I have been lifting on and off for like 8 years but haven’t been truly consistent all throughout that time. I first started out doing 6x6 straight weight alternating upper and lower body days 6 days a week where I got great results but everything works great when you first start lifting. I then switched to training each body part twice a week with good results and then eventually switched to max ot and then followed by wendler 531 intermixed with westside stuff.
I am trying to figure out if i would be considered advanced or where i stand with what type of training I should be doing. my current stats are a 450 squat, 530 deadlift and 415 bench. would the starting strength 3x5 mark ripptoe be too beginning for me or should I move to a more advanced template such as the madcow or something else. what steps should I take to figure out what type of training i should be doing? thanks
Umm not to be a douch but is your bench really that close to your squat? Because it’s a pretty damn good bench but that’s horrible when it comes to your squat unless you have some injury your not talking about. I recommend looking up smolov or sheiko and fucking brutally attacking your squat its very sub par for your upper body… wait for Larry10 to respond he will be able to help you but you need a bigger squat.
Those are beyond beginning numbers. Why not stick with 5-3-1? And PLEASE, do not mix it with west side. It is meant to do as written. Trust me, been there done that. DE work did nothing for me. If you want to do that, do west side.
Starrs advanced 5x5 is a pretty solid linear progression program I saw gains from. You squat 3x a week, which is probably what you need to bring that lift up to par. Any multi day program that really has you doing a lot of form work would be good to build strength.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Umm not to be a douch but is your bench really that close to your squat? Because it’s a pretty damn good bench but that’s horrible when it comes to your squat unless you have some injury your not talking about. I recommend looking up smolov or sheiko and fucking brutally attacking your squat its very sub par for your upper body… wait for Larry10 to respond he will be able to help you but you need a bigger squat.[/quote]
I find your advice pretty much nailed it.
I’d say you’re at an intermediate level and the rippetoe program wouldn’t work very well for you, it’s straight linear progression and you’d burn out in a couple weeks I imagine.
I’d highly recommend the sheiko programs, start at 29, then 37, then 30, 31… then check back and I’ll tell you what to do next.
They’re ideal for the raw lifters, you squat 2x a week, deadlift once and bench 3x, as well they’re the template for how the majority of russians train, and as a whole, they rule powerlifting… note as a whole, individually it’s a different ball game