Jake's Pre-Cycle Log

[quote]Jakebambeeno wrote:
5.0 wrote:
Let’s say your estimate of body fat is right, at 20%. That means your LBM is 156 pounds. How do you consider that a solid foundation?

You’re right. It isn’t. But I am impatient. I have seen other people perform cycles that were in not much better condition than myself. Sure, this doesn’t make it alright for me to do it, but I am. I am sorry, I just can’t wait any longer.[/quote]

C’mon, Jake!! You’re going against the advice of 99% of the people here. By your own admission, you’re not ready. You are setting yourself up for failure. Your first cycle should be full of success and positive results, and that’s only after years of hard training and commitment to fitness. It’s not a quick fix. Your ligaments and tendons are not ready for any type of muscular bulk you may put on. Change your diet, wait a year, and re-consider. For your own sake.

Change my diet? If anything, I need to eat more than I already do because I am gaining weight very slowly. In 3 months, I have gained 4-5lbs. As I said before, I am working with a very accomplished nutritionist, and even he thinks I need to start eating more too. While my lean body mass will increase, my bodyfat won’t decrease. If anything it may increase. I know I am eating right, I just need to eat more.

I haven’t been as committed as I should be as of recently. I get satisfaction from getting result. By staying consistent with my diet/training for 2 months, I gained very little bodyweight. This was discouraging, and if anything, caused me to become less consistent.

I know for a fact that Bushy would never give any trace of approval for the idiocy you are about to carry out.

And I know Prisoner certainly wouldn’t…

I say we let this guy make an example of himself. Good or bad, it’ll make for a great thread.

[quote]World1187 wrote:
I know for a fact that Bushy would never give any trace of approval for the idiocy you are about to carry out.

And I know Prisoner certainly wouldn’t…[/quote]

If you would have read my last post dipshit, you would have know that. For your information (not that I care what you think or anything) here it is:

"OK, whilst I said in a PM that I liked the proposed cycle (and I do), I overlooked tha fact that it’s your first cycle.

Now my own first (barring a stupid dbol only ‘toe in the water’ cycle) involved multiple compounds, etc, HOWEVER if I had my time again, I would def. run test only, prtly because it’s a good idea to learn how you react, but also because you’ll save a shitload of money.

Now, the whole SHBG thing is confising, because most research shows that increasing androgens, actuaslly DECREASES the levels of SHBG in the body.

However this doesn’t seem to tie in with real world observation, which is why masteron or proviron is a good addition to a test-based cycle, IMO.

And, whilst I disagree with Bill Roberts, regarding the stasis taper, I do agree with him regarding higher dose, shorter (8 weeks max) cycles as being less suppresive.

So whilst the cycle above looks good, (but not for a 1st timer), I would simply run 8 weeks of high (800-1000) test. Stasis at the end for 4-6 weeks, then possibly not taper off, but run a PCT drug.

Orals: I have certainly done the whole ‘kick-start’ thing, but now I believe that you will get more bang from waiting until the class Is are in full effect, before adding in the class II orals…

Just my opinion though.


He never approves it. My point is perfectly valid.

Do yourself a favor and run test only. If you must be idiotic in some way, run a high dose of test then, but save the other compounds for later.

[quote]World1187 wrote:
He never approves it. My point is perfectly valid.

Do yourself a favor and run test only. If you must be idiotic in some way, run a high dose of test then, but save the other compounds for later.[/quote]

I never said he did!! But, he DID like the cycle. That was my point. I could run just the test with the masteron like bushy reccomends, but since I am only going to be taking the anadrol for only 4 weeks, I will have plenty of time to see how the testosterone works by itself too. That is my perspective on things.
In regards to the oral, I am taking it just how bushy and prisoner recomended.

Out of curiousity, what should he be lifting to have a solid foundation?

I’ll listen if he won’t!

Here is somthing prisoner wrote (in a previous thread) that I found to be very interesting… Check it out.

"With all the “research” you have done you should know these principles:

  1. You can’t overdose on testosterone or any other steroid (unless it is 17-AA - popping a 30-40 dbol tabs at a time I’m sure can’t be too good for the liver)

  2. 300mg of test per week will suppress you just as much as 1000 mg of test. simply put: once you are putting in more test then your body produces, your body will completely shut down its own production; period.

  3. 1000mg of test (or any steriod for that matter) will give you much greater gains then 300mg or 500, or 700 e.t.c. of test will.

  4. The longer you cycle, no matter how much you use, the harder it will be to recover i.e.: 1000mg of test a week for 8 weeks will be easier to recover from then 300mg of test a week for 12.


So, since your suppressing your endogenous production of test you might as well get the best gains you can in the shortest amount of time (to optimize recovery) possible to ensure that you actually keep the highest percentage of these gains that you can! CLEAR?

The only time long cycles are a good idea is if you’re going to compete. If you are just doing it to pack on a little extra beef, it is not worth it."

This being said, I don’t feel that what I am about to do is bad at all (except for possibly the anadrol dose). I need to read over all of prisoner’s post. He is a wealth of knowledge.

There is nothing wrong with putting anadrol in the middle of the cycle. In fact, I would probably do this. As you’ve probably heard you’ll experience more from the Class I + II synergy rather than having effectively “just” Anadrol as a kickstart.

However, this is not the point. You don’t need all of that shit on your first cycle, let alone with your physique. By chucking in all of those compounds, you won’t know how you react to any individual drug. If your hairline begins to recede, or you get acne, or gyno, or whatever, how will you know what caused it?

If nothing else you’re just wasting your money. Split your gear in half, and do 2 cycles instead (once you’ve actually got the whole training thing sorted, that is).

Ok, I see your point completely. I don’t really consider the masteron as being an added drug that I don’t need (or proviron for that matter). I see the masteron as something that must be taken with the testosterone to not only make the testosterone more effective, but to also deteriorate some risk of getting side effects. With that being said, the only “real” unneeded drug I am going to be taking is the anadrol.
When I had thought about this originally, I figured in the time (3 weeks) after my anadrol use I could get a good idea of how my body responded to just the testosterone alone. This is why I decided on doing a 9 week cycle as opposed to an 8 week cycle… to give myself more time to evaluate how the testosterone worked in my body. My question now: Will this not work? Also, it is VERY common for people to run a testosterone and an oral (if not more than one oral) in a first cycle.
I noticed one other thing… After reviewing many first cycle threads, there are plenty of people who started AAS that were in worse condition than me. When I say this I am referring to lean body mass in regards to height and lifting numbers (if they were posted).

[quote]Dave_ wrote:
There is nothing wrong with putting anadrol in the middle of the cycle. In fact, I would probably do this. As you’ve probably heard you’ll experience more from the Class I + II synergy rather than having effectively “just” Anadrol as a kickstart.

However, this is not the point. You don’t need all of that shit on your first cycle, let alone with your physique. By chucking in all of those compounds, you won’t know how you react to any individual drug. If your hairline begins to recede, or you get acne, or gyno, or whatever, how will you know what caused it?

If nothing else you’re just wasting your money. Split your gear in half, and do 2 cycles instead (once you’ve actually got the whole training thing sorted, that is).


Okay, don’t want to sound like another dick here, think more “tough love”!
Where do I start? You need to work on your dietary, metabolic and training foundation before you even consider roids. If and when you do your first cycle, you always want to err on the side of being conservative. Whether you believe it or not, a heavy first cycle will limit your potential gains on any future cycles.
I’d recommend no more than 500mg test/week. Nolvadex at 10mg/day PRN. Masteron? That’s a refined androgen for people with sub 8% BF for a cosmetic hardening effect. Save it for later.
Anadrol? IMO one of the worst compounds out there. Why? Blows you up quick, loads of fluid retention, lots of nasty sides, very fast losses once you come off. There’s a reason you don’t see it in many cycles or in clinical usage anymore.
Proceed at your own risk…

       Look guys,

Prisononer and Bushy have given their opinions to this guy, he is free to “interpret” the opinions as he will. While a lot of people here are trying to advise him, or change his mind for his own good, he is OBVIOUSLY not giving a rats ass about any of them. I think mainly because none of us are “prisoner” or “bushy”.

            While they are the experts here numbnuts, most if not all of the other guys here myself included, have aquired experiences and knowledge from them too you see, and most likely a lot longer than you have. So it doesn't necessarily have to be coming from one of the "gods" of steroid knowledge as you seem to be thinking, for it to be valid and important advice.

        I say fuck trying to tell this guy anything else whatsoever. And to the op,. Why don't you stop posting questions or rhetoric then, and fucking get it on and start your fucking cycle and log it here, so we can see your brilliant mind at work in tango with you "foundation" of muscle. Eat your Mcdonalds burgers and twinkies and whatever else you want to shove down your pie hole, and do your "modified" westside, and show us your pics and awesome gains from your cycle.

             Enough with the bullshit,


[quote]InTheZone wrote:

       Look guys,

Prisononer and Bushy have given their opinions to this guy, he is free to “interpret” the opinions as he will. While a lot of people here are trying to advise him, or change his mind for his own good, he is OBVIOUSLY not giving a rats ass about any of them. I think mainly because none of us are “prisoner” or “bushy”.

            While they are the experts here numbnuts, most if not all of the other guys here myself included, have aquired experiences and knowledge from them too you see, and most likely a lot longer than you have. So it doesn't necessarily have to be coming from one of the "gods" of steroid knowledge as you seem to be thinking, for it to be valid and important advice.

        I say fuck trying to tell this guy anything else whatsoever. And to the op,. Why don't you stop posting questions or rhetoric then, and fucking get it on and start your fucking cycle and log it here, so we can see your brilliant mind at work in tango with you "foundation" of muscle. Eat your Mcdonalds burgers and twinkies and whatever else you want to shove down your pie hole, and do your "modified" westside, and show us your pics and awesome gains from your cycle.

             Enough with the bullshit,


Just to add, it’s not fair that this guy should be dropping names here. I doubt very much that either Bushy or Prisoner had seen this guy’s “physique photos” when they were giving him advice.

OP: Just a quick note, you won’t really know how you react to test E in just 3 weeks. For most from what I’ve heard it kicks in around week 4 or 5. Keep the Test E and the adex, lower the dose. By all means do the cycle, but I’d recommened you wait just a bit longer and ensure you can improve steadily as a natural first.

No offense, but maybe it is because nobody has even remotely been able to convince me to not go through with my cycle (except for Dave_). The intention of this thread was to carry out my cycle, not for it to be evaluated. If you would have read the first couple sentences of my thread you would have know that. Now people are getting upset because I am not listing to them to change my cycle? Yeah, NO SHIT, I said I had already made up my mind.

[quote]Jakebambeeno wrote:
No offense, but maybe it is because nobody has even remotely been able to convince me to not go through with my cycle (except for Dave_). The intention of this thread was to carry out my cycle, not for it to be evaluated. If you would have read the first couple sentences of my thread you would have know that. Now people are getting upset because I am not listing to them to change my cycle? Yeah, NO SHIT, I said I had already made up my mind.[/quote]

      Jake we know all that. We know you are going to run it. People here can still advise against certain things or schemes if they are "concerned" about your health or reasons of that nature. It's in your best interest to at least be a bit more cordial to them as they do so.

Yeah, Dave happens to be a quite right chap, and is taking an awful amount of patience into account to make sure some things get across to you. By all means we welcome the log to come.


I’d like a complete log too Jake. Not just one about how you feel or how much weight you lifted, but include your side effects please.

I will get some more pictures in tonight. I am not sure of it, but I think the back one just looks funny due to how I am posing. I have never had anyone tell me I have bad posture before (actually been the contrary), so while I remain a little skeptical of what has been said, I will let you guys decide when I get some more pictures.

As for BP means, I have just started doing cardio every morning doing 25 minutes on the elliptical (getting my heart rate above 140) before breakfast. Although I have just started doing this within the last month, I plan to continue to do it everyday while on cycle.

Based upon my diet within the last year and a half (all health foods), this might not be a big risk. I have had blood work done and my BP tested within the last year and I was told everything was where it should be. While I don’t look like I workout, I find it odd that I have no foundation whatsoever given my lifts.

I know body composition is mainly a combination of genetics and diet, and I think this is the problem. I know I need to eat large quantities of healthy food to gain muscle, but, when I do, I also gain fat with it.

I have fooled around with my diet quite a bit and have tested different things but nothing seems to pack on lean body mass for me (with the exception of high food intake). So, regretfully, I am bound to have high body fat in the meantime while I build my lean body mass up.

I plan to start a training and diet log before my cycle for obvious reasons.

Here is what I did today:
DE squat/ME dead:

Foam rolls (5 minutes)
Dynamic warmup (10 minutes)
Standing calve raise (lots of warmups) (1 second down, exploding up)
Warmups (lots)
Work sets:
300x1x15 (full stack)
wait 10 sec 300x1x10
wait 10 sec 270x1x12
wait 10 sec 225x1x15
wait 10 sec 225x1x12
wait 10 sec 180x1x8
Immediately after BWx15
wait 10 seconds BWx20

10x3 Dynamic effort safety squat bar box squats on low box (2-3 inches below parallel) Done with wider than shoulder width stance. Slow decent down, exploding up. done with a light and average band choked around bar.
bar(65lbs)x1x15 w/o band
155x1x15 w/o band
175x10x3 w/ band exploding on every rep

Cambered bar good mornings (done right above parallel sumo stance)

Reverse hyper extensions:
180(4 plates)x3x10 (slow and controlled)

Standing EFS hack squat
90x1x10 exploding
140x1x8 exploding

decline situps on decline bench (Elevated in addition on same box I used for squats)
45x3x10 (with 45lb plate held above head)

DB side bends
75x1x9 (each side)

I was running very late this morning. Got into the gym at 5 to 12:00pm and believe it or not, I accomplished all of this by 1:15pm because I had to be at school at 2:00pm. It has been a very long time since I have done good mornings, and I definitely felt it. I had been doing stiff leg deadlifts/rack pulls for my ME dead days for some time.

It has also been a long time since I have had a real bar across my back. I have been using the SSQ bar for a while because I also tend to hurt my elbows using the straight bar (and I hate using a straight bar with my hands all the way to the end so I opted for the ssq bar).

Anways long story short, since it has been so long since I had a bar on my back, it felt very uncomfortable. Funny thing is, I usually know where to place the bar on my back, but since it has been so long, I couldn’t even find the nitch! I also usually judge my workouts by how I feel afterward. Sitting in class, I couldn’t help but notice my whole body twitching. So, I know I hit it pretty hard.