscle mass. Since I know both of these goals contradict each other, I know it is wise to just stick with one, and for me, that has been muscle gain. If I am to gain lean muscle mass, I will either stay at the same bodyfat, or gain bodyfat. One thing I know for sure is I need to eat a lot to gain muscle. When I first started lifting weights, I knew most people had to eat to gain muscle mass. Not only did I eat, I ate consistently too. I ate consistently around 4500 calories a day, and still managed to only gain 5lbs in 2 years and stay the same bodyfat(140lbs to 145lbs). I was training was pretty decent too. I always had a low bodyfat (12% an under with clearly visible abs) till I started eating more (above 4500 calories, that is), and I did start gaining lean muscle faster as I ate more. Along with this came bodyfat. 5-6 meals a day for me is nothing as I have the appetite to probably eat 12 meals. One thing I know for sure though is I have no problem losing fat.

So while I have some bodyfat on me now, I am not worried about taking it off later. As I mentioned before, I am also working with a accomplished nutritionist. He even thinks I need to eat much more than I do to gain lean muscle mass. While your suggestions sound ideal for bodyfat loss, I can say from experience I will not gain muscle mass from doing this. As for the egg white protein, I am allergic to whey, and if I use it (more than 10g), I get sick on it. I will definitely take your advice into consideration when I am trying to drop my bodyfat down.

Thanks again

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
So you have just let us know that at this point in time you dont know enough about nutrition to put on and lean mass without getting fat.

At least make it a point to figure this out prior to AAS use.

I wont make any smart ass comments regarding your diet. What I will suggest is www.fitday.com Put all your info and there and figure out what your nutrient breakdown is for the day.

One thing I definately would do is take meal one and divide it in two. Something like that anyways. Instead of 5 meals a day, take alot of what you have and change it to 8.

Rethink your pre, during and post work out nutrition. Why all that waxy maize pre and during training? Why the egg white post work out instead of something much faster absorbing? If your wanting to lean out then why not drop or much lower the 3 cups of rice and potatoes and bread per day?

Thats more input than I definately planned to put into this thread for someone that doesnt want to listen.

Interested in your comments regarding this.[/quote]

Here are some more pictures of my back:

Back double bicep (quit laughing before I smack you!)

You still look fat as hell and don’t look like you even know where your gym is.

If you’re so great at losing fat and know how to do it, then fucking do it before you start a cycle and royally fuck that up too.

I don’t know who the hell your nutritionist is or thinks he is, but you don’t need to eat more than what you’re already doing. Unless of course you’re going for that beached whale look… in which case, by all means eat away…

You seem to be all over the place… in your training… in your diet or lack thereof… in your “cycle” or that smattering of AAS you plan to use…

You need to figure out what you need to do and come up with an appropriate means of doing it.

The fact of the matter is, you are going to gain fat on your AAS voyage, esp. eating like that. You will get fatter and if you can’t get your training on spot, you probably won’t gain much muscle mass or strength.

If you absolutely must use AAS, at least wait a few months after some very intense cardio and consider a rational cycle-- say 500mg/wk test or if you want a high dose, then run 800-900mg/wk for 8 weeks followed by a good taper. I cannot stress, much like many others on this board, it is simply not your time.

Here is the box of the needles I will be using… Got these at a relatively low price (18$ for 100 of them).

What gauge needles are those?

I thought you said you were going to shut up after your last post :)… awww… to bad.

Should have figured you’d be the first to post…

[quote]World1187 wrote:
You still look fat as hell and don’t look like you even know where your gym is.

If you’re so great at losing fat and know how to do it, then fucking do it before you start a cycle and royally fuck that up too.

I don’t know who the hell your nutritionist is or thinks he is, but you don’t need to eat more than what you’re already doing. Unless of course you’re going for that beached whale look… in which case, by all means eat away…

You seem to be all over the place… in your training… in your diet or lack thereof… in your “cycle” or that smattering of AAS you plan to use…

You need to figure out what you need to do and come up with an appropriate means of doing it.

The fact of the matter is, you are going to gain fat on your AAS voyage, esp. eating like that. You will get fatter and if you can’t get your training on spot, you probably won’t gain much muscle mass or strength.

If you absolutely must use AAS, at least wait a few months after some very intense cardio and consider a rational cycle-- say 500mg/wk test or if you want a high dose, then run 800-900mg/wk for 8 weeks followed by a good taper. I cannot stress, much like many others on this board, it is simply not your time.[/quote]


Also, your acting as if I am 40% body fat with love handles that stick out 1/2 a foot. In those back pics, I don’t even have love handles (and if i do… they are small)! I am not denying the fact I have bodyfat, but why are you exaggerating it?

[quote]World1187 wrote:
What gauge needles are those?[/quote]

I’d recommend drawing with those 23s and getting some 25s to shoot with…

Doesn’t seem like a big difference, but you’d be surprised how much more comfortable a 25 will be.

Since you’re bound and determined to do that insult to a cycle, I’m going to try and prevent you from fucking anything else up… like your body and endocrine system…

[quote]World1187 wrote:
I’d recommend drawing with those 23s and getting some 25s to shoot with…

Doesn’t seem like a big difference, but you’d be surprised how much more comfortable a 25 will be.[/quote]

When you say comfortable, i take it you mean less painful? If I choose not to use 25g to shoot (due to being short on money at the moment), can the 23g be just as comfortable if I inject very slowly?

injecting slowly will help yes but you’re still going to casue more tissue damage with the 23, world is right in saying the 25’s seem to “slip right in”

[quote]Game_over wrote:
injecting slowly will help yes but you’re still going to casue more tissue damage with the 23, world is right in saying the 25’s seem to “slip right in” [/quote]

      I'll add to this.

The 23g should be fine and dandy for your glutes. However for quads and other areas 25’s are great and what most here would advise on using for exactly the reasons stated by world and game.


Good advice guys. I am considering altering injection sites. For instance, one injection will be right glute, one injection will be left glute, one injection will be right ventrogluteal, and one injection left ventrogluteal. Also, for my next cycle (sometime well after summer, most likely), I will be sure to get some 25g needles. I do have some questions though:

  1. How do you guys feel about my injection approach (using 4 locations)?
  2. What are the advantages with drawing with a bigger needle (a 23g as opposed to a 35g?). Is it just easier to get the test through the needle?
  3. Do you recommend shooting 1mL (400mg) all in one injection site?
  4. I took one of my needles and tried to draw some vegetable oil into it just to get a feel of what it would be like drawing testosterone into it. It didn’t seem to draw all that great. Is it going to be the same way with the testosterone?
  5. Is a concentrated dose of testosterone (for instance (400mg/ml) more difficult to draw than say a less concentrated dose (for instance 200mg/ml)?

[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Game_over wrote:
injecting slowly will help yes but you’re still going to casue more tissue damage with the 23, world is right in saying the 25’s seem to “slip right in”

      I'll add to this.

The 23g should be fine and dandy for your glutes. However for quads and other areas 25’s are great and what most here would advise on using for exactly the reasons stated by world and game.


02/01/08 training

I trained with my roommate today. He is going to become my regular workout partner now. Therefore, I am going to be switching up my training program (yes, I know it’s the millionth time). Anyways, it was my intention to do recovery/stretches today because I am pretty sore (pretty is probably an understatement), but he wanted to train arms.

I am hurting today (which is great, I must add). It hurts to stand for more than 30seconds. My whole body is pretty much in a state of fatigue. My calves are so sore it is painful to even touch them slightly. And my low back hurts just staying seated (not to mention standing). Anyways, I did train arms with my roommate despite all this. Here’s what we did.

cable triceps extension 70x2x10 (warmup)
cable biceps curl 60x2x10 (warmup)

Single arm DB preacher curls:
30x1x30 (to fatigue)

Lying tricep EZ-grip bar extensions (bar brought to back of head)
55x1x30 (to fatigue)

Negatives on DB preach curls

Negatives on cable triceps extensions

Banded good mornings (with average band wrapped around feet and neck with my legs spread as far to my sides as possible to increase band tension)
average bandx3x25

Reverse hyper extensions:
BWx2x10 (very slow)

Foamed roll for 5 minutes back+quads

Workout notes:
My training partner is really big on doing negatives on sets. To be honest, I hate them. Not because I am afraid of the pain, but just because I feel it is a recipe to screw up your joints (I could be wrong). But, anyways, in the bottom on DB preacher curls on the negative part when my arm got to the fully stretched out position (almost straight), it felt like my bicep tendon was going to rip. I tried not to go so low which did make it feel better, but I am still very skeptical of this exercise.

Another thing I forgot to mention in my last workout was that I am very surprised by my poundages on good mornings. I used to be much higher. At one time, I remember doing 455lbs for reps. I always have been good at good mornings and stiff/romanian deadlifts because I have a very short torso. But to only be good morning 300lbs for 3 reps, is very low for me. I am sure this will go up, but since I have been increasing a ton on stiff leg deadlifts, i felt this would carry over to my good morning… Guess not. About 3 weeks ago, I hit 455x3 reps on stiff leg deadlifts (bar to ground and back up again). So, that is why I feel my deadlift has gone up.

On the same aspect, my squat hasn’t been increasing at all lately (if anything, it has decreased because I haven’t hit it consistently). But, as they say, the stiff leg/romanian deadlift is to the deadlift as the goodmorning is to the squat. So, I am hoping by incorporating good mornings into my workouts again, I should see the poundage increase on my squat (which is always, obviously good).

In addition to all of this, I got my captain of crush griper yesterday (level 1). This thing ammazed me at how difficult it was to close. I have never had a problem with grip issues in the past, and I thought for sure level 1 would be easy. CAN ONLY CLOSE THE DAMN THING ONCE! Hell, I can rack deadlift over 600lbs with just chalk, and hold 120lb dbs (thick grip) for over 20 reps on DB rows, and I CAN’T CLOSE THE LVL ONE GRIPPER MORE THAN ONCE? WTF!

No the mg/ml concentration in a product does not change the viscosity.

The reason for using the bigger GA to draw with is that its just plain easier to get the product out of the vial.