[quote]knee-gro wrote:
[quote]Flip91 wrote:
So you recommend doing something like this?:
Monday - Upper body (chest,shoulders,tris,bis,back) POWER
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - lower body (Hamstrings,quads,abs,lower back?) POWER
Thursday - off
Friday - Upper body (another rep scheme)
Saturday - off
Sunday - lower body (another rep scheme)
Exercises?? help me out with this 
bent over row
shoulder press
chin ups
bis and tris
something like this?[/quote]
I don’t like to to squats and deadlifts in the same session, but some people can take it. Listen I had some good gains with a split like the following:
-Decline bench
-pullups or rack chins
-OH Press
-Bent over Row or T-Bar row or something
-Smith Machine Close Grip Press
-DB Curl
You can pair 2 exercises at a time if you wish, just make sure it doesn’t screw with your bench setup
-BB Squat (Back, front, whatever)
-Glute Ham Raises or Pull-Throughs or sumo leg presses or something. Romanian deadlifts are also an option, but don’t go too heavy on these.
-Standing or seated calve raises
Then you can throw in some Bulgarian Split Squats or lunges, back raises… if you wish you can do like lateral raises and/or some rear delt exercise if you feel your shoulders aren’t getting enough work
-BB or DB Bench or maybe chest dips
-Machine row or DB rows
-HS Bench Press or perhaps a high incline shoulder press on the smith
-Chins or pulldowns
-French Press
-BB Curl
Again, you can pair exercises if you want
-Deadlift (conventional, sumo, whatever)
-Leg press, Hack Squat, Front squats, split squats, whatever. Use something that dosen’t stress the lower back too much here.
-Seated or standing calf raises
Again, throw in some back raises (reverse hypers would be better if you have the option) and whatever exercise you want for rear and medial delt if you wish. Don’t do them if you gonna work your upper body the next day though. Avoid overlap.
You can use different rep ranges for each day, light upper/heavy upper for example, or not. Up to you.
You can also make both deadlifts and squats heavy, and the succeeding exercises light (or medium, whatever)[/quote]
This looks good, although I don’t do the antagonistic pairings I just do chest, then shoulders then tris, then I do back and bis. If you take enough time between exercises you’ll still be able to put up max poundages even if the supportive muscles are somewhat fatigued, your call though.
I love CG’s on the smith. You could also do reverse grip smith instead of the french press on the second day. Sumo leg presses are great if you do them right also.