I’m looking into buying a Ivanko bar for OL. Problem…none of their bars are approved by the IWF. I’ve been spoiled to lifting of Eleiko at my old gym and I know that they are the best. But like most of you money is an issue so I have to economize. Has anyone lifted on these an Ivanko? They are approved by the IPF so imagine that they are very stiff (bad for OL). I’m wondering how stiff the bar is. What weight do they start to “flex”? Do the rotate freely? Thanks for any help.
I?m a powerlifter and I have an Ivanko powerlifting bar (OBX-20KG)
It is my favourite bar to work with, though my criteria are probably different than yours. As to flex, I would put it much closer to the Eleiko than the Capp Texas Power or the Power Point Products IPF-BB that I have used. While it is not as whippy as the Eleiko it certainly has some life in it.
The sleeves rotate beautifully, and the knurling is brilliant. Fit and finish is impressive, and it has handled some big weights with nary a hiccough.
Of course I?m coming from a slow-lifting, stiff-bar point of view, your mileage may vary.
Thank you.
If you want to put some snap into the bar you can use an old Clay Judd trick. Load the bar to 100kgs or so, place it onto a bench and roll it back and forth for a full day. He used to do this to some of his Yorks and they whipped like nothing else.