Nice try. But nope. You have failed to give any real evidence against what I said. But by now, I’m used to you just asserting things without any evidence to back it up, chief.
Let’s see.
Your chief initial problem seems to be that I stated that Bodybuilding is not a strength sport, and that BBers are not particularly strong, and that
So, that’s an opinion of yours, with no evidence.
In my experience, and apparently the experience of a few others, BBers are not particularly strong as a rule, and the goal of the sport is in fact NOT to gain strength, but to achieve an aesthetic and a certain level of hypertrophy depending on the category.
You didn’t manage to prove anything, and you failed to gain popular support - as if that is a legitimate way of arriving at a correct answer.
I did provide examples to prove my point. And you provided none to contradict it.
So, try again or go away. Either way, you have lost the argument thus far.
who cares?
I just posted a link to an article by a professional power lifter, that refutes everything you said. But unfortunately for our discussion, the mod here deleted my post because it was a link to another strength site. So, I guess there’s no way for me to show you any evidence to back my argument.
Links to strength/nutrition/supplement blogs or sites are not allowed, as per forum policy. The article you were linking to was “I’m a Professional Powerlifter. Here’s What I Think About Bodybuilding” by Ben Pollack on Barbend. (The way to refer to those types of posts in the future.)
However, I don’t actually see anywhere that refutes the points @hardartery brought up, so you might want to copy/paste the specific paragraphs you’re referring to.
There are plenty of examples refuting the idea that “One cannot get body builder sized muscles without being strong.” Zane, Nubret, Reeves, Dillet, Flex, Sarcev, and Vince Taylor off the top of my head.
EDIT: And this discussion really should be taken to the separate thread that was created rather than further hijacking sublime’s TRT question:
This whole argument boils down to one’s opinion of what is “strong”.
It’s so damn subjective that the whole question is basically up to opinion, if anything.
Oh, estrogen is MORE ANABOLIC than testosterone now?
YOU FUCKING GUYS, I SWEAR TO GOD, this fucking forum.
Broderick Chavez would love to have a talk with you, lmfao.