I'm Happy That I Dirty Bulked


You must be really black because I don’t see your pics.

[quote]Sarev0k wrote:

[quote]hairygorillaguy wrote:
So how much does your fatass weigh now?[/quote]

6 foot 3, ~230 - 235 lbs, and 11% bodyfat. I dieted down for a contest in mid Oct but had to cancel late sept. My leanest was late sept, I was 200 lbs and 7 point pinched at ~8-9% bodyfat.

Thanks! ;)[/quote]

Congrats - you must look monstrous at that height and weight - excellent! :slight_smile:

Can you give examples of what you ate? Did you incorporate cheat meals? Thanks.

1)Eating crap like chocolate cakes, kebabs, burgers, snickers is no good for mass. Why? cause when I eat one of this dirty stuff I simple can’t eat nothing more for next 3 hours. I’m simple not hungry. BUT when I eat a 250g of rice & 200g of chicken breast, after about one hour I’m hungry again and I can eat rice with tuna for example, so two big meals in 3 hours. what’s better for mass??? second option. Or I can simply in one minute eat 250g of dried fruits not a pizza - it’s about 190g of easy carbs.

2)What is so hardcore in “dirty bulking”??? I ate all fast-food things for all my live with big fucking pleasure. It’s really easy for me to go and eat two big pizzas and after that drink a milk. So I consider this as a easy road. More difficult for me is to eat as much rice and tuna or chicken as I need, to get what two pizzas will give me. That’s more hardcore way. So people should stop thinking that dirty bulk is cool… No it’s just the simplest way and they aren’t bad asses

3)Rice,meat are cheaper in my country than fast-food & pizzas.

4)All this hawt ABZ guys, I think that they all know nothing about dieting, they know nothing about training and even on juice they will be small and they’re all just seasoners. So why care so much about them??? fuck them. Beginners who have dedication to BB, beginners who work hard, who eat like there is no tomorrow they should be more important, AND FOR THEM DIRTY BULK is something DANGER.

I don’t know anyone besides @Artem from nickname, but I see here a few avatars with fat people on it, and I know that they work very hard, but they don’t look as a bodybuilders. Why is that? cause I read more about eating burgers twice a day than eating rice and chicken 4 times a day.

5)People who once fall in love with dirty bulking (who is nice and easy in my opinion, like I said) don’t know where to stop. “Never ending dirty bulk story” simple CAN’T BE HEALTHY for them. And yeah, people look big after that but they are not athletes, they’re not BBers, they even don’t look healthy for me. Cutting and bulking are two tools of BB, and I simple don’t get it why people use only one of that tool in so long time.

6)I need to clarify something also. What is bulk for me? Ideal bulk ends on about 20% of BF, BF consist of unused carbs, and clean unused calories - not chocolate or pizzas or kebabs. Bulk not too long - when people tell you that “you look like juicer” it’s a good time to reduce something. I don’t eat pizzas, burgers, kebabs, cookies. I eat cottage cheese (I eated 750g of it before bed yesterday), I eat macaroni, I eat a tons of dried fruits.

And obviously I eat all kinds of meat - fat porky, beef, chicken breasts etc. I eat all eggs daily. And from time to time I drink a milk and a lots of linum oil/fish oil and a lots of honey. In my country I was called a dirty bulker, but compared to T-Nation I feel like my bulk is very clean. So I really don’t see where the line between clean & dirty is…

But I’m also just 1,5 year in this way of life. I’m quite big (definitely no near my goal) compare to other people in my society, so I don’t need to be hurry right know. All I know in this topic, after 1,5 year, is what I wrote above. And that I gain more muscle in my way, than dirty bulking way. It’s obviously that I can change my mind, but for today - I’m against dirty bulk, cause normal bulk can do the trick also, and body after that simple looks better. And I just fucking hope that my english isn’t to fucking poor and you can understand something.

[quote]Simonidas wrote:
1)Eating crap like chocolate cakes, kebabs, burgers, snickers is no good for mass.[/quote]

You consider kebabs which are essentially skewers of grilled meat and vegetables not good for mass? And you lumped it together with chocolate cake and snickers?


[quote]therajraj wrote:

[quote]Simonidas wrote:
1)Eating crap like chocolate cakes, kebabs, burgers, snickers is no good for mass.[/quote]

You consider kebabs which are essentially skewers of grilled meat and vegetables not good for mass? And you lumped it together with chocolate cake and snickers?

Retarded. [/quote]

also what is wrong with a burger?

[quote]therajraj wrote:

[quote]Simonidas wrote:
1)Eating crap like chocolate cakes, kebabs, burgers, snickers is no good for mass.[/quote]

You consider kebabs which are essentially skewers of grilled meat and vegetables not good for mass? And you lumped it together with chocolate cake and snickers?

Retarded. [/quote]


I believe that the word “bulk” has ceased to have any agreed upon meaning on the site and/or is such a loaded term that everyone brings their own definition to the table, much like the word “functional”

Once you add the words “clean” or “dirty” it injects even more confusion.

To “bulk” is to eat a surplus of calories with the purpose of aiding muscle growth. I believe Synergy in his thread considered a BF% of 15 or greater to be bulking. Others might consider %20 bulking depending on what they carry day-to-day.

I think one of the most important take-aways from this is that there is no good evidence that you can “force” muscles to grow by taking in ever growing amounts of nutrients beyond what they require. I think for this reason, most “bulks” tend to be misguided in their intent, if not their practice.

[quote]Dr. Pangloss wrote:
I believe that the word “bulk” has ceased to have any agreed upon meaning on the site and/or is such a loaded term that everyone brings their own definition to the table, much like the word “functional”

Once you add the words “clean” or “dirty” it injects even more confusion.

To “bulk” is to eat a surplus of calories with the purpose of aiding muscle growth. I believe Synergy in his thread considered a BF% of 15 or greater to be bulking. Others might consider %20 bulking depending on what they carry day-to-day.

I think one of the most important take-aways from this is that there is no good evidence that you can “force” muscles to grow by taking in ever growing amounts of nutrients beyond what they require. I think for this reason, most “bulks” tend to be misguided in their intent, if not their practice.

Anyone even attaching a specific body fat percentage to it is missing the point. Bulking ONLY means to put gaining muscle as the top priority. Period. That is ALL it means. You just had some guy state that meat on a stick is now “dirty”…which is why anyone with sense would realize that using the term “dirty bulk” is a mistake to begin with. It means nothing because it has no real definition.

If I eat my own cooked food all day long and get a hamburger right after lifting, I am suddenly “dirty bulking”? Really? Because hamburgers are bad now?

The entire idea is ridiculous.

You just had one state that his half assed two meals a day of whatever the hell he wanted was “bulking up”. That has NEVER been the definition of bulking up in bodybuilding.

If these fuckers would quit trying to change the meaning of words that have been around for decades before they ever heard of the gym, all of this nonsense would stop.

From an observational standpoint, I see more guys succeeding in strength and size when they aren’t trying to stay super strict on their nutrition plan when ‘bulking’.

[quote]Teledin wrote:
From an observational standpoint, I see more guys succeeding in strength and size when they aren’t trying to stay super strict on their nutrition plan when ‘bulking’.[/quote]

Exactly why there need not be a bodyfat limit or number attached to bulking, it simply is eating to grow.

[quote]Teledin wrote:
From an observational standpoint, I see more guys succeeding in strength and size when they aren’t trying to stay super strict on their nutrition plan when ‘bulking’.[/quote]

Me too…but you always have the other guys who eat nothing but pure crap who barely even train right who run around telling everyone their new extra fat ass is because they “bulked up” and not because they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing.

“Dirty bulk” has never been a term used by me to describe anything I am doing. It is some bullshit term made up in only the last 5-10 years by newbs. No one in the 80’s or 90’s was worried about “eating clean” because the goal was to eat in whatever way provided the results they were after.

The only reasn this shit exists right now is because you have newbs who think their goal is to hit 6% body fat before they ever gain any muscle at all.

Somehow “15%” is now seen as some insanely obese number.

It is like the goal of gaining the most muscle possible has now taken backseat to those running around bragging about how “clean” they ate…as if that means anything.

If the guy next to you gained 100lbs of muscle in the time it took you to gain 40, he fucking wins. No one cares whether he ate “dirty” to do it…which now apparently means meat on a stick.

:slight_smile: I never understood how 15% makes you immediately fat …

Body fat percentages get thrown around wayyyy too much. The ironic thing is, again from an observational standpoint, the guys throwing around this bullshit are above the 15% body fat mark … AND/OR … haven’t gained a lb of lean mass in the past year despite what they want to believe.

Thread is useless without pics.

[quote]therajraj wrote:

[quote]Simonidas wrote:
1)Eating crap like chocolate cakes, kebabs, burgers, snickers is no good for mass.[/quote]

You consider kebabs which are essentially skewers of grilled meat and vegetables not good for mass? And you lumped it together with chocolate cake and snickers?

Retarded. [/quote]

common now. You ever eat a fast food on a city??? Kebabs are full of fat meat, older than you are, full of salad cream, sauces. Onions and FUCKING cucumber is really great for mass, and full of vitamins… for sure.

And I don’t know what is in US, but in Poland hamburgers are not made of MEAT, that meat is from chicken skins,fat etc.

And everything full of saturated fat.

Are you just stupid or blind???

[quote]SuperSonic wrote:
Thread is useless without pics.[/quote]

you look like you lift weights. You and Teledin should feel free to post more.

Good work man.

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:

[quote]therajraj wrote:

[quote]Simonidas wrote:
1)Eating crap like chocolate cakes, kebabs, burgers, snickers is no good for mass.[/quote]

You consider kebabs which are essentially skewers of grilled meat and vegetables not good for mass? And you lumped it together with chocolate cake and snickers?

Retarded. [/quote]

also what is wrong with a burger?[/quote]

If I remember well you’re the one who look like a hamburger in previous avatar…

[quote]Simonidas wrote:

[quote]therajraj wrote:

[quote]Simonidas wrote:
1)Eating crap like chocolate cakes, kebabs, burgers, snickers is no good for mass.[/quote]

You consider kebabs which are essentially skewers of grilled meat and vegetables not good for mass? And you lumped it together with chocolate cake and snickers?

Retarded. [/quote]

common now. You ever eat a fast food on a city??? Kebabs are full of fat meat, older than you are, full of salad cream, sauces. Onions and FUCKING cucumber is really great for mass, and full of vitamins… for sure.

And I don’t know what is in US, but in Poland hamburgers are not made of MEAT, that meat is from chicken skins,fat etc.

And everything full of saturated fat.

Are you just stupid or blind??? [/quote]

Post pics.

[quote]Simonidas wrote:

If I remember well you’re the one who look like a hamburger in previous avatar…


Dude, really?

Your defense of your argument is personal insults?

Sure hope you look better than him under that shirt if that is your stance…

I’ve got photos in my profile all the time

after all, and that’s nothing personal, I just don’t get it why fat people give advice that someone should eat an hamburger…