Is Poliquin Insane?

I’m not quite sure how that could NOT be disrespectful. Either you’re saying he died at 57 from a heart condition as a result of his health practices, which would be disrespecting his knowledge, or you’re attempting to employ a pre-existing heart condition as a means to discredit his knowledge, which would be disrespecting the man himself.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling disrespect if that’s how you feel.

Zero evidence for this… your anecdotal experience doesn’t count

Exactly… the metabolic fuel we’ve had for millennia is now “dirty”

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From personal experience, I can tell you that heart failure is a real bitch.

I have an anomaly in my circumflex where it runs through the atrial/ventricular groove, which when combined with some myocardial hypertrophy, has resulted in 1 near/fatal cardiac event and a few more pretty damn serious bumps in the road.

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I felt I couldn’t look or function my best on a very low carbohydrate diet. But I knew some who seemed to find the other best.

In 1996 Peter D’Adamo wrote a book, Eat Right 4 Your Type. He believed each of the four different blood types responded different to different diets. Those with blood type O could eat large quantities of meat. I was blood type A, they responded to more carbohydrates for fuel. I got significantly weaker on very low carbohydrate diets.

Have you considered that your blood type might be an indicator of the type of diet that serves your best body composition and function?

Just another thought to throw in the mix.

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This cat thinks that knowing something about macros is gonna keep our bodies from doing what they have done for hundreds of thousands of years.


Very briefly, before entirely discarding it. Especially given I have A positive blood type.

But as you’ve said: some folks respond differently than others. I feel I had an advantage of being low carb for so long that it didn’t take much effort for me to become fully fat adapted. I do beleive part of the issue is that, the longer one remains carb fueled, the longer it takes to transition off of it.

I noticed the same effect going the opposite way. When I first tried a high carb refeed, I felt like I got hit by a bomb, and had to immediately lay down and nap somewhere. After enough refeeds, I stopped feeling that way, and now seem able to switch between the two fuel sources without issues. I’ve heard a good analogy being that it’s like a switch for the train tracks. When you don’t throw the switch often, it gets rusty and stuck. The more you employ it, the smoother the switch.

We suddenly prefer grains…

We’re like those big ass diesel engines. We’ll run on anything.

That tracks pretty well with both the seasonal availability of different food sources and the greater climatic changes that have taken place throughout human history.

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Money observation there. Our lifestyles don’t align with our biology. The constant availability of food is so alien. I shouldn’t be able to eat avocados in February in Nebraska, and if I ever managed to actually score a handful of cashews out in the wild somehow, I would have worked so hard to get them that I EARNED all that energy…and I’d never see that many cashews again for the rest of my life.


We can… but I prefer optimally

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The world’s largest cashew tree is 150 years old and covers more than 2 acres.


That’s nuts!

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The gift of hunger! Who would have guessed that living in a post scarcity first world nation could be the undoing of so many?

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These topics again… On every group for more than 50 years and we still aren’t making the right questions… I know that repeating what we hear is easier but… God…

“Assuming you are at a desired weight” while the topic says Poliquin is insane for suggesting 50g carbs a day, sounds weird to me as many others…

Fats and Carbs are energy sources. Period. One is diesel which lasts quite a bit and the other is nitro and will last a fart. You’re gonna burn the one your body chooses according to fast/slow/short/long demand. THAT’S a healthy metabolism instead of one burning just carbs while carring 40+ kilos on fat reserves no matter what you do… All these different mechanism (burn and storage) start close related but during childhood and/or growth, some food or rutines (which we inherit), could damage the whole thing so, you first should check which one ends up being neglated on your own body and eat accordingly… Why is that a surprise…?

That’s more appropriate and helpful than saying “eat carbs to get energy”… And even dare to call it clean…

Longevity…? The longest-lived people we can find today are from villages that, mostly, had a diet of 20-25% protein, 20-25% carbohydrates and 60-50% fat during the last 10 thousand years. Mediterranean food is pretty high on fats… What a gringo on Keto refers to as “drinking fats” on IG, is the same quantity of oil of a regular every day side dish in Italy… And again: do not confuse living more years thanks to better hygiene and having been away from infections for longer times, with having a “perfect diet from instagram”… And I bet they lived longer thanks to their DNA and rutine than their diet…

Maintaining muscle…? There are many African males from poor ancient tribes with more muscles than many of us here and they never saw a gym nor a fitness magazine… Not to mentiong a whey shake… Again is more related to DNA than diet BUT, as weird as it sounds, the only thing they need to lose them all is to implement a S.A.D. diet for long time as many anthropologists have already recorded …

We should stop spreading nonsense, ask the right questions and listen to the body instead of banging the same pre planned meal on every human on earth.

Some of us works better on X fuel and/or rutine than others. We should have understood it by now.

I used the blood type food recommendations for fat loss for six months once. Felt really good, still use it as a guide.
Think the blood type theory is underrated…somehow didnt reappear, yet.

Intriguing… what was the eating plan ?

The dude who invented it says that your blood reacts differently to various types of food depending on your blood type, with some foods causing negative reactions. I’m type 0 so got to eat lots of meat. Worked for me :sunglasses:

Here’s a high level copy past from web MD:

O blood type diet

This is a high-protein diet that’s heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, fruits, and vegetables, while light on grains, beans, and dairy. If your goal is to lose weight, you’ll want to avoid carbohydrates. Instead, choose seafood, kelp, red meat, broccoli, spinach, and olive oil. D’Adamo also suggests taking various supplements to help with digestive troubles and other issues he says people with type O blood tend to have.

A blood type diet

Type A blood types are advised to stick to a vegetarian diet full of fruits and vegetables, tofu, beans and legumes, and whole grains — ideally, organic and fresh — because D’Adamo says people with type A blood have a sensitive immune system.

Vegetables, pineapple, olive oil, and soy are best for weight loss, while dairy, wheat, corn, and kidney beans may lead to weight gain, he adds.

B blood type diet

If you have type B blood, a mixed diet that includes meat, fruit, dairy, seafood, and grains is thought to be best. Foods to avoid include corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Chicken can also be problematic, D’Adamo says. The list of foods to eat more of includes green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy.

AB blood type diet

Foods to focus on for this blood type group include tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. D’Adamo believes that people with type AB blood tend to have low stomach acid and because of that, should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked or cured meats. Some dairy products, such as yogurt and kefir, are also good for this group.

What were your results ??