So I recently gained access to an isophit machine. Went through the deadlift protocol last week. It was interesting and a little tiring. Any of you have experience with isophit or consistent isometric work?
There’s a number of successful coaches that program isometrics. Looks an interesting machine but a rack and safety pins will do the job.
There was a guy here a while back trying to sell ARXfit machines, sounds similar.
Johnny_up that’s awesome!!!
I may know a thing or two about the Isophit and how can I help you out.
Where did you try it out?
Thanks my friend. Isometrics are a great option and so is a rack and pins. The Isophit makes set up a lot easier as it takes less than a second to set up for the exercise or your next position throughout the range of movement of the exercise. Also the crossbar on the Isophit won’t slide around so you can change your direction of force intra set. This is pretty awesome when you’re attempting to strategically target specific areas of your body.
Have a great night.
It an interesting piece.
Isometric Training
Isometric Training and Eccentric Only Training are two methods used infrequently and usually incorrectly with the majority of individuals.
Isometric Training is more of a “Guy issue”. Most guys have a need to know (ego thing) how much weight they are pushing or pulling.
For these individual what works is…
Functional Isometric Training
With this method, a weighted bar is set up in the rack on some pins. A few inches up is another set of pins.
The weighted bar is drive up from the bottom pin to the upper pins. Once contact is made with the upper pins, the bar continues to be isometrically held against the top pins for around 6 to 10 seconds.
Bungee or Banded Isometrics
This is another effective method that I employ with Functional Isometric Training.
The weighed bar is placed on a set of lower pins. Bungees or Bands are attached to the bar so that the bar cannot be locked out.
Some experimentation needs to occur in determining where the Bungees or Bands stop the movement. Think of yourself as Goldilocks trying to find what’s just right.
This method provide greater loading (Accommodating Resistance) through a greater range of the movement.
Once you hit the Bungee or Band position that stops the movement, you continue to drive the weighed bar in to the Isometric Position.
One of the nice thing about the use of Bungee or Band Isometrics is there is no clanging of the bar being driven into the pins.
The Benefit of Isometrics
Allows you to work more on your sticking point in a movement. Strength is developed within 15% where the Isometric Hold occurs; increasing strength 15% above and below it.
In a Conventional Concentric Contraction less than a second is involved with increasing strength in at a sticking point, approximately 300 milliseconds.
Isometric Training enable you to magnify the time under tension, increasing your strength at your sticking point.
Let’s say you perform 6 second Isometric at your sticking point. Let’s say in a Concentric Contraction at your sticking point is approximately 1/3 of a second produces tension there.
That means performing a 6 second Isometric Hold of time under tension at your sticking point is 18 time greater.
- 10-15% More Force Production
Isometrics allow you to produce between 10 - 15% more force/strength.
- Less Energy Expenditure
Isometric require less energy expenditure and less trauma. That means you can train them more frequently, if you chose to do so.
Your Tool Box
Isometric Training is one of the tool in your “Training Tool Box”.
An optimal training program, needs to include other strength training protocols, as well.
Kenny Croxdale