Anyone know any information on Iron Reign Barbell Club in Hanover, Maryland?
I moved to to the Baltimore area a couple of months ago and I am trying to find a good powerlifting gym. I found Iron Reign located in Hanover, Maryland listed on Powerlifting Watch but I haven’t been successful in contacting them. Tried to contact them several times by email as directed on their website but nobody has gotten back to me. Also tried calling them. Any ideas?
I went to their website and it says they will give out their address upon an invitation. I have a feeling you don’t really join the gym, but you get invited based on your performance in the Maryland powerlifting scene.
Yes the website does say that they will invite you to join. I belonged to a similar gym in Pennsylvania so I understand how that goes. I have many years of experience with powerlifting so I’m comfortable that I’d fit in there. I just can’t get them to return a message to talk to them about it.