I'm second year kinesiology student and wanted to know what the rest of you guys have done with similar degrees? Basically im just looking at career options. I want to do more with my degree after I finish my bachelors and am thinking that I want to go to the states for it.
Hello Twisted i would be interrested in asking you some questions.
I plan to go to kinesiology next year to boost my school stats and apply to chiro school after.
How do you find the program? Some people i know that have done the program finish it with what seem to me basic knowledge.(My goal is not at all to insult you nor that i think that this formation is a bit simplist). It’s just that the majority of people i know who have that degree learned nothing that is groundbreaking method.
I know the majority of people who enter university doesn’t know a shit about triple linear periodization, specific training and anatomy stuff.
My real questions is: Is the program worth the cost? Did you learn for your money? Would you do the same if you were 2 years ago?
I have a degree in kinesiology and can honestly say that it gives you the broad foundation needed to progress to something more specific. If you want to be a trainer, get the BKin and then a bunch of certifications. If you want to do something more, then plan on going into a graduate program. I have talked with alot of people about this and a bachelor’s degree isn’t worth much, unless you have a ton of quality, practical experience. Good luck.
The first year I went to university I took general sciences and only this year specialized taking mostly biology/anatomy and physiology courses. These courses are not aimed towards training as of yet and although it may different in quebec the anatomy course I am taking is known to be VERY challenging ie spending 6-10 hours in the lab ontop of normal lab hours to study is the norm. nm the class itself. Would I do it again, I most certainly would but I would have gone straight into it as opposed to taking a year to decide. I am using the kines as a stepping stone into chiro or sports medicine or something of the sort mind you. My degree is a Bsc so it will be in genetics/kinesiology. Hope that helped.
I am graduating this semester with Kinesiology. Just like any other bachelors degree, it gives you basic knowledge you need on the subject to succeed. If you really want to be a good coach etc then you need to a ton more outside of school. I read alot and train alot. I always say I get the most knowledge out of my training but that would not be possible if I did not have some knowledge of what is happening physilogically and on a neurologically. If you want a job on the college level you have to have a masters, know somebody in the profession, and have a CSCS. For physical therapy you need to go to PT school. For chiropractic go to chiropractor school, and get ART certified too, very popular now and works great. I forgot what you said you were interested in so I included as many things as I could think of. Good luck it is a great field if you truly love it. The learning never ends.