[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
Here is my bogus degree list:
Psychology- Degree of crazy bitches everywhere
History- Who cares about this shit
Sociology- Total junk
women’s studies? WTF is this shit?
General studies
Anthropology- Ooooh you saw gorillas in the mist once?
I’m on the fence with exercise science and kinesiology
None of those are bogus. The question is: will it be worthwhile to you after you graduate? If it doesn’t help you get to the career you want, then it probably wasn’t worth spending money to get a degree in. But that doesn’t quantify calling any of them bogus. Even general studies could be worthwhile if you need to sample everything before deciding what you want to do. Doesn’t mean you still couldn’t go on to get a grad degree in something.
To OP, I’d adjust his list to: degrees not worth studying unless you’re going to grad school or want to be an artist of some sort. And I’d add kinesiology to it, only because I don’t think it would help you get much but a PT job which could be done in a fraction of the time and money getting a certificate instead of a degree.
As far as doing it just so you can get “big and buff”, my question is, have you not read any of the articles here? All the info you need can be found on this site right now. You don’t need to go to school and spend thousands to figure out what you should do, just do a little research and put what you find out into practice. Go check out the beginners forums, too.