Is It Time to Reset/Deload?

[quote]RampantBadger wrote:

for madcow just google it and there is a spreadsheet where its all worked out for you.

‘The Strongest Shall Survive’ by Bill Starr is the classic on this type of training and Texas method was first written up in rippetoe’s ‘Practical Programming’[/quote]

Awesome I’m stick on current routine for about 7 more weeks or so and see where I’m at then go from there since I’m still making progress, but the Texas method might be where it’s at, from what I got it’s geared more towards intermediate and advanced lifters?

[quote]SBerlin wrote:

[quote]RampantBadger wrote:


from what I got it’s geared more towards intermediate and advanced lifters?[/quote]


Hit 295x5 on squat this week going for 300 tomorrow but OHP stay at 140x5x4x4 hopefully I get it Monday or I’m going to lower the weight