02/01/08 training
I trained with my roommate today. He is going to become my regular workout partner now. Therefore, I am going to be switching up my training program (yes, I know it’s the millionth time). Anyways, it was my intention to do recovery/stretches today because I am pretty sore (pretty is probably an understatement), but he wanted to train arms.
I am hurting today (which is great, I must add). It hurts to stand for more than 30seconds. My whole body is pretty much in a state of fatigue. My calves are so sore it is painful to even touch them slightly. And my low back hurts just staying seated (not to mention standing). Anyways, I did train arms with my roommate despite all this. Here’s what we did.
cable triceps extension 70x2x10 (warmup)
cable biceps curl 60x2x10 (warmup)
Single arm DB preacher curls:
30x1x30 (to fatigue)
Lying tricep EZ-grip bar extensions (bar brought to back of head)
55x1x30 (to fatigue)
Negatives on DB preach curls
Negatives on cable triceps extensions
Banded good mornings (with average band wrapped around feet and neck with my legs spread as far to my sides as possible to increase band tension)
average bandx3x25
Reverse hyper extensions:
BWx2x10 (very slow)
Foamed roll for 5 minutes back+quads
Workout notes:
My training partner is really big on doing negatives on sets. To be honest, I hate them. Not because I am afraid of the pain, but just because I feel it is a recipe to screw up your joints (I could be wrong). But, anyways, in the bottom on DB preacher curls on the negative part when my arm got to the fully stretched out position (almost straight), it felt like my bicep tendon was going to rip. I tried not to go so low which did make it feel better, but I am still very skeptical of this exercise.
Another thing I forgot to mention in my last workout was that I am very surprised by my poundages on good mornings. I used to be much higher. At one time, I remember doing 455lbs for reps. I always have been good at good mornings and stiff/romanian deadlifts because I have a very short torso. But to only be good morning 300lbs for 3 reps, is very low for me. I am sure this will go up, but since I have been increasing a ton on stiff leg deadlifts, i felt this would carry over to my good morning… Guess not. About 3 weeks ago, I hit 455x3 reps on stiff leg deadlifts (bar to ground and back up again). So, that is why I feel my deadlift has gone up.
On the same aspect, my squat hasn’t been increasing at all lately (if anything, it has decreased because I haven’t hit it consistently). But, as they say, the stiff leg/romanian deadlift is to the deadlift as the goodmorning is to the squat. So, I am hoping by incorporating good mornings into my workouts again, I should see the poundage increase on my squat (which is always, obviously good).
In addition to all of this, I got my captain of crush griper yesterday (level 1). This thing ammazed me at how difficult it was to close. I have never had a problem with grip issues in the past, and I thought for sure level 1 would be easy. CAN ONLY CLOSE THE DAMN THING ONCE! Hell, I can rack deadlift over 600lbs with just chalk, and hold 120lb dbs (thick grip) for over 20 reps on DB rows, and I CAN’T CLOSE THE LVL ONE GRIPPER MORE THAN ONCE? WTF!