Thoughts on this? Will it be efficient with perfect diet and decent rest? Deadlifts are every other back/bi day.
Monday - Back Bi:
Bent Over Rows 3x5
Wide-grip Lat Pulldown 3x10-12
Seated Cable Row 3x10-12
Barbell Curls 3x10-12
Preacher Curls 3x10-12
If you want to hit the gym often and do a bunch of exercises while having little (read not enough) time to recover, yes, this is a very efficient program because it has you doing just that. If you want to get stronger, this is no good at all. If you want to get bigger, it is less bad but still nowhere near as good as something like Greyskull LP or 5/3/1 BBB. Also, if you are an adult living in the real world your diet will not be perfect at all and your rest won’t be decent. Just saying.
OP, you’re posting in the beginners forum so I’m guessing you’re not too experienced. Decide EXACTLY what you want out of your training: strength? Size? What? Eat and train with that goal in mind.
IMO your best bet is to focus on getting strong first - you’ll get bigger doing that anyway for a while. When you’re stronger, THEN you can hit a size program. Trying to do both won’t work too well.
Pick a proven program like Greyskull or 5/3/1, or even Starting Strength. Stick with it for at least six months (properly, no adding bits to it because they sound cool) before even thinking of doing something else.
It’s not a terrible push/pull/legs setup, though you can find better thought-out splits and exercise selection all over this site. One change I’d recommend if you’re set on doing it is switching deadlifts to the first back day so they don’t come the day after heavy squats.
I think that if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.
Seriously, split up the volume and exercises without any overlap between both chest days and it looks fine. E.g, day 1 start with bench press, day 2 incline bench. Use the 531 progression model for 1 or 2 compound exercises for each body part.
Ok hey guys. Sorry, this is the routine I prefer to do. That split sucked. Btw I’m 18, 5’6, 134lbs. I live with my mom so I can perfect my diet… By that I mean hitting my macros right on or surpassing by a little. She is willing to shop with me to buy groceries that will hit my macros and micros.
Thoughts on this one? Main goal is hypertrophy, my goal with bodybuilding is purely for an aesthetic physique but I want to get really strong with the basic compound lifts, bench/squat/DL as you don’t see too many natural weaklings with good physiques.
I didn’t create this. But I changed deadlifts to 1 set for obvious reasons.
DAY 1 - 4X8
Barbell Bench Press
Military Press
Barbell Curls
DAY 3 - 5X5
Deadlifts 1x5 insead of 5x5
Bent Over Rows
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
Plate Twists
Push/Pull/Legs is a fine split and trainers have been doing it for years with fine results. It’s also how Frank Zane trained for most of his career and some would say he had the greatest physique of all time. Having said that a beginner or intermediate doesn’t necessarily have to use the same volume or number of days as what an elite lifter like Zane did.
So getting back to your routine I would shorten it a bit and add more rest days. 4 days a week should be plenty. I’d also put deadlift variations on Legs day.
Here’s an example of something I would do if the goal is size and strength:
(Only work sets are counted.)
BB Bench Press 3x 3-5 reps
DB Low Incline Bench Press 3x 7-9
Smith High Incline Press 3 x 8-10 (especially good if OHP gives your shoulders hell.)
PJR Pullover 3 x 10 (I often do these before dips as it gives the front delt a rest after all the overhead and pressing work)
Parallel Bar Dips 3 x 8-10 (triceps are now fatigued so you don’t need to go as heavy with these so saves elbows a bit)
DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10-12 (Try and do them strict until the last set when it’s just a matter of pumping blood and taking the pain lol)
Squat 3 x 3-5
Leg Press 3 x 10 -12
Romanian Deadlift 3 x 5-7 (If I was doing conventional deadlits I would do them as the first exercise)
Leg Curl 3 x 8-10
Calf Raises 4 x 12-20
Weighted Pullups 3 x 5-7 (grips can vary to avoid elbow problems)
DB Bent Over Row 3x 8-12 (I’ll often work up to more then 3 sets of same weight but this is a good place to start)
Supinated Grip Lat Pull Downs 3 x 10-12 (focus on pulling elbows into the ribs without using your biceps.Think of a pullover action)
EZ Bar Curls 3 x 6-8 (EZ Bars are easier on the wrists)
DB Incline Curls 3 x 8-10
You could change exercises for the 2nd round of P/P/L if you wish but if just starting out on this type of split I’d leave it the same at least for 4-6 weeks.
You could do legs on the Saturday then rest Sunday or you could just take the weekend off.
Would you prefer the full body above your post or the PPL u suggested? This is for initial novice gains and my main goal is hypertrophy/gaining weight but strength gains in the basic compounds.
[quote]drew7 wrote:
Would you prefer the full body above your post or the PPL u suggested? This is for initial novice gains and my main goal is hypertrophy/gaining weight but strength gains in the basic compounds.[/quote]
if your a novice you should probably focus on building up your strength first. worry about the isolation later.
[quote]drew7 wrote:
Would you prefer the full body above your post or the PPL u suggested? This is for initial novice gains and my main goal is hypertrophy/gaining weight but strength gains in the basic compounds.[/quote]
If you are an absolute beginner then I would recommend a full body workout 3 days per week. Your typical Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine.
I wouldn’t split the days into 3 separate sessions though.
Usually what happens is you break it into 2 workouts. Some would call this an A,B,A,B type routine.
Have a read of the article below then get started on this program straight away. Don’t mess around.
The way this is laid out is to do just 3 exercises per workout but it’s quiet common for lifters to add Dips to one workout and Pullups to the other and that would be my recommendation as well.