Hey there,
Seeing plenty of ‘CrossFit’ hype around at the moment, and have seen some great results on friends physiques as of late…
I’m looking into incorporating it into my workout routine. Skeptical to go full time CF as I don’t see enough recovery time in full body (most) daily training, but thinking adding 2 CF days a week on to my 3 day split program.
I’ve been using a 3-day split for ages: 3 days on, 1 off (5days weight training, 3-4 cardio-boxing/ week)… I like to hit the same body part every 4-5 days, and have had reasonable results.
My aim over the last 12 months was to lean up, and have dropped a max of 14kgs. From 90kg (10bf) down to 76kg (5.8bf). I now weigh 78kg at 7bf
I’m still want to stay lean and add a lil more lean muscle (as we all do) plus add to my fitness.
This is my proposed programme:
Monday- Push + Boxing PM
Tues- Legs
Wed- Pull + Boxing AM
Thursday- Off/ Light Cardio AM
Friday- CF Lower
Saturday- CF Upper
Sunday- Day off
I wonder if mixing up the CF in between weight sessions will be more beneficial than together? Or even add another CF day?
Also I wonder if this allows enough recovery time?
Any experience or results with this training mix would be greatly appreciated, any constructive criticism is encouraged.