[quote]spar4tee wrote:
Forgot… Hit her.[/quote]
Let me guess… Left the mayo off your sandwich?? Shit is dry. What choice did you have. Woman’s gotta learn.
[quote]spar4tee wrote:
Forgot… Hit her.[/quote]
Let me guess… Left the mayo off your sandwich?? Shit is dry. What choice did you have. Woman’s gotta learn.
[quote]Claudan wrote:
the biggest insult there is to a woman any how is to ignore her. if you have to hit her you got no game [/quote]
Ignored her… then Hit her.
[quote]jbpick86 wrote:
[quote]spar4tee wrote:
Forgot… Hit her.[/quote]
Let me guess… Left the mayo off your sandwich?? Shit is dry. What choice did you have. Woman’s gotta learn.[/quote]
Can’t remember… Hit her…
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]Claudan wrote:
the biggest insult there is to a woman any how is to ignore her. if you have to hit her you got no game [/quote]
Ignored her… then Hit her.[/quote]
ignored her…then hit *it
[quote]Chushin wrote:
There have been allegations that she was spitting in his face.
Could you react non-violently to that?[/quote]
NO. The Dutch, of which I am one, are generally-push overs. Until you spit at us, then you die.
[quote]jbpick86 wrote:
Put GPS tracker on my girls car, she found it, when she asked why I did that I didn’t have a good answer… [/quote]
I award you 100 Internets for bringing this up.
We never got a final answer to what happened there, did we?
[quote]Claudan wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]Claudan wrote:
the biggest insult there is to a woman any how is to ignore her. if you have to hit her you got no game [/quote]
Ignored her… then Hit her.[/quote]
ignored her…then hit *it [/quote]
Had HPV… Hit her…
[quote]spar4tee wrote:
[quote]Claudan wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]Claudan wrote:
the biggest insult there is to a woman any how is to ignore her. if you have to hit her you got no game [/quote]
Ignored her… then Hit her.[/quote]
ignored her…then hit *it [/quote]
Had HPV… Hit her…[/quote]
Turns out to be HSV…hit her again.
You can’t hit a woman in the face, why not they have faces don’t they!
[quote]bdocksaints75 wrote:
You can’t hit a woman in the face, why not they have faces don’t they![/quote]
You know why they have homes for battered women?
Because the don’t fucking listen.
[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:
[quote]spar4tee wrote:
[quote]Claudan wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]Claudan wrote:
the biggest insult there is to a woman any how is to ignore her. if you have to hit her you got no game [/quote]
Ignored her… then Hit her.[/quote]
ignored her…then hit *it [/quote]
Had HPV… Hit her…[/quote]
Turns out to be HSV…hit her again.
Doesn’t choke on dick… Hit her some more.
Females must understand that they arent egual to man and its obvious just by looking at them.An average man can beat like 6-7 women at once.If they want equality they dhould be treated like a man .
[quote]Test Icicle wrote:
There’s a million reasons to hit a woman, just like there’s a million reasons to punch my best friend in the face sometimes, or ram the car of the idiot in front of me who won’t turn right on red. But you don’t do it, because (hopefully) you have a voice in your head that tells you that that’s not how decent people behave.
I was in a highly dysfunctional relationship with a woman who would slap me in public, punch me, destroy my shit, the works. A discussion about what to have for dinner could turn into her calling my mom a “psychotic bitch”. She would argue and I would try to reason or de-escalate. If I tried to leave, she would step in front of me and not allow me to pass. If I pushed by her, she’d jump on my back and wrap her forearms around my throat. The first time I managed to leave without either of us getting too banged up, I came back home and one of my stereo speakers had been tipped over and crushed. She jumped on it until the cabinet collapsed and the drivers crumpled like tissue paper.
Worst it ever got was driving back from my Aunt’s house after X-mas dinner. My Aunt and cousins are good people. My wife starts going off on how she hates to visit them (35 minutes away) every year for Christmas. Starts complaining about the food that’s cooked, about my female cousins and how much she hates talking to them…just a bunch of negative shit for no reason at all. I ask her to just drop it a couple times and she keeps going. I’m doing 65 down the highway in a fucking blizzard with my wife ragging on people I love and I snapped. My right arm goes out and I open palm, stiff arm her face into the passenger window. I held her face there for about 10 seconds because right thent I needed nothing more than for her to shut the fuck up.
That was the only time I ever was physically aggressive with her. I guess that makes me a piece of shit wife-beater. At that moment in time, given those circumstances, I’m strangely ok with that.
What happened after you pushed her face into the window? Did she calm down from that point on or did she just started escalating things even further?
And that sounds awful, and I’m sorry you had to put up with that. What was the eventual tipping point that made you break up with her?
There’s a shelter near me called The Tempura House.
It’s for lightly-battered women.
[quote]Dr. Pangloss wrote:
There’s a shelter near me called The Tempura House.
It’s for lightly-battered women.[/quote]
Ok… You win… ha
[quote]En Sabah Nur wrote:
[quote]Test Icicle wrote:
There’s a million reasons to hit a woman, just like there’s a million reasons to punch my best friend in the face sometimes, or ram the car of the idiot in front of me who won’t turn right on red. But you don’t do it, because (hopefully) you have a voice in your head that tells you that that’s not how decent people behave.
I was in a highly dysfunctional relationship with a woman who would slap me in public, punch me, destroy my shit, the works. A discussion about what to have for dinner could turn into her calling my mom a “psychotic bitch”. She would argue and I would try to reason or de-escalate. If I tried to leave, she would step in front of me and not allow me to pass. If I pushed by her, she’d jump on my back and wrap her forearms around my throat. The first time I managed to leave without either of us getting too banged up, I came back home and one of my stereo speakers had been tipped over and crushed. She jumped on it until the cabinet collapsed and the drivers crumpled like tissue paper.
Worst it ever got was driving back from my Aunt’s house after X-mas dinner. My Aunt and cousins are good people. My wife starts going off on how she hates to visit them (35 minutes away) every year for Christmas. Starts complaining about the food that’s cooked, about my female cousins and how much she hates talking to them…just a bunch of negative shit for no reason at all. I ask her to just drop it a couple times and she keeps going. I’m doing 65 down the highway in a fucking blizzard with my wife ragging on people I love and I snapped. My right arm goes out and I open palm, stiff arm her face into the passenger window. I held her face there for about 10 seconds because right thent I needed nothing more than for her to shut the fuck up.
That was the only time I ever was physically aggressive with her. I guess that makes me a piece of shit wife-beater. At that moment in time, given those circumstances, I’m strangely ok with that.
What happened after you pushed her face into the window? Did she calm down from that point on or did she just started escalating things even further?
And that sounds awful, and I’m sorry you had to put up with that. What was the eventual tipping point that made you break up with her?
I’ve seen this statement before and believe it is put quite well. It goes, “Equal rights means equal lefts.” If some chick is constantly attacking me and destroying my shit, I’m probably going to at the very least slap her.
Like this.
[quote]En Sabah Nur wrote:
What happened after you pushed her face into the window? Did she calm down from that point on or did she just started escalating things even further?
And that sounds awful, and I’m sorry you had to put up with that. What was the eventual tipping point that made you break up with her?
She got quiet. The next day she told me that she was going to move out and live with her mom, that she didn’t feel safe with me any longer, that I was a monster, what kind of man would hit a woman, etc. She never did, but the bloom was off the rose of our relationship. Both of us checked out a bit after that.
It was a tipping point for sure. I think part of her realized that I couldn’t be counted on to side idly by when she was verbally abusive any more. Her behavior became more passive-aggressive and she laid off the physical stuff for a long time. Years later, she got stopped by TSA after an officer saw her slap me in the Maui airport. We were divorced within the year.
It’s a tough call, because the law does not treat men and women equally in this regard.
Trust and believe, that if a woman is hitting and punching on you and you just stand there, the moment you push her to get her off you (not hit her, but just shove her away from you), you are going to jail for battery. You can explain your case to the cops, but you will do so while being cuffed.
I had an ex punch me, taunting me that if I hit her back, my prior felony record would have me back in the clink for a good while. I was in a pretty fucked situation, so as I stood there getting punched, I had to think quickly. I realized I could pull a football swim move and head out the door.
There should be some legal footing for men to at least be able to defend themselves, maybe not unload on her like Clubber Lang, but do something.
[quote]SuperVillian wrote:
Never, but it’s not as cut and dry as my response implies.
My mother was physically abusive, I remember changing for gym and having to explain belt marks up and down my back to my classmates. She was called in to meet with the principal after I broke down one day and I had to lie and say I made the whole thing up because I was afraid of what would happen to me. I also watched my mom scream and swear in my dad’s face daring him to hit her on a regular basis until they finally got divorced.
I’ve had a girl I was dating hit me in the face at a party because I wasn’t paying attention to her, another girl hit me in the face in front of her roommates because I said an actress on TV was hot, a different girl hit me in the face at a bar for taking too long to go to the bathroom because she assumed I was hitting on other girls, and finally another girl hit me in the face after breaking up with her at a bar. Other girls have grabbed and or bull rushed me demanding answers to questions or to intimidate me into not leaving wherever we were.
Women are no better then men, when they don’t feel that they are in control of a situation or the other person has challenged their authority on an issue, their character, or personal integrity they have just as much potential to resort to violence. Women commonly reserve this aggression towards men that they have relationships with or random men in public knowing the other person is not in a position to where they can or is supposed to fight back, very similar to a man reserving his abuse of a woman to a private area so she has nobody coming to her aid or an easy way to escape.
‘Your mom must have been dealing with a lot.’ ‘Dude, you just date crazy chicks.’ ‘Haha, you gotta stop fucking them so good and cutting them off.’ These among others are common responses from other people when I open up about these instances from my past, but to simply write off their actions as ‘Bitches be crazy’ isn’t fair, yet it is the reality of living in a modern society.
So when I say it is never okay to hit a woman, that doesn’t mean that it is not ever justified. Women take advantage of the fact that they can say and do just about anything to a man in public or their sons in private with little recourse. As a male you’re supposed to just absorb it, try to walk away, or ‘behave’ better according to their standards no matter how irrational or how skewed in their favor they may be.
Hey man, I’m so sorry your mother was abusive to you and the people around you didn’t protect you from that abuse. It’s not your fault and the abuse from women you’ve gotten since them and the reactions of others blaming you are truly evil.
I’m sorry that we live in a society that excuses and condones the abuse of children, especially male children and adult men who are statistically just as likely to be abused by women as women are by men.
I hope you find what’s deep inside you that’s necessary to remove the abusive and evil people from your life.
Best Regards
[quote]Test Icicle wrote:
[quote]En Sabah Nur wrote:
What happened after you pushed her face into the window? Did she calm down from that point on or did she just started escalating things even further?
And that sounds awful, and I’m sorry you had to put up with that. What was the eventual tipping point that made you break up with her?
She got quiet. The next day she told me that she was going to move out and live with her mom, that she didn’t feel safe with me any longer, that I was a monster, what kind of man would hit a woman, etc. She never did, but the bloom was off the rose of our relationship. Both of us checked out a bit after that.
It was a tipping point for sure. I think part of her realized that I couldn’t be counted on to side idly by when she was verbally abusive any more. Her behavior became more passive-aggressive and she laid off the physical stuff for a long time. Years later, she got stopped by TSA after an officer saw her slap me in the Maui airport. We were divorced within the year.
Mate you did well she needs to learn her place.