[quote]Testy1 wrote:
[quote]Steel Nation wrote:
2007: Went skiing with my best friend and our wives. The last run of the day I decided I was going to get some air off of a jump. Pointed my skis straight down the hill at the start and didn’t cut a single turn until I popped off the top. It was dusk, so visibility was pretty poor, and I got disoriented in the air. Landed with my weight too far back and my right ski shattered. Right boot dug into the snow and popped my femur out of the socket.
What followed was without question the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. Still makes me queasy to think about it. Some little kid went and got the ski patrol, and I laid there in the snow for what seemed like an hour until they got there.
They put me on a sled and GINGERLY took me down the hill. Every bump and turn felt like hot knives in my hip. Then I got laid on a table while we waited for the ambulance.
The ambulance ride was the worst. It seemed like all of Western NY was covered in fucking potholes and the driver was determined to hit every last one of them. On the way to the hospital, the medic examined my hip. He saw something odd sticking up and pushed on it, and it disappeared behind my pelvis. The thing he pushed on was the head of my femur, and if I could have managed it, I would have thrown the guy out of the back of the vehicle. WORST. PAIN. EVER.
Anyhow, long story short, they took me to the hospital, gave me some awesome pain meds, then put me out so they could put Humpty Dumpty back together again. I spent the next 2 weeks on pretty heavy pain meds, and didn’t really come off of them for a month.
2 surgeries, 9 combined months on crutches, and probably 18 months of rehab later and the hip still wasn’t right. Never will be either. I am consoled by the fact that I managed to hit a 605 all-time deadlift PR, 650 single ply squat, and 575 raw squat after the injury. Probably dumb to be lifting like that but I can’t help myself. It’s what I do.
2009: This one really wasn’t my fault…it was my bachelor party. My best friend (same guy as above) and I were out on a boat with another buddy and a few girls. I went out to go tubing, had my run, and was swimming back to the boat. Right as I was about to get on the platform, the guy driving the boat accidentally bumped the boat into reverse. The boat backed over me and my legs got pulled into the prop.
Fortunately, the dumbass that fucked up immediately recognized what he did and hit the kill switch. The boat was probably in reverse for a second or two. I got out of the water and sat on the back for a minute or so to collect myself. Had a few deep gashes on my left leg, my trunks were shredded all the way up to my junk, and my right calf hurt like a motherfucker. It had gotten thumped with the flat side of the prop about a dozen or so times. Over the next several minutes it swelled to the point where I couldn’t walk on it.
After we got off the boat (a few hours later…I soothed my wounds with about a dozen beers), we spent the next 90 minutes driving around Cleveland to find a set of crutches so I could get around. And that is how I spent the rest of my bachelor party: at a strip club…on crutches. at a pool bar…on crutches. It was pretty hilarious at the time, and I still get a chuckle out of it to this day. My wife doesn’t find it nearly so amusing, since I was, after all, nearly castrated by a fucking speedboat.[/quote]
I see by your avi you have let that boating accident in which you nearly died affect your physique goals.
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