Hi, I am 17 yrs old, 172cm tall and I weigh 64kg at about 9% bodyweight, ive been training for about a year. I love whole body routines and my question is if this routine is alright. Sorry if its the wrong subforum, i am new here. Its based on jason blahas linear hypertrophy stuff.
Squat 3x5-15
Bench 3x5-12
RDL 3x5-12
Military Press 3x7-14
Band Face Pull 3x13
Barbell Curl 3x5-13
Calve Raises 3x5-15
Day 2:
Squat 3x5-15
Bench 3x5-12
Chinups 3x5-12
Military Press 3x7-14
Band Face Pull 3x13
Barbell Curl 3x5-13
Calve Raises 3x5-15
Day1; Rest; Day2; Rest repeat
I only add weight when I reach the top rep count, for example 15 in Squats.
Is it enough for back? I feel my back pretty well when deadlifting. Sorry for my bad english, I am not a native speaker.
If you are confident in your ability to write your own training routines, there is no need to ask.
If you aren’t, just pick a routine that others have tried before.
The general response to a 17 year old with one year under his belt is going to be to use a pre-built program.
I’m going to take a slightly different tack: if you really want to do full body routines for the foreseeable future, and you like this program and are more likely to be consistent with it because you had a hand in drafting it, then it seems like a reasonable approach to me.
My primary input on the exercise selection is that you should add more back work, either by way of rowing or perhaps lat pulls.
Also, your two days are essentially identical (excepting obv the RDL and chinup switch). Consider alternating between flat bench and incline or decline bench, as well as alternating between more horizontal pulling movements (deadlift, bb rows, etc) and vertical (chin ups, lat pulldowns, etc). Same for curls, with one day perhaps more biceps focused and the other day more forearm focused. Same for calf raises too: can do one day standing, one day sitting (hits different aspects of the calves). I would also add some lateral raises one of the two days to hit the outside of the delt.
Training full body 3-4 times a week is always going to be limiting compared to what many of us on these boards do for training, but at 17 I say as long as you enjoy the program and focus on making progress with it, go have a ball (within reason).
I think it’s funny that the one exercise that I do the most often (chin ups) is one of only 2 exercises you don’t do every session.
I guess this is fine, but it would be helpful if we knew your goals. If your goals are performance oriented, the calf raises are going to be essentially useless. I would replace the calf raises with a triceps movement, like lying dumbbell extensions or cable extensions, band extensions, etc. something like that. I also like rows. You don’t include them at all, and I feel like they should be included in some capacity.
Bench pressing 3-4 times per week would not work for me. I would consider alternating bench press with dips from session to session.
read some Waterbury articles